Weekend Bump: This Will Either Crack You Up Or Scare The Living Shit Out Of You

June 21st, 2008 Posted By Bash.

WEEKEND BUMP: A new thing we want to try by taking the half dozen or so “Most-Viewed/Commented On/Popular Videos that we ran in the previous week and putting them back up with the rest of the Vids on Saturday Nights…

Let us know, you like the idea? Or No? Speak Out!

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19 Responses

  1. mike3481

    June 18, 2030

    A quote from his neighbor…”I can’t believe he would do something like that… he was always such a quiet, well mannered child”.

  2. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)


    It’s Baby Churchill with drunkin’ John Goodman laugh!!!

    Love the quizical brow at the end …

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  3. Steve in NC

    I would not turn my back on that ‘child’

  4. Sandy

    :lol: :shock: :lol: :shock: :lol:

    So glad you posted this! My daughter had a very deep goofy/spooky laugh when she was an infant too. You could not help but turn and just look at her and laugh. Too bad I never got it on tape and enhanced it.

    Whoever made this, I assume the parents, must have been cracking up the whole time. I went from laughing to just kinda creeped out at times.

  5. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: Sandy

    It’s the Rice Crispy hanging evilly off the cheek, I think …

  6. Aye Chihuahua

    Sorry to say it but this video has been altered to get that effect.

    The speed has been reduced.

  7. Bash

    :arrow: Aye Chihuahua…




    If I put “Slow Motion baby Laughing” only about 20% of the peole who have clicked on it would click on it. Put up the title it has now, and…BOOM!

    All about the clicks…

    And pay no mind to my sarcasm, I’m sure you were being sarcastic as well. :mrgreen:

    :gun: :beer:

  8. One Shot

    Your honor, that is not my child…

  9. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    I am a sucker for those new bottom toofers! :lol:

  10. Howie

    Bash I am appalled that you would put anything that has been altered on the site just to get a cheap laugh, or creep out.

    oh and aye the next thing you’re going to ruin for me is Christmas and Easter by telling me that Santa and the Easter Bunny are fake too!!

  11. Steve in NC

    HOWIE!? WHAT? next thing your going to tell me is that the manbearpig is not real.

  12. T-Bagg

    Just finished a 15 hour day at work and that baby had me laughing so hard it made my stomach hurt. :lol:

  13. TedB

    That reminds me of myself after too much Jagermeister…

  14. NV Sailor

    was this during or after the part where he mutilated and consumed his parents?

  15. Judith, typical White Ohioan

    I thought is was gross and altered. That is an adult laugh.

  16. jarhead68

    Probably better and funnier in real-time. Do you have that, Bash?

  17. Kurt(the infidel)

    wow they used special effects? i thought this laugh was really coming from that 15 pound baby :roll:

  18. The Loon

    Pulling covers over eyes until it stops!!!

  19. brovato

    WTF was that? :shock:

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