Toothpick Fork Trick - Can You Explain How?

June 10th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

Okay, this is for the engineering, scientific, brainiacs…explain WHY the trick works…

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4 Responses

  1. steve m

    Center of gravity.

    My Dad did this one years ago.

  2. IP727

    How does it work?
    The secret to this science stunt lies in your understanding of the concepts of center of gravity and stability. The center of gravity of any object is the point about which you can balance the object as if all the masses were concentrated or gathered at this point. In other words, it’s the point at which the object balances from left to right, front and back and top and bottom. In your balancing fork act, the center of gravity is directly below the spot where the toothpick rests on the rim of the glass. If you look closely at your balancing fork-art, you’ll notice that the fork handles are positioned below the toothpick. This actually puts the center of gravity directly below the point where the toothpick is balanced (called the pivot point). Here’s where it gets really strange: the center of gravity, where the forks balance front and back, left and right, top and bottom is actually hanging in mid-air.

  3. blastdad( typical white patriot)

    Does it work as well with a styrofoam cup?

  4. Jon

    I got my wife and I a table at our favorite restaurant in New Orleans, without a reservation on a Saturday night, by showing the maitre d’ this trick while we had a drink and loitered in the lobby.

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