Rep. Bill Delahunt Meant ‘No Ill’ With Al Qaeda Comment to Cheney Aide Video Review

June 27th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


I brought this to you late last night.

Seems Fox News has picked up on the Congressman’s bullshit remarks about Al Qaeda to Cheney staffer David Addington …

How and why do these democrats keep getting a damn pass on this type of ignorant and unprofessional behavior. Were this a republican Congressman he would have made a certain ass-clown’s ‘worst person in the world’ list … But we consider the source(s).



A Democratic congressman who was accused of suggesting that Al Qaeda may want to harm a prominent White House official told FOX News he meant “no ill” by the comment.

Massachusetts Rep. Bill Delahunt made the remark Thursday while questioning David Addington, Vice President Dick Cheney’s chief of staff, during a House subcommittee hearing on interrogation policies.

Addington said he couldn’t discuss certain interrogation techniques because “Al Qaeda may watch C-SPAN,” which was televising the hearing.

Delahunt responded: “Right, well, I’m sure they are watching, and I’m glad they finally have a chance to see you Mr. Addington.”

Megan Mitchell, spokeswoman for Cheney, said Delahunt’s remarks were “inappropriate.”

Republican Rep. Steve King, Iowa, went so far as to say Delahunt was “inciting Al Qaeda to violence,” and suggested Delahunt should guard Addington’s family “until the war on terror is over.”

Delahunt told FOX News that King has “a good sense of humor” but “under no circumstances” was he implying during the hearing that Al Qaeda may target Addington.

“That’s absurd. That was not my intent,” he told FOX News. “And I’m sure Mr. Addington knows that was not my intent.”

Delahunt said he was just trying to express that he was glad to see Addington. Delahunt said he recalls saying “I,” not “they,” during the testimony – though the video, broadcast on C-SPAN, shows he was talking about Al Qaeda.

“I’m sure that he understood,” Delahunt said. “I would be surprised if he had any other interpretation other than the one that I suggested I intended. And if he believes in any way I wish him ill, I assure him that’s not the case and I’d be happy to have another conversation with him.”

You judge …

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10 Responses

  1. momps

    I don’t know if anyone heard this grilling…it was downright disgraceful. Delahunt is a douche

  2. CPLViper

    C’mon … he knows what he said. Maybe it was in jest to give a shock to Addington to give him that nervous feeling in the pit of his stomach. Or it could have had more evil intensions. I would probably have to hear how he said it to make a determination.

    Regardless, Delahunt is an idiot.

  3. sully

    i saw the ‘grilling’… Delahunt is yet ANOTHER self absorbed loud mouthed MASS. politician… ain’t never done shit.. ain’t worth a shit
    these are the assholes that will be running the country into the ground in a Bambi administration

  4. 83Delta

    Mark Levin is lookin for your ass you POS!
    Take the phone call from him you gutless Massachusetts inbred!

  5. dad3-7

    another pro-abortion catholic dummyrat who served in the reserves(is that a chicken-hawk??)

  6. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: dad3-7

    Speaking as a lifelong Catholic, I have always found Catholics tend to lean a bit liberal on those socialist views …

    However, the Mass. Catholics are down-right fucking nuts …

  7. dad3-7

    drill….. catholics vote dummtrat by an ave. of 53% in every election… if they would do the opposite abortion would end.. at least for the major numbers..i tooooo have found it astonishing to the willingness of catholics to defend abortion..yet build memorials on church property to the murdered unborn..yet want to defend the terrorists..

  8. Phendlin (Death Rattlers)

    delacunt meant what he said and he knew it when he said it. now he’s trying back out of it. delacunt’s a coward, a liar and a traitor, treat him as such. it is his own mouth that condemns him.

  9. Boo Boo

    Sure, he’s the same type like the NYT (who was requested not to) that exposed the name and employer of a CIA interrogator of KSM. No mass hysteria in the media over that exposure, huh? Remember the hysteria over Valerie Plame?

  10. Brian H

    Backtracking double-talk. He must be auditioning for an Oblabla cabinet post.

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