Al Qaeda’s New Jihadi Manifesto Seized…It’s Their Plan B

July 1st, 2008 Posted By Bash.


The piglets of the world are creeping into our society. Little by little, bit by bit, day by day, disenfranchised home grown American punk teenager after disenfranchised home grown American punk teenager on Internet forums, angry black man after angry black man in the prisons, block of Halal shit by block of Halal shit to accomodate the Muslim demand for Halal food.

Before you know it you have a mosque erecting a Minaret on Mainstream in Smalltown Minnesota and the call to prayer goes out five times a day defeating the protests of local residents under the pretense of “Freedom of Religion” and man, oh man, before you know it, as Eurpoe is slowly discovering, you find yourself outnumbered, intimidated, and entering into full-time appeasement which is a sign of weakness of which Jihadis have no respect.

Their next step is the Sword of Allah on your throat, sandal on your chest, ordering you to submit or die.

They are like rabid mongrel dogs that only understand the pain of a boot up the ass and a bullet behind the ear…

Hey! How do you feel about this statement?:

Islamists must create parallel societies alongside existing ones, Naji says - but not set up formal governments, which would be subject to economic pressure or military attack.

These parallel societies could resemble “liberated zones” set up by Marxist guerrillas in parts of Latin America in the last century. But they could also exist within cities, under the very noses of the authorities - operating as secret societies with their own rules, values and enforcement.

Sounds like some parts of canada and a whole bunch of Europe and mostly Africa and large protions of Southeast Asia…

…and check this shit out:

Naji recommends kidnappings, the holding of hostages, the use of women and children as human shields, exhibition killings to terrorize the enemy, suicide bombings and countless gestures that make normal life impossible for the “infidel” and Muslim collaborators.

This link should bother you:

Muslim Students Association.

and this one:


from the NY Post:

NO one should feel safe without submitting to Islam, and those who refuse to submit must pay a high price. The Islam ist movement must aim to turn the world into a series of “wildernesses” where only those under jihadi rule enjoy security.

These are some of the ideas developed by al Qaeda’s chief theoretician, Sheik Abu-Bakar Naji, in his new book “Governance in the Wilderness” (Edarat al-Wahsh).

Middle East analysts think that the book may indicate a major change of strategy by the disparate groups that use al Qaeda as a brand name.

The Saudi police seized copies of the book last week as they arrested 700 alleged terrorists in overnight raids.

Naji’s book, written in pseudo-literary Arabic, is meant as a manifesto for jihad. He divides the jihadi movement into five circles - ranging from Sunni Salafi (traditionalist) Muslims (who, though not personally violent, are prepared to give moral and material support to militants) to Islamist groups with national rather than pan-Islamist agendas (such as the Palestinian Hamas and the Filipino Moro Liberation Front).

All five circles are at an impasse, says Naji. Some accept the status quo while hoping to reform it. Others have tried to set up governments in a world dominated by “infidel” powers, and have been forced to abandon Islamic values. Still others failed because they didn’t realize that the only way to win is through total war in which no one feels safe.

NAJI claims that the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the abolition of the Islamic Caliphate in 1924 marked the start of “the most dangerous phase in history.” Those events put all Arab countries, the heartland of Islam, under domination by the “infidel”- who later continued to rule via native proxies.

In Naji’s eyes, it is impossible to create a proper Islamic state in a single country in a world dominated by “Crusaders.” He cites as example the Taliban - which, although a proper Islamic regime, didn’t survive “infidel” attacks and opposition by Afghan elements.

Instead, he says, the Islamic movement must be global - fighting everywhere, all the time, and on all fronts.

SINCE 9/11, Islamist terror movements have been de bating grand strategy. Osama bin Laden had theorized that the “infidel,” led by the United States, would crumble after a series of spectacular attacks, just as the Meccan “infidel” government did when the Prophet Muhammad launched deadly raids against its trade routes. Yet the 9/11 attacks didn’t lead to an “infidel” retreat. On the contrary, the “Great Satan” hit back hard.

That persuaded some al Qaeda leaders that a new strategy of smaller, slower but steadier attacks was needed. Ayman al-Zawahiri, al Qaeda’s No. 2, has advocated such a strategy since 2003, arguing that the jihad should first target Muslim countries where it has a chance of toppling the incumbent regimes.

