Michael Reagan Slamming Jihadis & 9/11 Truthers - Kill Jihadi Babies!
WARNING! This video is actually a Ron Paul thing, I just liked everything Michael Reagan had to say. so pay no attention to the weird shit at the end…
WARNING! This video is actually a Ron Paul thing, I just liked everything Michael Reagan had to say. so pay no attention to the weird shit at the end…
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Michael Reagan for VP!!!
June 16th, 2008 at 9:57 amWTF’s with the Rhue Paul shit at the end? Got news for you…I work with hard-charging troops and they don’t support Rhue Paul. They think he’s high on on CDS. I hear comments like dimented, fucktard, insane, idiot and dipshit, when the troops comment on Rhue Paul. There aren’t a whole lot of Obamination supporters either.
But I digress…
They’ll be peace in the ME when Islam is no more. That won’t necessarily involve killing everyone in the ME. You’d have to do the ME like we did Japan and Germany to accomplish “peace”.
As to Islamic Hitler Youth? Remember who were the last hold-outs in Berlin? They were Hitler Youth and Muslims.
And who was attacking allied forces during the immediate postwar years? That’s right…Hitler Youth.
We executed a bunch of these so-called Wolverines in 1947. The youngest was 14. All were tied to a stake and executed by firing squad.
The Russians, and the rest of the allies were just as ruthless.
Hizbollah Hitler Youth deserve the same fate as their Hizzie adult masters…JADAMs and bullets…
June 16th, 2008 at 10:15 amDan…
LOL, I never watched it to the end, heh heh…I just watched the first half and thought he’d do okay…Rhue paul…yeesh, I’m afraid to even look.
June 16th, 2008 at 10:40 am