Cops Justified In Use Of Deadly Force Or Not? You Tell Me…

July 14th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

His actions, in my mind, from 1:09 on, justified the shooting.

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12 Responses

  1. Gman

    Of the 57 LEO killed in action 2007, 2 were killed by vehicles used as weapons. (FBI report).

    Yes it was justified. When he drove at officers and used his car as a weapon, deadly force could be used.

  2. TerribleTroy

    NRA LE Firearm Instructor (handgun / shotgun)here. Seems they were very conservative in the decision process, the shooting was justified given subjects refusal to obey commands, pre-behavior and ability to cause deadly harm to the Officer in the front of vehicle/parking space at the point where rounds were delivered. If I was to arm chair them, it would be the “four officers angles” when firing. That would be the “one shoots all shoot” syndrome. But looks to me more like suicide by police syndrome than anything else.

  3. doubleglock

    Terrible Troy
    Right - looks like suicide by cop

  4. Poe

    Probably not justified. Doesnt look like he is trying to run anyone down and once boxed in they could have de-escalated the situation.

    But gad I been one of those cops I would have shot the fucker too thou. That make any sense?

  5. GBU43

    Bash where did you find that.. That video is like 7 years old now.. totally justified shooting.

    I laugh at the moron’s that think that a vehicle isn’t a weapon. the next liberal idiot that says that gets to stand in the middle of the freeway and see what happens when 4 tons of steel barrels in them.

  6. AmericanJarhead

    dismissed! :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

    He deserved to die. It may have even been suicide by cop

  7. Bash

    :arrow: GBU43…

    Just one of those vids that suddenly pops up in a few places after a long absence and starts making the rounds again.
    :beer: :gun:

  8. Jason

    Absolutely justified. LE has been provoked for far too long. Perps are constantly pushing farther and harder against the cops because they know that 1) someone is bound to catch it on video, and 2) some Libtard will rush to their defense when they “see something” in said video, and 3) the douche bag driving the car is thinking to himself, “what are they going to do, shot me?”.

    Yes they will; and yes they did. I hope other would be criminals keep this video in mind and chose to do the right thing. Stop the car and comply with the friendly officer.

    Rember 1968 in Chicago? The cops and National Guard beat a few hundred hippies and look, to this day they are well respected by all.

    Bravo cops!

  9. RememberOurFathers

    I don’t understand why that was a controversial case?

  10. Dan (The Infidel)

    A vehicle is a deadly weapon, he almost hit two cops with it. When a cop says stop…out of the vehicle…you stop and get out…you don’t try to run over cops….unless you have a suicide wish…

    Perfectly justified shooting.

  11. hegelbot

    yeah justified, my brother’s police department had a case like this just last year where the guy tried to ram the police car and was shot. car = deadly weapon.

  12. 31Mike

    Hell yes it was justified.
    If they had let him get away and he ran head-on into another car and killed them, then the media would have been screaming why didn’t the police stop him when they had a chance.

    This is a no-brainer.

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