Bill Clinton Ready To Campaign For Hussein - With Video

July 17th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


There we go! Yes, please do, Bill.

Just go out there and start talking…heh heh…

NEW YORK - Former President Clinton said Thursday he is eager to campaign for Barack Obama whenever the Democrat needs him, but has not given any thought to whether he wants to speak at the party convention in Denver.

“I told him that whenever he wanted me to do it, I was ready, and so it’s basically on their timetable,” Clinton said. “He’s got a lot of things to do between now and the convention, of which this is simply one, so I’ll do whatever I’m asked to do, whenever I can do it.”

Relations between Clinton and Obama have only just began to thaw since Obama defeated the former president’s wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton, in the bruising Democratic primary that ended last month. Throughout that bare-knuckle race, Bill Clinton had portrayed Obama as too inexperienced to be president.

Since Obama clinched the nomination, it has remained an open question as to what role Clinton would play in the campaign.

Just weeks ago, Obama called the former president to ask for his help in winning the White House.

At a news conference for his foundation’s work, Clinton said he had not thought about whether he would like to be a convention speaker. Typically former presidents get a prime-time speaking spot at the party gathering.

Clinton said he had a “good talk” with Obama on the phone and is eager to get out on the road for the Illinois senator.


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5 Responses

  1. brovato

    YES, please do slick willy, talk, talk, and talk. I can tell you love hussein :gun: and want him :gun: :evil: in your (i mean) the White House.

  2. RC

    It’s a ploy by Willy to get into Michelle’s drawers while Obama plays with his teleprompter.. what else could it be??

  3. A. S. Wise-VA (America, FUCK YEAH!!!)

    Doesn’t Bubba have a losing record when it comes to endorsing candidates? :lol:

  4. cathyann

    What did Obama promise him?

  5. sully


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