United States To Withdraw From The Human Rights Council

June 9th, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.


Because its a bullshit organization that has done NOTHING and will continue to do NOTHING.

US explains withdrawal from the Human Rights Council

GENEVA, June 9 (KUNA) — A spokesperson for the US mission in Geneva said Monday that among the reasons for the United States to withdraw from the human rights council is that it has consistently failed to address the grave and ongoing human rights violations in countries such as Zimbabwe and Iran and taken only weak and ineffective action on Sudan, while passing 20 unbalanced resolutions and other actions against a single country — Israel.

However the spokesperson added that occasions may arise when the U.S. deems it absolutely necessary to address issues at the Council, although those occasions will be infrequent. “We will further intensify our efforts in the UN General Assembly’s Third Committee, which has jurisdiction over human rights and related issue,” said the spokesperson.

The spokesperson stressed that the United States will continue to pursue constructive interaction with the UN High Commissioner’s office and with the UN Special Rapporteurs on country-specific and thematic human rights questions. He added that the US will also seek to ensure that the General Assembly’s review of the HRC, which must take place no later than 2011 but could take place sooner, and will bring about the structural reforms that would be necessary to make the Council an effective instrument for the promotion and protection of human rights around the world.

The US had briefed on Friday the European Union on its decision to withdraw from the council.

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8 Responses

  1. Molly

    U.N. = Useless Nations

    Watch the film Hotel Rwanda sometime. The portrayal of the U.N. is very eye opening(in my opinion).

  2. SOC

    Close the UN. Deport all the members. Use the building to houe the homeless. Use the money to help poor Americans. Stop the wasteful spendin on an organization, that serves no purpose, has no teeth and is basically spinless. Bomb Iran

  3. AmericanJarhead

    I’m in a pretty shitty mood today and thinking about our wasted money and time at the UN just makes me even more pissed.

    I guess I picked the wrong week to quit drinking. :!:

  4. Wulf

    Good first step out of the U.N.

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    Good move chauncy. There’s nothing at the UN worth preserving anymore. It’s a feckless, gutless organization that collects a paycheck for doing absolutely nothing. Just another entitlement program…on a world-wide scale. Shut the place down, send the useless diplomats home…then burn the building to the ground to purge it of the vermin shit stains left behind.

  6. Mr. Standfast

    Unfortunately, the Obamanation will turn that news into a see how the Bush administration has messed up in the world. We don’t need a Bush third term to continue these failed policies. We need to work within the world community blah blah blah woof woof. Glad to see it happen, but the political fall out is coming.

  7. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)

    Hell, the entire UN doesn’t have a single redeeming quality. Even UNICEF, the best, or rather least bad, UN program, is less efficent than most of the big international charities.

  8. Ronnieclott

    The UN should exist just to prevent WW3 beyond that it is a huge waste.

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