This Dumbshit Has Finally, Truly Pissed Me Off - With Video

June 25th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


This fucking guy isn’t a Christian, I don’t see how anybody can be a Christian and exude/project/release such a spirit of complete contempt for the Word of God when discussing it. This fucking guy is evil. I don’t give a shit how nicey nice he acts. I don’t care what he says. He is full of shit and lying when he says he is a Christian. He only says that because it is politically expedient for him to do so.

I have always tried to be very careful to not try and judge whether or not someone is a Christian because nobody truly knows that but the person and God. We can observe fruit. That’s it. It really wouldn’t matter if he didn’t try to present himself as such, and want to be king as well. And I can’t ever recall a time when I was so firmly convinced that someone who was purporting to be a Christian, seethed such hubris when evaluating how to act when it came to the Bible. This man clearly shows confusion.

Just one of many many red flags.

I don’t give a shit how many millions of people swoon over him.

I don’t give a shit about what he says he wants to do.

I don’t give a shit about his wife.

I don’t give a shit about who he picks for VP.

This fucking guy is evil. The spirit that comes forth from this man as he says the things he says in this clip are filled with a contempt for the Bible, a complete and utter…not simply “misunderstanding” of the Bible, but a complete and utter contempt for it. I can see it on him. I can smell it emanating from his lying lips.

This man is evil. I don’t give a shit if you think I’m nuts for saying so. This man lies more than any other public figure I have ever seen and he is a child of the father of lies.

Fuck him. He gets nothing from me anymore but a deep disdain and desire to see him crushed.

Here’s the clip:…

Oh wait! What’s worse!? This clip is two years old and I never saw it before…

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42 Responses

  1. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    I would suggest to Hussein to NOT speak of which he knows NOTHING about …

    But then, he would be considered legally “mute” …

  2. Kurt(the infidel)

    If this guy wins the election after all the negatives against him i will swear and truly believe he is the anti-christ. the silver tongued devil himself. he talks and the masses fall for him and become completely oblivious to his many faults.

    This is getting more than ridiculous now. it is utter craziness and all Americans need to wake up before its too late

  3. jarhead68

    I don’t care what his religious beliefs are. I care about his position on the issues. He fails the smell test on all accounts. He’s a Saul Alinsky Marxist pig with goals that don’t match those of the founding fathers or the people who have fought and died for this great republic. That AOL poll gives me hope that he will be trounced in November.

  4. Max

    Hussein would do well to shut his mouth about the Bible, because people who believe the Bible (him obviously not included) up to this point have been either against McCain or ambivalent about him, and many were not planning to vote for him.

    But all Obama needs to do is just keep saying this nonsense, and the “Religious Right” (as they are known) is going to rise up and make sure that McCain becomes President in November and not Obama, in spite of how they may feel about McCain.

    I say, keep on talkin’ bud! Keep on digging your political grave with your own teeth, because I don’t want you to be our President under any circumstances, even if McCain is less than ideal.

  5. Steve in NC

    :arrow: Kurt(the infidel) I am concerned that he is exactly that.

  6. A. S. Wise- VA (America, FUCK YEAH!)

    Way to insult the DoD and all who serve within it, Hussein. Big shock there.

  7. A. S. Wise- VA (America, FUCK YEAH!)

    :arrow: Kurt(the infidel)

    It’s scarier than that: Barack Hussein Obama = 18 characters/letters, 18/3 = 6, :!: 6 + 6 + 6 = 18 :!:
    Maybe this is the Mahdi the Ayatollahs pray for?


    Bash, anyway you can bless some water, and distribute it among the Dollard Nation? We might need some inoculation!!! :eek::eek::eek:

  8. Lone Wolf

    Regarding the Sermon on the Mount: you only have two cheeks (OK, maybe four :smile: ). After that you are obligated to break out the whup-ass because you are allowing evil to thrive if you don’t confront it.

