Scarlett Johansson: Yep … Under The Fuckin’ Bus

June 25th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


The previous Engagement Announcement

Guess the engagement is off. Pity.

Obama’s Emails With Scarlett Johansson

By Shailagh Murray (WaPo)

LOS ANGELES — As he headed to a Hollywood fundraiser, Sen. Barack Obama downplayed the idea that he hobnobs with actress Scarlett Johansson.

The movie star, who campaigns actively for the Illinois senator, recently told the website Politico, “You’d imagine that someone like the senator who is constantly traveling and constantly ‘on’ - how can he return these personal emails? But he does, and in his off-time I know he also calls people who have donated the minimum to thank them.”

She said Obama had responded to one note about a debate, commenting to her that the questions were “silly.”

But speaking to reporters aboard his campaign plane, Obama said the actress doesn’t have his personal email address. “She sent one email to Reggie, who forwarded it to me,” Obama said, referring to his 26-year-old personal assistant, Reggie Love. “I write saying, ‘thank you Scarlett for doing what you do,’ and suddenly we have this email relationship”


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18 Responses

  1. deathstar

    Scarlett Johanson, ditzy airhead beeeeatch.

  2. Irish Gal

    I can hear Michelle screaming about blond whitey… It’s getting rather crowded under that bus… :gun:

  3. AmericanJarhead

    she’s a dumbass.

  4. Lone Wolf

    Where was the upside for Obama with this one? Just watch - he is going to alienate so many voters in so many ways that McGovern vs. Nixon will look like a close election and the only people left in the Democratic Party will be the Kos kids.

  5. Molly

    I don’t think she’s stupid. Like most liberals, she’s delusional.

  6. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    Hey, Scarlett! Nice Hussein fake POTUS Seal imprint on your face, hun!

  7. Steve in NC

    Physically, no problem, nice parts; but I would need a ball gag to do her…..

  8. Molly

    The other funny thing about this is the fact that Ms. Johansson’s twin brother works for the Obama campaign.

  9. deathstar

    [[Scarlett Johanson, ditzy airhead beeeeatch.]]

    Forgot to mention, I still hit it.

  10. deathstar

    [[Scarlett Johanson, ditzy airhead beeeeatch.]]

    Forgot to mention, Id still hit it.

  11. Tom in CO

    What a moron, goodness gracious.

    But yeah, I’d still wreck that chick

  12. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)

    Eh, starlets are supposed to be dopey liberals. It’s a rule or something.

    When you have no understanding of taxes, always have someone taking care of you, and think every problem can be solved by talking about your ‘feelings,’ liberalism actually makes sense.

    And I gotta say, Obama throwing her under the bus only increases my questions about his relationship with Michelle. I guess Scarlett wasn’t enough of a dominatrix for him.

    Although I think Steve in NC has the right idea. Most of my relationships would probably have lasted longer if I could’ve convinced the girl to let me gag her every now and then. Silence is golden, especially since there’s only so much stupidity I can take in a single day.

    When I’m blowing off steam ranting about having to deal with some goat-fucker who thinks camel musk is an adequate alternative to soap, water, and deodorant (and Hasidics are almost as bad), the last thing I need is to be told I’m intolerant of foreign cultures.

    I’m almost ready to move just so I’m not surrounded by liberal fools. The college chicks are the worst. At least the girls with jobs have some idea of what the real world’s like.

  13. JCD

    She’s about 22 years old, so who gives a shit what she has to say, she doesn’t know any more than any other ding dong in their early 20’s.

  14. JCD

    Just for the record though, I think she’s a fantastic actress. She was awesome in Lost In Translation.

  15. Ji

    Why is her opinion greater than mine?
    The only thing she has that I dont, is more money.

  16. Kearny432

    Her politics suck, but unlike most of her peers, she headlined a USO tour to the Persian Gulf to visit the troops, so I’ll cut her a little slack…

    …that and the fact she’s so damn easy on the eyes :wink:

  17. el Vaquero

    Va va Voom….she is mucho better than the rest of the braindead lib chicks especially like the Fatazz’z on the View or Oprah.

  18. Lock and Load

    So much for her great relationship with the Obamination - another liberal deluded Obot. :shock: In the immortal words of MR. T - “I pity the fool” :roll:

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