Quote of the Day…McCain Spokesman On Hussein Chickening Out Of Town Hall Debate

June 13th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


“Barack Obama has more conditions for having a town hall meeting with John McCain than he does for meeting Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.” ~Brian Rogers, McCain Spokesman.

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22 Responses

  1. EDinTampa

    :beer: I WANT MORE OF THIS!


  2. Steve in NC

    Excellent comment.

  3. Jarhead68

    :eek:This could be the “Dan Quayle” quote of the campaign. That was a great quote. I hope Brian Rogers becomes McCain’s press secretary. ROFLMAO :arrow: Hussien the Insane.

  4. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Because he knows he will have his ass handed to him by McCain.

  5. Paula, KY


  6. Nate

    Barack is the worst possible democratic nominee ever. If that man is elected over McCain I might as well move to another country. :shock: I mean for crying out loud the mans middle name is Hussein and his church is anti-american. :sad:

  7. JimC

    Look at how these moonbats are trying to justify Hussein’s cowardice…


  8. Zeke Eagle

    JimC, thanks for the link. We’ll see how tolerant these diversity loving folks are when truth is shoved in their noses.

  9. Kim

    McCain should keep this tactic up and allow his spokesman to keep talking straight and the Obamessiah will be seen for the coward and false prophet that he is. Good work Brian :razz:

  10. mike3481

    :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer:

  11. Poe

    :twisted: Nice.

  12. sully

    well yeah…. this is the same Bambi that has his ‘backdrop’ of Obamabots hand selected for age and typical whiteness

  13. Mike Mose

    Barak, Michelle and the entire Democratic Party know Obama can NOT stand on his own. The Democrat pup is in way over his head. It looks like the Democratic party is too.

  14. POD1

    Obama, the karaoke candidate.

  15. SOC

    All this rhetoric is good but seriously, does anyone know a link or website where we can go to get information on how to help defeat this muslim from becoming president, while there is still time to do so? Help here…

  16. Tom1981

    If Barak Obama is going to be intimidated by a room full of McCain supporters, how is he going to face our enemies at his many anticipated “peace conferences,” hmmmm :?: :?:

  17. Cooper

    Great one liner, but the bigger picture here is the fact that Hussein is going to avoid direct contact with McCain for as long as possible. He cannot afford to have his weak and prone-to-fail policies challenged and exposed at such an early date. He needs to grab all the voters he can before having to actually go into detail about his disastrous policies (which will push voters into the McCain camp, and Hussein knows that).

  18. 1LT JAF

    McCain himself needs to start using that line at every event and force Obama to either meet or the US public will begin to see him as the coward and lightweight that he truly is.

    they need to keep bashing him on every issue from now until November, only by tarnishing Obamboozler’s media halo can we win..

  19. A. S. Wise- VA (George S. Patton Conservative)

    “Barack Obama has more conditions for having a town hall meeting with John McCain than he does for meeting Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.” ~Brian Rogers, McCain Spokesman.


    I also saw McCain’s town hall discussion at NYC, on Thursday. He came across as very sincere.

  20. serfer62

    So when is MacNasty gonna crawl all over Brian for making such a remark?

  21. EDinTampa

    MacNasty will have his days against the Republicans, but now is the time to bring the democRATS down a few notches. But then again, it is still quite a ways from November.

    I know one thing for sure, here in Tampa I get more positive signs with my McCain bumper stickers than I do snares.

    I am looking for MacNasty to bring it to the RATS when the debates start. This should be interesting.

  22. T-Bagg

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    :arrow: Nate,
    “Barack is the worst possible democratic nominee ever. If that man is elected over McCain I might as well move to another country. :shock: I mean for crying out loud the mans middle name is Hussein and his church is anti-American. :sad:”

    I’ve already said, if he’s elected, I’m going AWOL and moving to Canada.

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