Babe Of The Day: You Vote, You Decide, Louie Conquers

July 21st, 2008 Posted By Bash.


So who is the hottest babe? All three want to escort Louie to the Dead Pig’s Concert For the Eradication of Idiotic Far Left Groups of America. Louie will be the guest speaker and his topic will be:

“Seven Ways To Kill A Left-Wing Lunatic Bent On The Destruction Of America From Within.”

So Who’s it going to be?


Babe #1 Petunia:


Babe #2 Missy:


Babe #3 Penelope:


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32 Responses

  1. C-Low

    Penelope all f*ckin day man. DAm

  2. Larry In NC

    Penelope…..BUT…who ever comes in 3rd, send her to my place for a shoulder to cry on…..etc

  3. John Goodrow

    I’m with C-Low.

  4. Poe

    Missy looks more fun.

  5. Kurt(the infidel)


    she looks wild and her boobs are big :wink:

  6. mike3481

    And the WINNER is…

    Babe #2 Missy… because those aren’t exactly “breeding hips”…which is why Liberals have less than one child per couple and Conservatives have nearly three per couple.

    The Libs. are under-breeding themselves out of existence.

    A Bachelor Conservative would throw Missy out like Picasso would…when he was tired of…well…her!

    Bash asked about Louie’s date, not his mate!

    So, get outta my face, but feel free to bust my chops.
    :shock: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :beer: :beer: :beer:

  7. BoomBoom

    Bash, thank you :beer: :beer: :beer:

  8. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Miss Missy

  9. John Goodrow

    oops, I must have been distracted and read the names wrong. I change my pick to #1.

  10. Tom in CO


  11. RTLM

    The middle one

  12. TBinSTL (just typical)

    #3 Penelope has my vote and my heart….just…damn :shock:

    Uncle Sweetmeat says he’ll take care of the leftovers…

  13. dadeo

    All natural Babe #3 Penelope: :beer: :beer:

    Much prefere home grown (boobies) over off the rack…so to speak.

    Chest(s) like air bags in emergency mode just don’t do it for me.

  14. Snooper

    Well? I choose curtain #3 (Penelope) hands, er, uh, um, well, I pick #3.

  15. T

    Yum… That’s all I have to say about that. :beer:

  16. T-Bagg

    Yum… That’s all I have to say about that. :beer:

  17. Kevin


  18. Desert Rat

    M I S S Y

    (Gotta try to keep it even… They’re all hot)

  19. gmoney


  20. cclezel

    Missy, but I am a breast man myself.

  21. sierrahome

    My computer keeps sliding off my lap.

  22. Ji

    Penelope or if she is not picked, I will take her.

  23. CJbama


  24. DaMan

    Missy, hands down.

  25. KBoomr113

    Missy for sure

  26. Mjolnir


  27. Steady

    Looks like they all need to eat a few more cheeseburgers.

  28. SOC

    Penelope, wow, Oh Gee, Good gosh, Hot damn

  29. brovato

    #1 the flower. I can smell the nectar :shock:

  30. AARON

    All 3! :lol:

  31. TerribleTroy

    Louie is a pig / hog right? So it makes sense that for a “date” he goes with the dirty little tramp………..MISSY! She’s got “exotic dancer” written all over her….

  32. hegelbot

    #3 got to go with Penelope.

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