Congress At 9% Approval (All-Time Low) & 52% Disapproval Rating (All-Time High)
The percentage of voters who give Congress good or excellent ratings has fallen to single digits for the first time in Rasmussen Reports tracking history. This month, just 9% say Congress is doing a good or excellent job. Most voters (52%) say Congress is doing a poor job, which ties the record high in that dubious category.
Harry weed and san fran nan need to fucking get out of the way and let someone competent take charge.
July 8th, 2008 at 9:38 amThe odd thing is that people still seem to blame Republicans even though the Dems hold majority. Pelosi and Reid even blame Republicans for everything. They need to realize that its their fault for being at a 9% approval which is way lower than Bush. i guess its that democrat culture of blaming everyone else and taking no personal responsibility for their own actions.
if Bush is a lame duck then congress is a dead and cooked duck.
July 8th, 2008 at 9:41 amYou can fire just about everyone in that picture and progress will shoot up!!!
July 8th, 2008 at 9:41 amAlso from Rasmussen:
?Bolstered by strong support from lower income voters and from those who see economic issues as most important this year, Democrats continue to enjoy a double digit advantage over Republicans on the Generic Congressional Ballot.”
July 8th, 2008 at 9:48 amI guess that I have come to the conclusion that most Americans, even most Conservatives, are so ignorant of American politics, much less geo political concerns, that they simply spout out the flavor of the day opinion. They don’t think. They just “feel”.
Gas has gone up double since Nov. 2006; the Iraq war has virtually been won without one Dim’s help; the legislative branch controls the purse strings; you’ve got a Dim candidate talking about not only raising taxes but removing the FICA cap, thereby adding an additional tax of 15% to any wage over 100K; a Dim candidate talking of heavily increasing taxes on dividends; a Dim candidate associating with more than questionable racists, anarchists, and other deviants; a House Speaker openly supporting terrorists, ad nauseum; the potential for two very liberal SCOTUS to be appointed; windfall profit’s taxes; gov’t controlled health care, etc…
Yet, in less than four months, a route is predicted for a historic Dimocratic win - even with the Repubs sitting on the sidelines.
Now someone explain to me again how the American public is “smart” like so many pols like to parrot. Personally, I think collectively were about 1 point above a room temperature IQ.
July 8th, 2008 at 9:51 amOne of the problems I’ve learned is college kids are being told (by professors) to vote for Democrats because the Republicans are at fault for all of our problems. They are told that Pelosi, Murtha, Reid, etc are REPUBLICANS.
I say Lock and Load on all Marxist Professors as well!!!
July 8th, 2008 at 11:28 amI’m with the previous two posters.
It amazes me the amount of ignorance I run into daily in discussing politics.
I have never had a problem with philosophical liberals who can explain their positions. Some people just think differently than I do.
My problem is with all the half-wits I run into these days that have NO CLUE about anything. They just spout off crap they’ve read in Rolling Stone or seen in the MSM. In prodding them on the how’s, why’s, where’s, etc… they are at a complete loss.
Just today I got into an argument with a lib who said that Conservatives are so angry, they won’t allow Obama to make it ’til November. In other words, someone will assassinate him before the election. I asked him to give me one example over the past 30 years in which a Conservative has resorted to violence to hinder someone on the Left. Nothing. I then proceeded to give him example after example of:
July 8th, 2008 at 1:58 pm-Conservative speakers on college campuses that have been shouted down and attacked.
-The NYC recruitment center being bombed.
-Multiple examples of slashed tires on election day 2004.
-Condi Rice, The President, etc… who have been shouted down, called nazis, etc.. when they’ve had a speech engagement.
-The convoys that were blocked in Oregon or Washington by anti-war zealots.
-Eco-terrorists burning down ski lodges and houses.
I could go on but you get the point…
July 8th, 2008 at 2:39 pmGoof Troop photo op.
Problem is that the Republican’s have completely ignored countless PR opportunities. Where is the Republican PR machine?
No wonder the serfs think demo-crats are their savior.
They probably still think OJ is innocent too.
July 8th, 2008 at 2:52 pmEvery last one of them!
They’ve earned it.
July 8th, 2008 at 3:36 pmThey’re entitled to it.
Give it to them.
With interest.
Goodbye Natalie
I guess that I have come to the conclusion that most Americans, even most Conservatives, are so ignorant of American politics, much less geo political concerns, that they simply spout out the flavor of the day opinion. They don’t think. They just “feel”.
Well spoken GN!!! Here’s someone else that agreed with that sentiment:
How fortunate for leaders that men do not think.
-Adolf Hitler
Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.
-Adolf Hitler
I use emotion for the many and reserve reason for the few.
-Adolf Hitler
The broad masses of a population are more amenable to the appeal of rhetoric than to any other force.
-Adolf Hitler
And here is one more that sent a cold chill of fear down my spine. It gives perspective to Obama’s claim to Christianity:
As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice.
July 8th, 2008 at 5:36 pm–Adolf Hitler
I do believe that most voters are ignorant…Clinton elected twice. John Kerry on the dim ticket, Obama on the dim ticket. As has been said above, most don’t know the dims control congress. People bitching about gas prices, we have to educate them that the dims are blocking drilling for more supplies. The msm is losing its grip, but not enough.
July 8th, 2008 at 5:44 pmSince apparently I cannot respond on the other board now, I will do it here. Bash I am a proud owner of a few guns, am a member of the NRA and support the troops , the war, this website and until a few months ago our current President.
Now I will not recommend this website to anyone else, which I have brought some attention your way ( maybe you could care less )or will not help in the donations ..again you probably care less. I just think its funny how quickly ones own kind will turn on itself.
You never did anwser my question on another post and I question that but oh well.
Toodles and good luck in all you do.
July 8th, 2008 at 11:14 pm9% of Americans approve of Congress.
52% of Americans disapprove of Congress.
39% of Americans just don’t care one way or the other.
During a time of war and with increased threats from Iran, Russia, and North Korea, to name but a few, that’s frightening……..but considering the current Congress, understandable.
July 9th, 2008 at 6:48 am