Pope Benedict XVI Sets Up Anti-Terrorist Squad

June 12th, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.


The Vatican has created an anti-terrorist unit in order to guard the Holy See and the pope from a possible attack.

By Malcolm Moore in Rome

Pope Benedict XVI has been threatened with several attacks
Vatican security forces now include an anti-bomb squad and a rapid response team, according to Domenico Giani, the head of the Holy See’s 130-man gendarmerie.

The Vatican will also work more closely with Interpol to gather information on any threats, he said.

The deal with Interpol, the pan-European police agency, will give the Vatican access to a large data bank of suspects and information on the latest anti-terrorism techniques.

Pope Benedict XVI has been threatened with several attacks
Vatican security forces now include an anti-bomb squad and a rapid response team, according to Domenico Giani, the head of the Holy See’s 130-man gendarmerie.

The Vatican will also work more closely with Interpol to gather information on any threats, he said.

The deal with Interpol, the pan-European police agency, will give the Vatican access to a large data bank of suspects and information on the latest anti-terrorism techniques.

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6 Responses

  1. franchie


    who wants a 80 fast senile pope ?

    so, Vatican should move to Avignon (ie middle-age) ; there, the pope will be protected by the Frenchs anti-terrorism legislation

  2. Leatherneck

    Perhaps the Vatican is getting a clue on how we feel.

    Then again…

  3. cathyann


    It’s not the Pope they’re after. It’s those millions of ancient manuscripts and books that extremist want to destroy in order to destroy the history of Christianity.

  4. franchie


    I was also thinking of that ; though I suppose that they save their content on data files, and that the expensive manuscripts are in bank coffers ; question (?)

  5. WJC


    This pope doesn’t seem very senile to me. The fellow is pretty strong.

  6. franchie

    “The fellow is pretty strong.”

    yah, un bon aryen :mrgreen:

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