  9. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: Lone Wolf

    Yep, we did all our “cheek” and ass-cheek turning in the 1990s …

    By 9-11-01 it was fucking time to “roll” … :gun: :gun: :beer: :beer:

  10. Lone Wolf

    More BHO commentary on the Sermon on the Mount:

    You guys will love this….

  11. sully

    Yet nothing to say about the Koran, Bambi?
    The puke and his poser Black Liberation ‘church’ are not Christian and I’m not up for the Mooselem call to prayer blasted from the roof of The White House.

  12. Steve_Montana

    I am sorry to say he speaks like a typical Christian… dumb as a rock when it comes to the Bible because everything he knows about it was preached to him from the pulpit instead on reading it himself.

    This is why it is easy for him to dupe so many into thinking he is a Christian.

    I am not bashing Christians… for I am one… I am just sick of people who chose to be ignorant out of laziness and those same people fawn after the spew of this guy.

  13. GRIZZ


  14. Hugh

    If Obama is the anti-christ, is Oberman his false prophet?

  15. WordDrum

    Don’t stop Bash. We like what your doing and the passion you put in to it.(You were great on the radio, you fuckin maniac!) Somebody has to drop the Obama. 60 minutes doesn’t have time and is part of the Dems evil grip on the culture. Fuck them, they deserve to be BASHED.

  16. sh007r

    Welcome to my club. I’ve been saying this man, B. Hussein obama, is an EVIL man for a year+… his disdain for the Bible and Christ is evident.

    A Christian he is NOT.
    Muslim? perhaps.
    Evil false prophet? absolutely.

    This vid is old yet just now surfacing…how much more is out there?
    (And, we haven’t even got to his wife yet.)

    THANKS for this post.

  17. rightangle

    He wants to come riding in on a donkey too.

  18. WordDrum

    Yes GRIZZ, I think he’s a goat fucker. When he changed his name back to Barack from Barry- that’s when it happened. (Like Atta rediscovering his Muslim roots in college)

  19. cal270

    going to the woods this week need whiskey leeches .44 .45 .270 and a lot of paper no news for 10 days :beer: :gun: :gun: :gun: :mrgreen:

  20. Kentucky Jim

    None of my goats would give him the time of day.

  21. Barb

    I’m not watching–will take your word for it. I can’t stand to look at him nor hear his arrogant little voice. Ick.

  22. danielle

    He’s a MUSLIM parading around as a Bible-believer!

  23. Cooper

    :arrow: Lone Wolf

    Thanks for the link…Immediately thought of his more recent use of the sermon on the mount after seeing this video, it must be the only bible passage he knows. I wouldn’t expect anything better out of this hack though…why should we expect him to know anything about christianity when he sat in a church that preached black supremacy instead of the word of God? Hussein is a false prophet, period. That is what makes him so dangerous.

  24. Larry In NC

    If he isn’t The Antichrist, he is greasing the wheels to make it easier for The Anti to come to power…

  25. RC

    The charlatan also proclaimed this not long ago, where he states America is no longer a Christian nation:

    There’s this as well from, where he then agrees that Americans are a religious people:

    (PW - puke warning)

    What I found interesting was his surprise (almost disgust) that more Americans believe in angels more than they do evolution.

    The talking points I get from his vids are that America is a religious country now that it is (in his view) no longer a Christian nation.

    His purpose from the outset is to confuse and beguile, he sounds more and more like the son of perdition everyday.

    He preaches for all faiths yet singles out and discredits Christian theology (try that with Islam you fruitcake), AND calls himself Christian. He says he’s a Patriot yet associates with clear anti-American provocateurs and Marxist agitators. He denies his muslim roots, which makes him an apostate yet muslims the world over adore him. This man has as faces and heads as the beast - and the dragon that empowers and protects him is the msm.

  26. dadeo

    SLEEPER CELL and Anti-christ all rolled into one.

    God help us.

