Hussein Has Team Surround Holiest Wall In Jerusalem With Campaign Posters

July 24th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


Reagan: “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall”

Hussein: “Mr. Toady, put campaign posters on this wall”

O-bum-ty Hussein pissed on The Wall …

O-bum-ty Hussein will have a great fall…

All the Larry King’s and Olbermanns

All the Katie Courics and slobbering Chrissy Matthews

Won’t be able to put that fucker Bum-ty back together again …

God’s gonna get ya, Hussein … Mark my words.

Obama camp plasters posters at Western Wall


Advertises Democrat candidate’s website, official slogan at Judaism’s holiest site

By Aaron Klein


JERUSALEM – Sen. Barack Obama’s campaign plastered the entrance to the Western Wall – the holiest site in Judaism – with official campaign posters, WND has learned.

Jerusalem Police spokesman Mickey Rosenfeld confirmed to WND posters that adorned police barricades erected at the Western Wall plaza for Obama’s visit were distributed by the presidential candidate’s campaign.

“These posters were his campaign and not the doing of the police,” said Rosenfeld, who’s police department coordinated security and provided protection for Obama’s visit today to the holy site.

Asked if it was traditional practice for politicians visiting the Western Wall to bring along posters or campaign materials, Rosenfeld replied, “No.”

Obama campaign posters can be seen in media footage of the Illinois senator’s early morning surprise visit to the Western Wall.

His visit reportedly was not on the official campaign schedule.

The posters display Obama’s name in Hebrew. One poster erected on the main police barricade used by Obama to enter the holy site boasts the official red, white and blue campaign “O” symbol and advertises the candidate’s campaign’s website.

A second poster also displays Obama’s name in Hebrew and contains an image of Israeli and American flags.

Reuters posted images of the Obama campaign posters showing a handful of people waiting behind the police barricades.


Reuters images had the following caption:

“Supporters of U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) stand behind banners printed with his name in Hebrew as they wait for his arrival at the Western wall.”

The caption implied supporters brought along the pro-Obama material.

But an eyewitness speaking to WND tells a different story.

“The kids waiting for Obama may not even be Obama supporters. No one knew Obama was coming in advance. We saw the police barricades erected. We saw Obama’s face on the posters, and some police said Obama was on his way. So a few people gathered by the barricades and waited for Obama,” said the witness.

Obama’s media relations department in the U.S. did not reply to a WND phone call request for comment.

Obama arrived at about 5 a.m. Jerusalem time. He wore a Jewish skullcap and placed a prayer in the wall he said had written. He bowed his head while a rabbi read a psalm calling for peace in the holy city.

According to media accounts, one worshipper repeatedly heckled Obama, chanting: “Obama, Jerusalem is not for sale” and “Jerusalem is our land.”

After his brief visit to the holy site, Obama headed for Berlin, where he was to meet German leaders, including Chancellor Angela Merkel and Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier. He is also due to deliver a major policy speech in front of Tiergarten Park’s Victory Column, a 19th century structure in Berlin capped by a gilded angel.

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9 Responses

  1. sully


  2. Kurt(the infidel)

    plastered posters on barricades at the western wall. wow im having trouble finding words to describe how awful that is. he uses our troops as political pawns, pisses on our flag and has now pissed on the most sacred site for Jews.

  3. sully

    “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.”
    “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master — that’s all.”

  4. Mike W

    The 200 reporters err campaign workers traveling with the messiah had to do something.Plastering campaign ads on walls and barricades is all they are good for.

  5. 007

    Who’s In charge of that Country? I forgot Snoopy Is going to be In Charge of the WORLD!!!!!!!!

  6. Gary in Midwest

    This knob would tack up an “Obama08″ sticker over the INRI on Christ’s cross!

  7. Kim

    This man is the spawn from hell :evil: :gun: :gun:

  8. just posting

    I wouldn’t doubt it Gary.

  9. Susan

    I want to see him try this in Mecca. :mad:

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