Cavuto Interviews “Dems Throwing Away Election For An Inadequate Black Male” Lady - With Video

June 2nd, 2008 Posted By Bash.


You all remember this lady from the big YouTube clip yesterday, she ranted and raved and all that shit about the DNC fucking up and throwing away the election and blah blah blah….she was on Cavuto just now…

Let me tell you, if one person feels this way, there are many many more that also feel the same way.

Did Rush Limbaugh’s “Operation Chaos” help with this? Is this simply “true” Democrats feeling the party gone too far left? How many Clinton supporters will refuse to vote Democrat and either vote Republican or not vote at all in the general? Is this good news for Republicans? Bad news for Dems?

What do you read in all of this?

A small insight into the strife going on within the Democratic Party…

“The Democrats are throwing this election away, and for what? An inadequate black male who would not have been running had it not been a white woman who was running for president?” Harriet Christian, who claimed to be a Clinton volunteer in Ohio and Pennsylvania, “bellowed at reporters after the meeting in a tirade posted on YouTube,” per the New York Post. “I’m not gonna shut my mouth anymore. I can be called white, but you can’t be called black. That’s not my America. It’s equality for all of us, and it’s about time we all stood up for it … I was a second-class citizen before — now I’m nothing.”

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15 Responses

  1. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    Harriet Christian goes on to point out how Hussein has been given a grand free-ride by ‘other’ news channels …

    She also said she would vote McCain, if Hussein is running on the dem ticket for POTUS.

    I’m with you, Bash …

    How many more dems such as Harriet Christian are out there?

    As to Limbaugh’s Operation Chaos … Pure political brilliance on many levels.

  2. GregGS

    Strife away! I can’t wait to see the zombiecrates in the streets election day chewing away at each others entrails. They’ve proven how ignorant they are about their own 2 sacred cows, feminism and racism.

  3. Quincy


    How many more Dems are out there?

    That rant has been me verbatum for the last 8 months.

    I have always been a registered Independent (Since 1989)

    I usually but NOT always vote Dem.

    Storm the Convention Let’s get it on.

    For George Washington and the Founding Fathers!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. AFITgrad86

    Recreate 68 … what a concept! I was of voting age then and could not believe the Circus that Chicago was. If Denver comes close I believe we may well see a 3rd party formed by the more centrist Dems and BO will get “Peroted”!

    This could be serious fun to watch!

  5. Caligula

    welcome to the GOP, we will set you right and make the pain go away!! :beer:

  6. Mike W

    For a year or so the propaganda machines have been turning out how badly broken is the Republican party.This break in the Democrat party goes far deeper then just Hillary and Obama. Anytime you have a sow that has 24 teats and tries to feed 48 piglets you have some that suckle on a dry teat.And these poor piglets go to sleep hungry just like many factions of the Democrat party.The 06 election put many Dems in office whose major promise was to end the war yet they vote for continued funding. The real party of impending disaster is the Democrat.

  7. SOC

    What this lady points out is quite right. She is looking at Obama getting delegates and was not even on the ballot. The fairest thing to do would be give all of the Michigan delegates to Hillary. Obama would still be ahead but it would be fair.

    Hillary’s supporters got fucked in that deal. It was a power trip for Obama. He wanted to see if he could dictate to the DNC. Looks like he can….

    If Obama is elected President, the people of the United States will be the biggest Users.

    Wake up Americam, the muslims are coming….

  8. Jeff

    Ironic. Some Democrates feel their party has gone too far to the left and some Republicans feel their party has also gone too far to the left.

    As a conservative, it feels to me like the left has grabbed the country like a tug-of-war rope, dug their heels in and is pulling as hard as they can while the rest of us are being dragged into a mud puddle.

    At some point, sanity better intervene and we’d better start pulling back or learn to enjoy mud baths.

  9. Jerms

    I live in the Bay Area and my in laws say the same the same things almost word for word. And they voted for Al.

  10. Mike Mose

    “The Democrat party has left her” ,that is what Reagan said about the Democratic party. The Democratic Party has long ago ended and been replaced by socialists and communists.

    Their are millions of Democrats that will not vote for Obama or the Dems anymore. They don’t care for our country in a time of War. The simplest of American qualities. The Democrats will not do what is necessary in the war on terror. Politics with our troops, with our security, even with the safety of Democratic stronghold.

  11. deathstar

    Recreate 68, recreate 68, recreate 68……

  12. ssgduke54

    I remember how Regan was help elected by the so call “Regan Democrats”! Now what has happen to the Democrats is like history repeating itself again and this time the defecting
    Democrats voters will be called “McCain Democrats”! :shock:

  13. skh.pcola

    Did she really say, “God damn the Democrats!” in the clip? Or did I mishear? Implosions of leftist ideology are highly entertaining!

  14. Kermit

    Kind of like A Reagan quote about why he changed from Dem to Rep, because they left him. That is what the Reagan Democrats are all about the party left them.

    I see a loss similar to Jimmah’s coming on, or even like McGovern’s loss.

  15. Will

    At the beginning of the primary season, the democrats had this election gift-wrapped. Seriously. It was their’s. And now, they shot themselves in the neck and are bleeding out fast.

    McCain has this thing in the bag.

    But that doesn’t make me any less mad to hear Obama spout his bullshit.

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