Now Naji takes that analysis a step further - suggesting that low-intensity war be extended to anywhere in the world with a significant Muslim presence.

Islamists in the “wilderness” must create parallel societies alongside existing ones, Naji says - but not set up formal governments, which would be subject to economic pressure or military attack.

These parallel societies could resemble “liberated zones” set up by Marxist guerrillas in parts of Latin America in the last century. But they could also exist within cities, under the very noses of the authorities - operating as secret societies with their own rules, values and enforcement.

But they could also take shape in Western countries with large Muslim minorities: The jihadis are to begin by giving areas where Muslims live a distinctly Islamic appearance, by imposing special styles of dress for women and beards for men. Then they start imposing the shariah. In the final phase, they create a parallel system of taxation and law enforcement, effectively taking the areas out of government control.

The “wilderness” will provide the cover for bases for jihad operations. Jihad would be everywhere, rather than in just one or two countries that the “infidel” could hit with superior firepower.

IN a notable departure from past al Qaeda strategy, Naji recommends “countless small operations” that render daily life unbearable, rather than a few spectacular attacks such as 9/11: The “infidel,” leaving his home every morning, should be unsure whether he’ll return in the evening.
Naji recommends kidnappings, the holding of hostages, the use of women and children as human shields, exhibition killings to terrorize the enemy, suicide bombings and countless gestures that make normal life impossible for the “infidel” and Muslim collaborators.

Once parallel societies are established throughout the world, they would exert pressure on non-Muslims to submit. Naji believes that, subjected to constant intimidation and fear of death, most non-Muslims (especially in the West) would submit: “The West has no stomach for a long fight.”

The only Western power still capable of resisting is the United States, he believes. But that, too, will change once President Bush is gone.

NAJI makes it clear that the United States is the chief, if not the exclusive target, of jihad at this time. He mentions Israel only once, as “America’s little female idol.” His only reference to Palestine is in a historical context.

Naji asks jihadis to target oilfields, sea and airports, tourist facilities and especially banking and financial services. He envisages “a very long war,” at the end of which the whole world is brought under the banner of Islam.

He identifies several Muslim countries as promising for establishing “the governance of the wilderness”: Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Yemen, Turkey, Jordan, Libya, Tunisia and Morocco. The implication is that “wilderness” units already exist in nations such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Somalia and Algeria.

Naji’s theory is built on the concept of terror as the main organizing principle of the mini-states he hopes to set up everywhere in preparation for the coming Caliphate. He claims that the Prophet himself practiced the tactic by making his enemies in Medina, where he ran his version of the “wilderness,” pay “the maximum price” for any deviance, and through constant raids on trade caravans belonging to his enemies in Mecca.

IN a simple language, Naji of fers a synthesis of the themes that appeal to different jihadi groups. With anti-imperialist sentiments, missionary dreams, ethnic and class grievances and puritanical obsessions, he mixes a deadly cocktail.

Naji’s message is stark: Western civilization is doomed. Its last bastion, America, lacks the will for a long war. The “infidel” loves life and treats it as an endless feast. Jihadis have to ruin that feast and persuade the “infidel” to abandon this world in exchange for greater rewards in the next.

Amir Taheri’s next book, “The Persian Night: Iran Under the Khomeinist Revolution,” is due out this fall.

(NY Post)

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25 Responses

  1. TBinSTL (just typical)

    We all understand this here, the part that baffles me is how the rest of the population can be so blind. :???: :???:

  2. Chuck

    “Sounds like some parts of canada and a whole bunch of Europe and mostly Africa and large protions of Southeast Asia…”

    Sounds like Venezuela to me.

  3. Jarhead68

    Amen, TB. It’s because the rest of the population doesn’t come here or to Jihad Watch or Front Page Magazine, etc. The sheeple don’t want to be upset by the truth. They think it’s fear mongering. When they have the jackboot of Islam at their throats, they’re going to be thinking, “WTF? Where’d this come from?”

  4. Boo Boo

    Yep, this is Plan B. Wait for Obama to become President. We are the main target. We don’t have the stomach for a long war on terror. The Dems charge “it’s fear mongering.” Willful ignorance.

  5. Kurt(the infidel)

    :arrow: Jarhead68

    fear mongering is one phrase that really pisses me off. I hate when people say that because i know the people who use that phrase would piss in their little panties if they knew what evil really looked like. its time for them to get out of La La land and step into reality no matter how damaging it might be for their fragile little psyches.

