Sharks in Knee-Deep Waters In Hawaii…Never Seen Them In That Shallow Before

June 13th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

I lived in Hawaii from age 9 through the end of my Coast Guard stint. I fished from shore, boats…did a TON of spearfishing, and rarely saw any shark over 3 feet in length in such shallow water with a sandy bottom. They must have been chasing a school of fish is my guess, but even then. This is sort of odd, but not that “out there.”

Shark behavior in the last couple of years has been more aggressive and they have been in shallower waters as well.

ManBearPig Da Goracle will tell you its global warming, but I think it is a product of La Nina. Natural cycle shit thats been going on from the begininning.

The whole “Man has a hand in climate change” is bullshit.

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7 Responses

  1. RTLM

    Gah! - that voice!

  2. mike3481

    Is shark fishing in Hawaii even allowed anymore?

    Is there…in fact, an over-population of sharks in Hawaii?

    If…if the above is fact…then, the “Men in Gray Suits” are going to show up where the potential food supply is…which includes shallow water. :shock:

    heh…heh…heh :mrgreen:

  3. Rob

    OMG Sharks!!!!That’s PROOF of Global Warming!!!!!

  4. alex

    its very common for them to move into the shallows at night to feed.on the average beach at night wading through the shallows you will have things swimming around your feet.

  5. Bash

    :arrow: Alex…watch the video again…its daylight.

    And I’ve done a lot of night diving and they feed on and near reefs both day and night.

    Not saying this is completely unheard of…but it is an anamoly for Hawaii. Dude, I spent yeras and years in and along the shores there, I’m telling you, you don’t see this shit.

    My theory on the whole increase in shark attacks phenomenon (because it is in a strange uptick, based on my own personal experiences fishing in Hawaii for15 years, and doing my Coast Guard stint in Hawaii and doing Alaskan Fishery patrols, has to do with water current temperatures, and also, more importantly, the food chain is being fucked with.

    These japanese and Korean long liners have been raping the ocean for 30-40 years now. It is the number one reason for the decline in salmon and steelhead stocks in the Pacific Northwest. One thing about Steelhead and salmon is when they leave Pacific Northwest streams as young adults, they return 3-5 years later and one of Earth’s great mysteries is where the hell they go during that time before they come back, it is an unknown, but when they do reappear after 3 years or so they start heading for the Pac NW and via the north Pacific and this is where they are being over-fished ILLEGALLY. This has had a devastating effect on the overall food chain….this is my suspicion.

    Therefore, many species either adapt their feeding patterns and habits, or they go extinct….adaptation seems to be what they are doing.

    Thaty and the Endagered Species Act of 1973 which protected all these fucking pesky Sea Lions, which are no longer endangered (IMHO). They eat the salmon/steelhead and they also make great shark food. We look like them to a shark when we are in the water.

  6. Brian H

    Too bad none of them were ankle-biters …

  7. littlefox

    :arrow: Bash

    You ever want to dive here

    Mahi are runnin now till Sept. :wink:

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