Report: U.S. Accused Of Holding Terror Suspects On Floating Prisons

June 1st, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


You know what … FUCK these people … FUCK the human rights groups!

I am so damn sick of these ‘human rights’ bastards’ selective indignation.

Israel just swapped a fucking LIVE convicted Hezbollah spy to Lebanon in exchange for … fucking BODY PARTS of their Israeli soldiers! Not one fucking human rights group stuck their nose in to demand:

1.) were the Israeli soldiers alive when obtained by Hezbollah?

2.) how did the Israeli soldiers die?

3.) Body parts? Fucking body PARTS!?!? Why not whole bodies?

I hope we do have fucking terrorists on ships … and I hope they’re puking their guts out with sea sickness


A human rights group (Reprieve) alleges the U.S. has operated detention facilities for terror suspects aboard Naval vessels, according to a published report in a European newspaper Monday.

A study compiled by Reprieve says the U.S. may have used as many as 17 vessels as ‘prison ships’ where terror detainees were subjected to interrogation as part of the acknowledged rendition program operated since 2001, The Guardian reported.

Information from the study was reportedly compiled through a number of sources, including statements from the U.S. military, several European government bodies and interviews with terror suspects.

Among the alleged ‘prison ships’ were the USS Bataan and USS Peleliu and an additional 15 vessels suspected of having operated around U.S. and UK military officials in the British territory of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean.

Clive Stafford Smith, Reprieve’s legal director, said “They choose ships to try to keep their misconduct as far as possible from the prying eyes of the media and lawyers.”

“By its own admission, the U.S. government is currently detaining at least 26,000 people without trial in secret prisons, and information suggests up to 80,000 have been ‘through the system’ since 2001,” Smith told The Guardian.

Commander Jeffrey Gordon, a U.S. Navy spokesman, denied the presence of secret prisons on American ships and told the Guardian it was a matter of record that some ships were used to transport suspects ‘ for a few days’ as part of dentention process.

Gordon refused to comment on reports that U.S. navy vessels stationed near Diego Garcia had been used as “prison ships.”

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11 Responses

  1. Paula, KY

    Right on Drill. Fuck them and the UN too. :gun: :evil: :beer:

  2. John Cunningham

    I would hope that what they’ve been doing is confining them on ships they’re not using anymore. When they fill them up they tow it out to sea and sink it.

  3. Paula, KY

    Just read on Free Republic that Reprieve is funded by George Soros. What a fucking shock :gun:

  4. 0311YutYut

    WHo fucking cares? It makes no difference to me whether they are in a prison in Baghdad, Guantanamo, or on a fucking ship. If they are trying to kill me, then detain them. hese fucking liberals don’t see the fucking consequences of their actions. Three years in Iraq has taught me that these people will kill me. These desicions have a direct impact on my ability to come home. Fuck these human rights groups.

  5. Gandalf

    I still cannot understand why we have any prisoners or detainees. Marksmanship must have really gone downhill with this professional military.

  6. TedB

    Its BS, these are helicopter assault ships not floating hotels. Why is it that there are no sources for these allegations other than ‘claims’ trumpeted by kool-aid drinkers? Could it be there have been terrorists brought aboard? Absolutely, but probably to be transferred, not kept indefinately. Interrogated? Sure, why not? Wouldn’t bother me if they were thrown overboard aft with the rest of the garbage either.

  7. jam

    Prisoners on ships? So what? Are they being keelhauled? If not, why not?

  8. BradW (the Infidel)

    Thos epeople are reading too many Vince Flynn books, and taking fiction for fact. Which as we all know is the norm for libs, socialists, facists, etc.

    Who was that said if you speak a lie often enough, enough people will believe it? I do believe it is credited to one of the NAZI leaders?!?!?!

    Which is also typical of the mind set we are up against. If we ask a serious questions, we are combative and divisive, but when the dhimmicrats make false accusations, or zask pointed questions, they are only involved in honest debate and being patriotic.

    Those bastards are only patriotic to gaining more power and wealth, and trying to help subjugate more people under tyranny…

  9. sully

    “Just read on Free Republic that Reprieve is funded by George Soros. What a fucking shock ”

    Exactly right. And who gives a fuck what The Guardian reports anyway? Way fucking worse than AP, NYT, et al
    Apparently FOX does though….
    Keep one eye on Rupert folks. FOX has gone ‘lite’ too.
    They report about the ‘men of bad faith’ but say NOTHING about what that ‘bad faith’ really is which is the really dangerous shit.
    These guys ‘preaching’ what they do is not some *anomaly* taken ‘out of context’.

  10. Robbie

    Leon Klinghoffer was unavailable for comment.

    I say throw them all overboard.

  11. Phil N Blanx

    I wonder why the left cares so much about the terrorists being held?

    Could it be the left is afraid of what the terrorists might have to say about exactly who was/is supporting them?

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