  6. cclezel

    Time to barbecue us some Muslims! Now which sauce will best hide the foul taste of these facist Muslims? It’s a toss between Texas style BBQ and Carolina style BBQ. Suggestions? Maby the North will bow to the Muslims request here in the states but I think they are going to find quite a bit of resistence here in the South.

  7. Ji

    Most if not all of the mosques that I know of are going up in liberal areas. The tolerant culture.

  8. Kurt(the infidel)

    I think they will find resistance in more places than just the south. I can promise you us gun toters in the midwest wont disappoint. if everywhere but the south submits then you all are fucked.

  9. Dr. Jerry

    If this pin-head thinks that we, in America, “…lacks the will for a long war…” [sic], I think he should reconsider.

    I do not lack such patience, and the vast majority of Americans certainly would not, especially if that “long war” moved to the very shores of our nation.

    The muslim insurgency lack the firepower and manpower to sustain a shooting war on US soil. They might spark bouts of terrorists attacks, and could do great damage with such attcks, but would stand absolutely no chance against every red-neck with a squirrel rifle. Not to mention those, of us, who are armed, trained, and prepared for such a fight.

    Old Naji ought to think again before unleashing his form of jihad next door to me.

  10. Kevin

    “The only Western power still capable of resisting is the United States, he believes. But that, too, will change once President Bush is gone.”

    You won’t see this quote from any of the MSM…

  11. Mike Mose

    The liberals will submit and their children will be Muslim, they are the Godless type anyway.

    This will cast burning coals on the head of the religious left to no avail. They will submit as well.

    At each lost major city the left will plead for help much like the people in France and Denmark.

  12. Caligula

    NO one should feel safe without submitting to Islam, and those who refuse to submit must pay a high price. The Islam ist movement must aim to turn the world into a series of “wildernesses” where only those under jihadi rule enjoy security.

    sounds like the mark of the beast to me

    EVERYONE should read mark steyn’s book

  13. SOC

    They didn’t want to believe what was happening on 9/11, but the two towers plus sure as hell crashed.

    We are in a social war with all muslims. It is their intention to kill us and take over the US by using our laws of freedom and democracy against us. They will implement sharia law, and they have been working on this in America since the early 1980’s. It is no too late to stops these muslims and we must not allow them to prevail.

    Step 1 will be to disband all internal muslim groups.

    Revoke all student visas and permits and deport them.Revoke all muslim ownership of any property or land, buildings, businesses in the US. That also goes for Red China.

    Disband CAIR and the American muslim society and all muslim college campus groups. Place anyone in jail caught preaching jihad. This must be done and now!!!

    Ask our military to help Israel in defeating Iran and start an offensive to destroy Hizbollah like we are pursuing Al Qeda. We must also help Israel to defeat Hamas and settle the Palestian issue. We must not allow Jerusalem to be divided

  14. Zeke Eagle

    “NO one should feel safe without submitting to Islam,”

    So who says we want to feel safe? Why do the throwbacks fail to understand that real Americans love danger, fast cars, motorcycles, hang gliding, yeah and combat. Our “sport” entails physical contact, broken bones and a definite “Winner”. Hell’s bells, we kill things and eat them!

    All it will take is for Ahabs to attack a school or bus in our homeland, after 911, all civility is on hold until Muhamudism is irradicated like polio was in the fifties.

  15. BoomBoom

    When is this USA going to wake up? The Bible is very clear any Nation who’s God is the LORD is going to come under tremendous persecution. To the non-believers in the TRUTH (see Jesus Christ), they will see good as evil and evil as good (thus the Libs and Goremongers of the world). Is anyone really shocked at what is going on in the world and most of all the USA? (see Pelosi, Reed, Kennedy, Obama, and the rest of same types in your home town!)

  16. sully

    :arrow: “With anti-imperialist sentiments, missionary dreams, ethnic and class grievances and puritanical obsessions, he mixes a deadly cocktail.”

    Sounds alot like Barry and the Dhimmis to me.

    :arrow: “Naji’s message is stark: Western civilization is doomed. Its last bastion, America, lacks the will for a long war. The “infidel” loves life and treats it as an endless feast. Jihadis have to ruin that feast and persuade the “infidel” to abandon this world …”

    Hold it right there haji… there’s no need for that kind of talk. It appears you and Barry have a shared worldview. He wants to destroy our “feast” as well… just give him a call and you guys can probably work this out over lunch.

