Al Sadr Forming New Fighting Force To Attack Americans - “Those Who Disobey Will Not Be With Me”

June 14th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Okay, game over. We don’t need another Hezbollah, or another Quds Force running around in the region. Time to missile strike that fat fuck with a halitosis problem and make sure we take out not only him, but his senior leadership, his weapons cahes (which, no doubt, he just procured from Iran via the Quds Force via the IRGC) and whack them so hard that Iran blinks.

A powerful show of force on this fucking puke piglet will be the only thing to make these people understand that we aren’t fucking around anymore, they will interpret anything other than that as weakness.

NOW! Dammit!

Or should we just try to establish diplomatic relations with the newly formed entity with no preconditions. Maybe we can talk, you know, like rational human beings?

He warned that those who disobey will be “will not be with me…We will keep resisting the occupier until the liberation or martyrdom.”

BAGHDAD — Radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr revealed Friday that he plans to create a powerful new fighting force to battle what he calls “the occupiers” in Iraq.

Al-Sadr’s announcement came in the form of a statement read after Friday prayers in the holy Shiite city of Kufa. The statement called on his nearly 60,000-strong Mahdi Army militia to exercise restraint.

“The resistance will be carried out exclusively by a special group which I will announce later,” Sadr’s statement read, adding that “weapons will be in the hands of this group exclusively and will only be directed at the occupier,” using standard terms for the American forces in Iraq.

He warned that those who disobey will be “will not be with me.”

“We will keep resisting the occupier until the liberation or martyrdom,” he added.

Sadr also called on his followers to help establish social services in Iraq’s dominant Shiite community.

Sadr spokesman Salah al-Obeidi told AFP the action was aimed at building a more comprehensive movement that could better serve its followers.

“Sadr’s view is to take the Mahdi Army on the path of social and cultural activities, far from the military. He wants to reform it and limit its responsibility,” he told the French news service.

Sadr, a longtime antagonist of the U.S.-led coalition, said his new group will not direct its operations against Iraqis.

“This group will be professional and it will be the only group carrying arms which will be directed against the occupier. It will be banned from using arms against any Iraqis.”

Sadr, who is believed to be in Iran, has not been seen publicly since May 25, 2007, when he was in the Kufa mosque during Friday prayers. His aides refuse to divulge his whereabouts, triggering speculation that he is in Iran, AFP reported.

Following numerous bloody clashes with U.S. forces in which his militia reportedly suffered heavy casualties — including one in the Shiite city of Karbala during a major religious festival — al-Sadr last August suspended his militia’s activities and called for a ceasefire.

Al-Sadr maintains that his fighters have held to the ceasefire, but Mahdi forces battled U.S. and Iraqi forces last March in Baghdad and other Shiite regions resulting in heavy militia and civilian deaths.

The U.S. military long has maintained that al-Sadr’s formces are armed, trained and funded by Iran, a charge the Tehran regime denies.


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21 Responses

  1. JJIrons

    If this wasn’t so sad, it would be funny. WHAT does it take?!? Get rid of him and do it yesterday.

  2. Q_Mech

    “He warned that those who disobey will be “will not be with me.””

    He’s already not “with them”. He ran away to Iran!

    I’d be interested to hear the opinion of some in-theatre generalship on this. Is he still a player, or is this a too-little, too-late sort of thing for him?

  3. Lee__

    Don’t they have a drone and a hellfire missle with this guy’s name on it? :gun:

  4. Goodbye Natalie

    I’m with Q-Mech on this one.

    He warned that those who disobey will be “will not be with me.”

    Don’t worry mole teeth. Your fat ass shows up in Iraq and you won’t be with them long either. :gun: :gun:

  5. One Shot

    It is high time to take out this trash once and for all. The man needs to die ASAP.

  6. Zeke Eagle

    liberation or martyrdom………….OK, given those choices you, Mr. Pig get martyrdom.

    Kill Mookie!

  7. SOC

    Iranians once again pulling the strings, running the show. When is someone going to stand up to the Damn Iranians. Seems
    to me one would get tired aof having them piss down your back and yell,”It’s raining”

  8. Kim

    With promises of playing nice in the Iraqi neighborhood (”social and cultural activities”) and renewed gang strategy of killing only Americans and not their neighbors: seems to me they have seen and are very threatened by the AQI/Sunni Awakening and the American military/Sons of Iraq teamwork.

    Seems to me they are scared, so let’s destroy them and not coddle them :gun:

  9. mike3481

    :arrow: All the above comments

    :gun: :beer: :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer:

  10. Mike W

    Rueters said Sadr wanted a select few?
    KUFA, Iraq (Reuters) - Anti-American Shi’ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr said on Friday that only a select group of his Mehdi Army should fight U.S. forces in Iraq, in an apparent attempt to assert his authority over the militia.
    Could this select few be all thats left of what once was?

  11. Birdddog

    Sounds like the nuke is ready to go…… :gun:

  12. Mike F

    I’m with Bash on this…No doubt if given the opportunity, Barack would “talk” with Mookie

  13. IP727


  14. J-dub

    Sounds like his handlers in Iran want to create a new wing of Hezbollah.

  15. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Find Mookie, Kill Mookie. A Dead Mookie is a Good Mookie.
    Not this shit again. :gun: :twisted:

  16. larry

    kill this mookie imposter!!! long live mookie wilson!!! :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun:

  17. Dan (The Infidel)

    Why is this rotted piece of bacon fat still alive?

  18. Goose

    “It will be banned from using arms against any Iraqis.”

    Well thats abit pathetic, considering the majority of the guys who kicked him out were Iraqi army. He probably knows he cant win again and wants to use small groups to target the Coalition, that way makeing out that blowing up a truck full of toilets is a great victory. Back to the start again.

  19. John H

    Be a shame if a big boy like that had a heart attack.

  20. SOC

    Someone please take out this Iranian puppet…

  21. big al

    quote.. make these people understand that we aren’t fucking around anymore…

    so all these years in iraq you have been fucking around is that it..
    and the we is that you..
    are you over fighting in iraq or talking tough in hicksville montana.
    while someone else does the real work.
    how would you feel if me and all my friends came and took over your tin shack,declared it free and stayed forever.
    would you be my friend or try to hurt me. and force me out.
    who really benefits from this shit.
    oil and defence,what areas are bush and cheney in….

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