Told Ya So … Under The Fucking Bus!

June 23rd, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


Obama campaign drops seal on podium

by Bill Sammon - The Examiner

After days of media mockery, Barack Obama has decided to stop using a presidential-looking seal that his campaign designed and affixed to his podium on Friday.

Journalists said the seal, which features an eagle clutching arrows and an olive branch, smacks of arrogance. John McCain’s camp had a field day, calling the seal “laughable, ridiculous, preposterous and revealing - all at the same time.”

The seal was conspicuously missing from Obama’s lectern when he spoke to a group of women in Albuquerque on Monday. Not surprising, given how much grief Obama took from a normally laudatory press corps after unveiling the seal at an appearance in Chicago on Friday.

“What a bizarre and dumb idea,” railed NBC political director Chuck Todd. “It really feeds the arrogance narrative.”

The oversized blue seal was emblazoned with the Latin phrase “Vero Possumus,” which roughly translates into “yes, we can.” It also featured a plug for the candidate’s website.

“The Audacity of Hype,” cracked ABC’s Jake Tapper. “No word on whether they played a remix of ‘Hail to the Chief’ as Obama walked in.”

Andrew Malcolm of the Los Angeles Times observed that Obama “has decided not to wait for any of the formalities like a presidential election, an inauguration or even a nomination, which he still hasn’t actually officially won yet.”

Marc Ambinder of the Atlantic magazine was the first to note that Obama would deep-six the seal.

“I’m told that Obama recognizes that it was a silly mistake,” Ambinder said. “Does the press think Obama is arrogant? Yes.”

Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics, said the episode reinforces this media perception of Obama.

“The press corps adopts a subtext for each candidate,” Sabato told The Examiner. “Daddy Bush was ‘a nice guy but out of touch.’ Bill Clinton was ’smart but randy.’ Bob Dole was ‘heroic but too old.’ Gore was ‘brilliant but a fibber and a bore.’ Dubya was ‘pleasant but dumb.’”

He added: “Obama’s subtext is rapidly becoming ‘charismatic but arrogant.’”

The Obama campaign declined to comment.

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9 Responses

  1. 007

    I Hope (PUN) they put the bus in D & R many times!!!

  2. CPLViper


    I hope they just drive the bus off a cliff and do the world a favor!

  3. Tom in CO

    Pretty soon obama will run out of people to throw under the bus!

  4. Kurt(the infidel)


    you called it. but on a scale of 1-10 in predictability this was a solid 10. thats all this guy does is throw others under the bus and epitomizes what the liberal/commie party stands for. NO ACCOUNTABILITY. the buck always stops at someone else, then they hand it off to another and so on.

    I hate Liberals

  5. sully

    Save a seal.
    Club Barry.

  6. Judith, typical White Ohioan

    DRILL, DRILL, DRILL. Gosh, Palin is an attractive lady, and schmart too. We could design a seal Barry could use. Has some nice words in it too. /sarc

  7. Dave M.

    What’s that stuff in the middle? The real seal has a shield.
    Obama’s eagle looks protected by some pieces of paper?
    Are they supposed to be the international treaties he will
    sign us up to?
    Law Of The Sea (aka no more Navy)
    Kyoto Part II (aka as no more energy)
    International Criminal Court at the Hague (aka as no more independence)
    No one seems to have picked up on this yet - but if Obsama really
    was saying forget strong armed forces, paper will protect us,
    it needs shouting from the rooftops.

  8. danielle

    omg. what arrogance.

  9. TedB

    The buck stops here, but the complaint department is that way. –>

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