Average 24 Year=Old In Abu Dhabi Makes 180K A Year

July 15th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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7 Responses

  1. Marc

    “Abu Dhabi sells most of its oil to Asia, so Americans aren’t paying for this”

    Sure Engel, sure.

    Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less!

    When the oil flows and our domestic needs are taken care of the surplus can be sold to India and China and feed their thirst while the US can benefit from the same kind of wealth. It is only a matter of time and once it is on line the Bedouins will be shitting themselves. :mrgreen:

  2. Right_Is_Right

    Tax Free!!! :shock:

  3. Kermit

    Abu Dhabi is not a major player in the O&G market. Its strength is in trading. You don’t need to have a stock market to be a big trading place. They have sovereign funds that have taken a lot of public companies private.

    A friend of mine was over there for three years several years back. He told me that the biggest scam going was young guys telling the government that they were getting married and received an $80,000 stipend which they used to buy new BMW’s even though they had no “job”

    BTW, they contain 7% of oil reserves and 3.4% natural gas reserves. This does not take into consideration reserves contained in shale or heavy oil sands like from Canada.

  4. deathstar


  5. deathstar

    Seriously, even IF domestic drilling had no effect on oil prices, the huge amounts of money we could make here and the boost to the economy from domestic oil would be worth it.

  6. Happyone

    I have several thoughts:
    1. Good for them! I love success stories.
    2. Tell the Mexicans to run over that border! They can make more money!
    3. Gugenheim and Louvre opening branches there. But our Smithsonian, with hundreds of millions of historical artifacts in storage, won’t open a branch on our west coast, where we need it: to teach all the immigrants and left coasters about America. Unless they travel to the east coast, there aren’t too many world class history museums past the Mississippi.

  7. Kim

    Here’s another thought:

    The Dems were oh-so-worried about minimum wage earners and upped the wage even though history has proven that will cause loss of jobs to those that need it most.

    If they stop trying to block drilling, we too will have lots of happy wage earners like Abu Dhabi. Ah, free market enterprise, ain’t it a great thing? :smile:

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