Colorado MSNBC Control Room Glitch And On Air Cussing
Okay, I ‘ganked’ this video off Sterling’s site …
I’m NOT sure if it is authentic or the guy’s voice is dubbed to the video … Looks to be authentic.
If it is real the control room producer who is spouting-off needs his ass fired … Apparently he’s too fucking dumb to remember he’s in a room of open mics …
And if I were the field reporter and came back to the station to be told “You’re fired!” I would march right into the bastard’s office and take his balls with me as I left the building …
“Ass Fired”? This is the liberal air waves he will probably be exonerated unless he is a minority then he will be promoted.
July 13th, 2008 at 12:16 pmfunny, I thought I ripped that off this site… As I said on my site, I’ve been in a top news network’s control room during several live broadcasts - this is the norm, it just usually doesn’t bleed into broadcast.
July 13th, 2008 at 2:16 pmSelf Hatred, the stuff liberal networks are made of. Now they are feeding off their own vile behavior.
July 13th, 2008 at 9:15 pm