The MSM Preemptively Marks Territory For Hussein

June 7th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


Jon Henke over at The Next Right about sums up the election 2008 playbook of the MSM and the DNC for Team Hussein:

The Left is very invested in both preemptively delegitimizing criticism of Obama and framing opponents as de facto bigots. Two examples of this kind of messaging are worth pointing out.

Framing opponents: Oliver Willis offers this despicable and baseless accusation against “many on the right”…

Now, I know in the eyes of many on the right this [Trinity United] is just some black church that could be firebombed for all they care…

As far as I can see, the only notable person who has spoken positively of domestic bombing is…Bill Ayers, a colleague of Barack Obama.

Delegitimizing criticism: Huffington Post blogger Andy Ostroy says equates the Right’s use of the word “radical” with racism…

The Republicans are great at framing issues and labelling candidates. And the new buzzword for Obama is radical. … Make no mistake: the constant regurgitation of the word “radical” is meant to conjure up all sorts of fear, anger and racial prejudice. Think “radical Muslim.” Think “angry black man.” Think Willie Horton. This sort of pandering to the racist dumbasses of America is beyond despicable, but it’s what the GOP does best.

Ironically, Andy Rostrom himself uses the buzzword “radical” against people on the Right on a regular basis. Apparently, he tells us, this constant regurgitation is meant to conjure up fear, anger and racial prejudice. I will not argue with Andy Rostrom’s description of his own words.

These tactics will be employed again and again. Don’t let them get away with it.


Now, I’m with Bash …

I HATE politics … I HATE IT!!! (probably much to your surprise, given my frequent posts of political stories).

However, it’s as Pat said last Sunday regarding all the political coverage on the site … This election effects the war. However, NOT only Iraq, and A-stan, but what lies ahead for Iran … and just how much rope we’re gonna allow that mutt before we yank back and strangle the shit out of it, hog-tie it with the slack, and toss it into the fire.

So, on we go into the next phase of this election cycle.

John McCain vs. Hussein … Why is McCain the challenger? Well, as Jon Henke pointed out above, and we have here in Dollard Nation … and WILL continue to do so, Hussein is playing with a stacked deck … stacked by the panting and slobbering MSM.

That fucking dog just ain’t gonna hunt with us bloggers …

Gird your loins, ladies and gents …

These dogs of blogger Hell are sharpening our teeth for the fight.


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6 Responses

  1. Goodbye Natalie

    Oh, I got a few words about Bambi Osama: (1) Self-serving opportunist, (2) Phony lightweight (3) Dangerously ignorant in virtually every capacity.

    For that black, incessant whiner and victim, hypocritical bigot named Oliver Willis, I got a few words too: HEY HEY HEY, IT’S FAT OLIVER! What a sack of shit, not even worthy of mentioning again. The ‘hood wouldn’t even take this stinkin’ lard ass. Oliver’s too stupid to know which end of the gun to hold and too lazy to steal.

  2. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Sometimes I fucking crack myself up …

    I can’t seem to get an image of Chris Matthews dry-humping Hussein’s leg out of my head since I put up this post.

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :gun: :gun:

  3. displaced ched head

    “But there is something that I must say to my people, who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice: In the process of gaining our rightful place, we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred.”

    Think Michelle, Otis, Jeremiah, Pfleger, Kalidi or Ayers ever heard this portion of Dr. Kings speech?

    The Communist Party of America will hold it’s Встреча политбюро (meeting of Politburo) in Denver 25-28 August 2008. At this meeting they will nominate Barry Hussein Obama as there leader. The 45th anniversary of Dr. King’s 28 August 1963 speech will be the onus of Barry’s coronation ceremony.

    Can we then judge him by any other criteria but skin color?

    “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

    Sorry this comment is so long. Words matter, lifelong associations matter, call me a bigot or a racist if you like, but I have judged this man on the content of his character and that comes up lacking.

  4. sully

    “These tactics will be employed again and again. Don’t let them get away with it.”

    Bring it you nutless fuck.
    This election should have been a cakewalk for you nutroot assholes. Now you’re just plain scared cuz ‘your guy’ ain’t a guy at all. it’s a sackless twink you picked to run.

    And Obamanation ain’t “black”. He’s 1/2 African, 1/2 typical white person. And a ‘Kenyan Arab’ according to Kenya.
    Momma and grandparents called him Barry. Friends of theirs still do.
    His campaign won’t give the MSM access to his racist grandma. Probably because she’ll let something slip.

    Phony fucker has been manufactured by his handlers Rev. Wright, State Senator Meeks, Ayers, Dohrn and Rezko and others who taught him the ins and outs of Chicago politics and now they’re trying to shove him up our ass with the full cooperation and support of the Dhimmicrat machine.

    He’s the candidate most likely to lose but without the full support of the Repubs he’ll win and this country will never be the same. $45 trillion for BS global warming will be chump change and kiss saving pro-life for a POTUS you like better because it will be a dead issue inside four years. Roe v. Wade will be codified into law.

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    Dogs mark their territory by pissing on it. Other dogs come by and neutralize that territory by also pissing on it.

    He who has ears to hear let him/her hear.

  6. Phil N Blanx

    “I can’t seem to get an image of Chris Matthews dry-humping Hussein’s leg out of my head since I put up this post.”

    LMAO — Thanks for that visual Drill. My breakfast tasted better going down than coming back up.

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