  17. Bulldog

    The ones that keep in tune with world events and come to sites like this fully understand what is going on. I can see the recruitment of the so called disenfranchised youth and angry blacks as not so a difficult task. This is a spiritual thing that libs just can not understand!! Oliver North was talking about this topic this morning!!!

  18. billie

    This video confirms the Al Qaeda manifesto: A large group of Muslim extremists chasing and cornering police in London. One of the men had just been broadcasting through a microphone that Muslims don’t recognize any authority apart from sharia law.

  19. TedB

    So, it’s civil war then?

  20. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)

    Bash, you got linked at Gathering of Eagles:

  21. 1madpittbull

    Once again I will continue to stock up on ammo, and relearn my small arms tactics… :gun:

    The real question is when will we finally be able to grab the attention of the American people away from their daily distractions and show them the errors of their ways; this of course being the absolute mockery and disregard of the enemy’s battle plan? For Pete’s sake, Islamic scholars, jihadists, and intellictualls have placed their tactics out in front of us for years, practically daring us to read them and react. But once again many of the American people continue to fall back to the drivel that distracts them from mortal threats.

    Average Joe six pack cares not about weapons, tactics, battle plans, and survival…he seems to be more interested in his local gossip, or living vicariously through the A-list celebrities as he gapes in his open mouthed voyeurism searching the headlines of trashy magazines placed in the check out lane of his local supermarket…in the search for “WHO GOT FAT”, or how to achieve 6 minute abs…

    At least I scan the place for a contingency plan to evade and escape if not applying the CCW.

    Thank goodness that the Dollard Nation also keeps awareness, and allows me the smirk a smile of knowing that I am not alone and paranoid at the thoughts of creeping Sharia in western culture..

    Now if we can just re-wake the others, our lives, and that of our children, can continue into prosperity…

    For the alternative is far too grave…

  22. billy_bonney

    Real simple, if the Govt is unwilling to handle the problem then the people, as is their right so stated in the Constiution will take matters into their own hands.

    Since the scotus so magnamously allows us to keep our firearms asserting our right to self defense local militias can handle the islamofachsts if they decide
    to bring their swords to a gun fight. :gun:


  23. Doc Holliday

    This guy has major flaws in his theory.

    History has proven time and again that trying to make a society submit by force, fear and intimidation never works.

    History has proven that American does, in fact, have the will to fight. This will should only be stronger if they dare to institute their plan on US soil. Their strategy seems to hinge on a core misunderstanding of American citizenry. They are counting on 300 million mealy-mouthed yellow liberals. They are quite mistaken.

    People will choose freedom and liberty over security. America pioneered this concept.

    Morally, their plans are corrupt. Kidnapping? Human Shields? Public executions? These are morally reprehensible actions and will be seen as such by Christians, Jews, and average Muslims alike. We saw how well this strategy worked for them in Iraq. :roll:

    These facts don’t even take into account America’s obvious technological, financial, and military superiority.

    They should just give up. Let’s write this up as the Dollard Manifesto and drop it on them.

  24. chris

    Amen, TB. It’s because the rest of the population doesn’t come here or to Jihad Watch or Front Page Magazine, etc. The sheeple don’t want to be upset by the truth. They think it’s fear mongering. When they have the jackboot of Islam at their throats, they’re going to be thinking, “WTF? Where’d this come from?”

    exactly,. if they start thinking it will be too late! NO TOLERANCE for the INTOLERANT!!!!!

  25. Dan (The Infidel)

    This comes from an ex-Muslim. Not me…I’m borrowing his quote:

    “We have seen the destructive power of Islam. We saw how it destroyed our cultures and civilization and took away our freedom. We must not let this happen in the West. This time we know the enemy and we are aware of its lies and modus operandi. The truth about Islam is spreading fast and people are awakening. The enlightened people are leaving Islam is huge numbers and each one of us is fighting back to stop Islam in its track. Islam thrives on ignorance. This war can only be won with knowledge. Truth will set us free.”

    “But those who study Islamic Holy War will understand why Islam wants to conquer the whole world. Those who know nothing of Islam pretend that Islam counsels against war. Those (who say this) are witless. “ Ayatollah Khomeini

    Westerners best WTFU.

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