True or False? “Undetermined” Snopes Story: The Mainstream Media, Iraq, Troops, & Upcoming Elections…This’ll Piss You Off

June 25th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


(Pictured) ABC’s Martha Raddatz. So we get a comment from a Dollard Reader, claiming to be a retired Army First Sergeant regarding this report, and he related the following story, which has shown up on Snopes as “Undetermined”…you tell me, Dollard Readers, what’s your take?

From a Dollard Reader “Bud Parker” Retired Army First Sergeant…

My niece, Katelyn, stationed at Baluud, Iraq was assigned, with others of her detachment,to be escort/guard/watcher for Martha Raddatz of ABC News as she covered John McCain’s recent trip to Iraq.

Katelyn and her Captain stood directly behind Raddatz as she queried GI’s walking past. They kept count of the GI’s and you should remember these numbers. She asked 60 GI’s who they planned to vote for in November.

54 said John McCain, 4 for Obama and 2 for Hillary.Katelyn called home and told her Mom and Dad to watch ABC news the next night because she was standing directly behind Raddatz and maybe they’d see her on TV. Mom and Dad of course, called and emailed all the kinfolk to watch the newscast and maybe see Katelyn.

Well, of course, we all watched and what we saw wasn’t a glimpse of Katelyn, but got a hell’uva view of skewed news. After a dissertation on McCain’s trip and speech, ABC showed 5 GI’s being asked by Raddatz how they were going to vote in November…

3 for Obama and 2 for Clinton.

No mention of the 54 for McCain.

Moral of this story: Do not believe ANY Audio, It’s all garbage! Believe ONLY what you witness at an event or happening, then question how they rigged it for slanting!

Bash here: My Grandpa used to put it this way, he’d say “Believe none of what you hear, and only half of what you see, because most of whatyou see is staged anyway.”

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30 Responses

  1. mindy abraham

    :mad: not surprised

  2. momps

    i hope there’s an apology for shitty reporting from a libtard

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    Ha Bash my grandpa used to say the same thing. and its true.

    as for this report, im not a bit surprised but still pissed all the same. i dont know why anyone would doubt this story

  4. Poe

    Not even remotely surprised.

  5. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    Please tell me that’s a bomb vest Martha Raddatz is wearing on her way to work at the ABC News studios …

  6. tedders

    The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.
    Thomas Jefferson

    I do not take a single newspaper, nor read one a month, and I feel myself infinitely the happier for it.
    Thomas Jefferson

    Advertisements… contain the only truths to be relied on in a newspaper.
    Thomas Jefferson

    Of course they didn’t television news in Mr. Jefferson’s day. I’m sure it applies to them however.

  7. tedders

    WOW, go to the report link above then read some of the (currently 450) responses!! Looks like ABC is going to take this one on the chin, as it should!! I read at least 50 responses and not one was happy with the report. Good Americans can see right through the bullshit of MSM.

  8. SOC

    The lying closet muslim, drug using homo has to have a need for the lying, one sided, double tongued media. Americans are not stupid and do not like being lied to. They don’t really trust Hussein the liar.

  9. franchie

    oh, thanks tedders for bringing water to the mill LMAO

  10. Tom in CO

    WOW, I’m getting really close to ending my cable service now…

  11. infidel

    If it’s not true, some media asshole will be fired for not thinking of it!

    Bash, this is what is now known as “reporting”. Delete anything that casts a bad light on what they are promoting.

    It’s really censorship, and the hight of deceitfulness. They’re letting their motives become transparent b/c the want the Obamessiah in the White House so bad, what little integrity they have left to call their own means nothing.

  12. James Hooker "¿en dónde las mujeres blancas?"

    I remember this report and I remember calling bullshit and laughing out loud. I´m not one bit surprised I was right.

    Pray for me….aprox 99% of my cohorts are libs and voting for Obama. My dog loves me, although he´s voting for Ron Paul.

    Fuck ém

  13. afitgrad86

    Almost as outrageous as Michelle Kosinski in Canoe (Check YouTube). :razz:

  14. Atom&Yves

    I haven’t tuned my TV to the network channels for many months now, because of their liberal “ethics” in journalism, and the crap they call programming. Had to register an account just to give them a piece of my mind. FUK’M. :mad: :gun:

  15. Atom&Yves

    I haven’t tuned my TV to the network channels for many months now, because of their liberal “ethics” in journalism, and the crap they call programming. Had to register an account just to give them a piece of my mind. FUK’M. :mad: :gun:

  16. Righteous Anger

    I have two sons, now proudly serving their Country, as US Marines. The older one has served two tours and preparing for his third, to Iraq. The youngest one is into his first tour, and due to return in October. Neither of them, plan on voting for that individual under any circumstance. The MSM would like for everyone to fall down and proclaim Messiah as Prez, me I would rather fall on my sword. Proudly served my tours in Vietnam, and the first Iraq war.