  27. TerryTate

    Well, fuck, its about time you got off the fence Bash…



    I’ve felt that way about Obama for awhile now. Hard to even tolerate seeing that man, let alone hearing him speak. A complete and utter charlatan.

    I thought Bill Clinton was bad, this guy is already worse and he hasn’t even won the election yet.

  28. Mark Tanberg

    Hey Barak I’ve got one for you see how this one fits it’s from Galatians 6:7,8
    7Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. 8The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature[a]will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.

  29. Phendlin (Death Rattlers)

    :arrow: Hugh
    “is Oberman his false prophet?” naw, just hussein’s piss boy.

    hussein isn’t smart enought to be The Anti-Christ. he’s just ‘an anti-christ’.

  30. cathyann

    Any chance this idiot is the “12 Imam” Ahminajihad is praying for?

  31. Q_Mech

    Dude, Bash - save the anger and just savor the unfolding self-destruction.

    Couldn’t happen to a better guy. :twisted:

    He will, of course, come out tomorrow with a statement that “this wasn’t the Barack Obama that I knew”.

  32. Cajun Neo Con

    I am so sick of this piece of shit. Did he really say that part of the Bible is radical? Seems like he hasn’t forgotten his Koran teachings. :arrow: cathyann brilliant comment I am sure Ahmadickheadjad is in Hussein’s prayers. Barack Obama…WRONG for America.

  33. azbastard

    a wolf in sheeps clothing

  34. Mike Mose

    Ah, The smell of sulfur in the morning
    or would that be Allah,the smell of sulfur in the morning?

    Protect your women and children.

  35. JimC

    I seriously think this guy is the anti-Christ…

  36. Lock and Load

    :arrow: Phendlin (Death Rattlers)
    I agree - the Obamination is not nearly smart enough to be the anti-christ. The scary part is, if such a stooge can turn so many into Obots, what kind of power will the real anti-christ have over the masses :shock:

    The Obamination is being controlled from behind a curtain, just like the Wizard of Oz. The greater evil is those who are pulling the strings :evil:

  37. Dr Brian

    i study the BIBLE as a hobby and let me tell you once again. cause i have said it several times. this guy is just like the ANTI-CHRIST that comes in the end times. he isnt actually the anti-christ though for some technical reasons, but he sure is just like him.

  38. el Vaquero

    BHO is the right candidate to wake the hell up of a lot of Americans…he is the perfect phantom candidate…his ability to disquise his goals and to avoid responsibilities are becoming legend. NOBAMA, now and never is my motto!

  39. Marc

    This guy is such an empty suit it is ridiculous. Now this is what I have come to in watching the Obamessiah. Jimmy Carter is all for Obama, and it made me come the realization the he is just a slicker and younger version of Robert Mugabe, whom Carter had put in place of the popularly elected choice of Zimbabwe’s voters and pushed for under the Lancaster House agreement which sold Zimbabwe into it’s current misery.

    The Obamessiah is going to bury this country with his economic and social policies. Instead of guns he uses the legal code. If you don’t know who Mugabe is by now, google Zimbabwe and read a little of the history from 1970 to today, and see how much of a bang up job he has done.

    Obama is bad news.

  40. Caligula

    just to see the contempt on his face for religion, and of the american people, EVERY time this dumbfuck opens his mouth nauseates me!!

    and i believe he’s the anti-christ too. not because he’s smart or can do anything, but because he’s dumb enough to ALLOW evil to reign when people elect him

  41. steve m

    :arrow: cathyann - Nope. According to Satanic,… woops, .uh, “Islamic” tradition, the twelfth imam crawls out of some stupid well somewhere, I think in Iran…No doubt the well in question is a portal into hell. But if he were, we need to throw him back down. :gun:

    :arrow: Dr Brian - When it becomes more than a hobby, it will make a difference in your life. I know, that’s how I started.


  42. Mike Mose

    Dr Brian, give us a little incite. We know that he is just like the Anti-Christ. Do you believe he would show his entire personality or use all his capabilities at this time?

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