100,000 Swiss Sign Petition To Ban Minarets, Enough For National Referendum

July 8th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


It seems that Swiss residents have obtained enough signatures on a petition (100,000) to force a national referendum on a minaret ban. Check out who has a quote at the end of the article…that fukn puke Doudou Diene…you remember him, I’ve told you about that asshat before.

He’s the racist-ass puke piglet the United Nations sent into the United States of America to insure there was no racial bias going on against Barack Hussein Obama in the upcoming POTUS election.

racist piglet

The story below is from The Guardian:

Far right groups in Switzerland have collected enough signatures to force a nationwide referendum on banning minarets, the distinctive towers of Islamic architecture.

In what is being seen as a sign of growing Islamophobia in Europe, more than 100,000 Swiss citizens signed a petition to halt the construction of minarets.

Under Switzerland’s direct democracy rules, that level of support is enough to trigger a referendum. The Swiss interior ministry today confirmed a vote would take place, without setting a date.

The petition was launched by Ulrich Schlüer an MP from the controversial Swiss People’s party, which was accused of racist campaigning last year.

In a bid to get immigrants’ families deported if their children had been convicted of violent crime, the party ran an advertising campaign showing three white sheep on a Swiss flag kicking out a black sheep with the caption: “For more security.”

The president of Switzerland, Pascal Couchepin, said the government would recommend that voters rejected the proposed minaret ban.

The organisers of the petition argue that the minarets, which are used on mosques, are a symbol of political and religious claims to power, not just a religious sign.

Schlüer said last year: “We’ve got nothing against prayer rooms or mosques for the Muslims. But a minaret is different. It’s got nothing to do with religion; it’s a symbol of political power.”

If Schlüer’s camp wins the referendum, the Swiss parliament must pass a law enshrining a minaret construction ban in the constitution.

Opponents say such a ban would violate religious freedom.

More than 310,000 of Switzerland’s 7.5 million population are Muslims, according to the federal statistical office.

The UN expert on racism, Doudou Diene, has said the campaign is evidence of an “ever-increasing trend” toward anti-Islamic actions in Europe.

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10 Responses

  1. BradW (the Infidel)

    Yeah, and I remember teaching my son what doo-doo is, and why it stinks….

    Why doesn’t the pusnuts just change his name to “number 2″??? :twisted:

  2. TedB

    You know, I used to be supportive of people of whatever religion practicing their faith, I still am, psych! I just don’t consider Islam to be anything but a cult of violence now, not a religion.

    The tag of racist coult be turned then, on the very readers of that commie rag Guardian. They hate religion on the whole on the left because it has standards contrary to the libtards nihilistic way of life. So fuck them and their claims of racism.

  3. dadeo

    “Doudou Diene, has said the campaign is evidence of an ‘ever-increasing trend’ toward anti-Islamic actions in Europe.”

    Well…Shit DouDou, they have to start somewhere. Next thing you know they’ll ban beheadings, honor killings, and suicide bombers.

    It’s like the whole world is conspiring to take the fun out of being muslim.

  4. James

    No sanctuary for terrorists.



  5. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Dude looks like a lady!
    Good for the Swiss. Like wow! I would have never thought that they would have the wearwithall to fught the scourge of the Earth.
    Islam sucks!
    Dude sucks!
    Mohammed was a pedaphile. :gun: :twisted:

  6. Mark

    The Swiss make a stand after two world wars as a neutral country they finally see a threat more insidious than the Nazis.

  7. AmericanJarhead

    This is beautiful! Fantastic. Blow them up. The many Muslim that are silent on terror (read: complicit) have to shut up since they have always been silent.

  8. POD1

    The GWOT isn’t some localized tribal beef that 99% of the globe can simply ignore.

    Sooner or later everyone will have to choose a side and make a stand.

    Cheers to Switzerland. :beer:

  9. jaybear

    cheers to Switzerland…..

    it is the rumored last bastion of the Templars ya’ know.

    DEUS VULT Switzerland!!

  10. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    :arrow: jaybear:
    Long live the Templars! I am fortunate to know the names of my Templar ancestors. Long may hteir memmory live.
    God bless their souls.
    Were they freaking cool or what? :beer: :beer:

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