Weekend Bump: MoveOn.Org Ad: “McCain Wants To Kill My Baby”

June 21st, 2008 Posted By Bash.

WEEKEND BUMP: A new thing we want to try by taking the half dozen or so “Most-Viewed/Commented On/Popular Videos that we ran in the previous week and putting them back up with the rest of the Vids on Saturday Nights…

Let us know, you like the idea? Or No? Speak Out!

That’s basically what they are trying to say here while at the same time proliferating a piece of overblown bullshit. I can’t believe these people are playing this talking point, the “100 Years Iraq War” crap.

Everybody knows what he meant, he explained it several times, but let this be a lesson…these people are counting on the Sheeple to elect Hussein, and so far, no matter how many lies he tells, and no matter how many times things are explained, Hussein is going to count on that mass of blind idiots who don’t give a shit who or what Barack Hussein Obama is, but what he represents to them.

Whether it is the first black president, or the younger guy, or “change”…whatever he represents to them, he is that thing in their mind, no matter his past, no matter his ideals, no matter his politics, no matter what. But, more than anything else, they will be voting “against” something…and this is where a big part of their strategy lies.

And, of course, if you repeat bullshit often enough, and loud enough, people believe it.

Fucking scary, man…

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28 Responses

  1. Cooper

    HAHAHAHA, do people really get swayed by this shit? A few immediate thoughts:
    1. Last time I checked, we do not have a draft in this country, nobody is being forced to war.

    2. There is no possible way for McCain to be in office when that kid is old enough to enlist.

    3. You stupid fucking bitch…while I’m sure you want your son to grow up to be a progressive homosexual who relies on socialized healthcare and European values, I hope your son grows up to love and respect his country so much that he wants to volunteer to join the military, just to spite you for being progressive, gullible, and flat out stupid.

  2. mindy abraham

    Idiot-does she NOT realize it’s a voluteer military and he won’t join unless he wants to. Besides, they will not all be there for 100 years.

  3. mindy abraham


  4. 007

    The scariest thing Is It will take 100 Years to Fix what Obama (DUMBO) Fuck’s up in his first four years!!!!!

  5. Q_Mech

    What the hell does she care? As a democrat, she’ll never serve anything other than herself anyway.

  6. deathstar

    McCain dosnt want to kill your baby but I do.

  7. dad3-7

    what kind of a woman would use her child for a political stunt..hmmmmm maybe one that would strap a suicide belt on her kid and tell him “go get em, and may u have 69 virgins”

  8. One Shot

    Soros needs to be buried soon.

  9. Tom in CO

    And pro-choice obama doesn’t?

  10. Doug

    This coming from a liberal democrat who supports mass murder? Right… I’m surprised she even had the baby instead of knocking it off to go live without responsibility for a few more years. Bitch.

  11. A. S. Wise- VA (George S. Patton Conservative)

    Do you think she would support her child going into the military, be it during war or peacetime? I think not.

  12. Arthuraria

    yet moveon.org supports abortion…how ironic

  13. Goodbye Natalie

    Can anybody tell me what the Dimocratic party platform is but fear? I waffle between most Dimocrats are that stupid or that hypocritical. Probably a lot of both.

    Obama’s platform is apparently devoid of ideas unless the soundbites and “change and hope” mean changing the tax structure to benefit more of the slackers and hoping for more abortions; especially minority babies. :roll:

  14. Marked Right

    Obama and the Democrat’s promote killing baby’s while still in a mother’s womb…..I guess that is ok with this stupid bitch.

  15. Chuck

    Another Obamalamadingdong. :gun:

  16. PDizzle

    I guess I’m just going to echo what everybody else said. This skank reminds me of AWOL, a great book I read recently. Liberal, worthless whores like this and their “precious” children are considered too good for military service.

  17. RIchard Quinn

    It would be interesting to know since 2001 what the ratio is of children killed by abortion vs. the war against terror. Anybody have the stats?

  18. sully

    WHOA.. that’s one ugly chick. No way that baby came from her. Where’s its Daddy? Isn’t one? Er, then.. life partner? Adopted? You mean an aborted baby might have had a chance at life through adoption? Will McCain still be President when this kid is 18?
    Jeez… this ‘ad’ raises more questions than it answers.
    One thing we CAN be sure of is this kid growing up with libnazis, it won’t be aware of an opportunity to think for itself and make its own decisions about whether or not to join the military.

    I hope they keep running the ad through November.
    Stupid MoveOn fucks.

  19. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    This woman is a disgrace to the nation. I feel bad for the baby. He will have a ding-a-ling mother his whole life. Watch, he’ll probabally enlist in the Marines and do well for himself. :lol:

  20. franchie

    “socialized healthcare and European values”

    taratata ! en attendant, we step up in the GDP ranks


    “that’s one ugly chick”,

    can’t see she is an ugly chick, not made up, for sure, as usually the actresses or models are when they perform.

    Though the poncifs of “popular” citizenship are concentrated in that video ; “poorness” and therefore “ugliness” are the dominant impression, that doesn’t quite fit the american dream !

    “No way that baby came from her”.

    of couse, she is an actress, and babies, whose image is used for advertising, are chosen among the photogenious ones

    ‘Where’s its Daddy? Isn’t one? Er, then.. life partner? Adopted? … (ouais, où est mon papa, aux WC ?)… You mean an aborted baby might have had a chance at life through adoption?”

    a resumé of your leitmotiv slogans, though, while they may-be an ideal to maintain, or to reach, they don’t fit the 2008 reality, I am afraid.

    now, not saying I agree with the video message, that aims to “chock” the spirits, just, I like to deconstruction it, and, that is an achieved one for the kind of style.

  21. John H

    News Flash lady. Last time I checked the military doesn’t require permission from mommy slips to do a damned thing. Alex will be the one to decide for himself wether he wants to be a leach like you or a conributer.

  22. Caligula

    :arrow: Deathstar;

    McCain dosnt want to kill your baby but I do.

    HA! that is some funny shit!!

  23. Rob

    I hope her kid joins up and goes into the Army. Dumb bitch. :gun:

  24. Indy

    Don’t worry lady, nobody wants your kid, but he’s free to volunteer when he’s old enough. Unless of course you have screwed him up beyond repair by then. What you ought to worry about is Obama sucking him from your womb before he even has a chance to make up his own mind about anything.Libtards, the mass murderers of our times. They have murdered more human beings then all our wars combined.

  25. POD1

    I want to hold her head under water till the struggling and the bubbles stop.

    Does this make me a bad person?

  26. franchie

    Does this make me a bad person?

    yes, a sexual perverse :roll:

  27. POD1

    :arrow: franchie
    I can live with that.
    I’m filling my bath tub now.

  28. American

    And that kid will probably kill you when he grows up for saying such stupid things.

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