  17. Mike Mose

    Righteous, thanks for raising two proud Americans.
    ABC news, just like all network news and newspapers are defeating themselves everyday. They have no creditability whatsoever. They are the blog makers.

  18. Terry Gain

    Unless McCain raises cane over this report, it doesn’t matter if it’s true. It’s another tree falling in the forest.

  19. Jay

    Not surprised. Had to square my wife away on the real scoop the whole time we were deployed for the Gulf War. CNN did the same thing.

  20. TerryTate

    Didn’t believe the report when I saw it the first time. Smelled the Bullshit a mile away.

    I mean really, she found only 5 troops to interview in all of Iraq and they all are voting for the Democrat candidate.


    :gun: Raddatz

  21. Goodbye Natalie

    Maybe I run in the wrong circles, or my military friends are skewed way right, but I haven’t met a military man or woman yet that has anything but disdain for both Hillary Rotten and O’Bambi. That includes everything from Colonels to grunts and all in between. :mad:

    Of course, I never met anybody from Massachusetts that would vote for Teddy Kennedy either… :roll:

  22. Sandy

    Yet another blazing biased bullshit “report”.
    They said casually only “some” supported McCain. The one soldier they allowed to speak that favored McCain was given the shortest time to say anything. :roll:

    :arrow: Bud Parker Retired Army First Sergeant

    Thank you. Thanks to your daughter Katelyn for her service too! :smile:

  23. billie

    It’s probably true. In the early 1990s, Iraq without provocation attacked Israel with scud missiles. We kept in close touch with friends in Jerusalem by telephone. Their first-hand news was the polar opposite of what U.S. print and electronic media reported. The point being, most U.S. media is pro-liberal and anti-Israel and often encouraged by editors/producers to spin their stories accordingly.

  24. el Vaquero

    The Moron Media is full of dumbazz Commies…we need another Tailgunner Joe to root them out!

  25. Elmo

    “you tell me, Dollard Readers, what’s your take?”

    If it walks like a terrorist symp, and talks like a terrorist symp ….

  26. RC

    There’s a fantastic article over at pjm by Bruce Bawer on the lengths to which the liberal msm, more specifically the NYT’s goes to minimize the threat of Islam. A thorough indictment of the Old Rag’s complicit ties to communist propaganda from Duranty and Stalin in the 30’s, its subjective contempt for Jews during Nazi persecution, to championing Castro’s Cuba and to being outright apologist for Islamist today.

    Commie rat bastards, the whole lot of them!

  27. Cooper

    This is the kind of thing that will make me laugh when the false prophet hussein loses this fall. The media will act like it was some kind of impossible upset victory for McCain, when in reality, they had known all along that they were just silencing the majority.

  28. momps

    any updates?

  29. Tom

    Sounds quite true to me. The media has been working on behalf of Al Queda and the Dems for years now. (Murtha practically performed fellatio on A.Q. with his despicable offerings.) While this anecdote is maddening, it is not by any stretch close to being among the most egregious crap the media has come up with since the invasion. The safe , rich liberals of our country have been giving hand jobs to Osama and friends for so long now that I have long since lost count of the treason. But what is utterly clear is that this war had two opponents for the US. Our media/Democrat party machine (one beast) and the enemy on the ground. The two formed an alliance early on and worked hand in glove with each other towards their mutual goal of an American loss in Iraq. Dems like Murtha became Al Queda geishas and acted like good AQ bitches. He swallowed their propaganda, so we know he swallows.

    Right after 9/11 the Democrats/MSM saw the enemy and turned immediately to attack the threat before them: George W. Bush. They put all their energies into defeating him, day after day, week after week, month after month. They used their greatest weapon, the passive aggression and manipulation of the media.

    It worked.

    While he was trying to defeat Al Queda, the Dems were first flirting with, and then submitting to, Al Queda and Muqtada and the other fascists also opposed to Bush.

    So this story is not surprising. The contempt these people have for our military, our country and an enormous amount of the public is one of their equivalents of the ten commandments.

  30. dvldok

    This up there with CNN showing combat footage from Phantom Fury during a recent story on Iraq and the military.

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:mrgreen: :neutral: :twisted: :arrow: :shock: :smile: :???: :cool: :evil: :grin: :idea: :oops: :razz: :roll: :wink: :cry: :eek: :lol: :mad: :sad: :!: :?: :beer: :beer: