DC Rejects Heller’s Gun Permit Application - With Video

July 17th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


LOL, un-fukn-believable…

WASHINGTON — District residents can start registering their guns today. But at least one very high profile application was already rejected.

Dick Heller is the man who brought the lawsuit against the District’s 32-year-old ban on handguns. He was among the first in line Thursday morning to apply for a handgun permit.

But when he tried to register his semi-automatic weapon, he says he was rejected. He says his gun has seven bullet clip. Heller says the City Council legislation allows weapons with fewer than eleven bullets in the clip. A spokesman for the DC Police says the gun was a bottom-loading weapon, and according to their interpretation, all bottom-loading guns are outlawed because they are grouped with machine guns.

Besides obtaining paperwork to buy new handguns, residents also can register firearms they’ve had illegally under a 180-day amnesty period.

Though residents will be allowed to begin applying for handgun permits, city officials have said the entire process could take weeks or months.


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31 Responses

  1. Vehement

    Wow. Some nerve. Well, what do you expect from the land of politicians? Slimey pukes.

  2. GregGS

    f the law says “Clip”. That is the hook Pistols and bottom loading rifles have magazines not clips an WWII MI Garand has a Clip it does not cover the bullets in the way a magazine does
    also some weapons have small stripper clips for top loading. It’s all semantics to drag it out as long as possible.

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    well thats a bitch. a ‘bottom loading’ gun is grouped in with machine guns? how did that ever happen? guess Heller will have to buy a revolver or some odd single shot handgun.

  4. Molly

    I smell a new lawsuit.

  5. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)

    Un-fuckn-believable. They’re gonna get Scalia’s boot up their collective ass.

  6. CPLViper

    Sue them again, Heller!

  7. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Give it up D.C. government pukes. You are going to freaking loose every f’ing time.
    D.C. residents, buy guns. Buy more guns. After all is said and done, it’ll be you folks on the front lines when the citizery of the nation has to protect itself from a tyrannical government, ya just like the one that runs D.C. now. :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun:

  8. Kentucky Jim

    If they can’t understand a pistol, imagine how they will screwup health care!

  9. CymKnowlton

    Its just the like the right to vote….a literacy test to register? next it will be a poll tax— an outrageous registration fee…..or a property requirement—- if you dont have a home you dont need a gun you have nothing to defend. This issue is far from settled and I fear it will be going back to the supremes. The question is what will the court look like when next it gets there?

  10. TBinSTL (just typical)

    He’s said that he is fully prepared to file suit again if need be. I guess the need be…

  11. Doug

    They also keep saying that guns still have to be unloaded, dissasembled, or trigger locked which goes against the SCOTUS ruling. All their doing is opening the door for a serious bitch slap to the face and force the SCOTUS to even further remove restrictions. Works for me, but I think the DC pussies are going to be sorry for pushing the issue.

  12. Caligula

    :arrow:”all bottom-loading guns are outlawed because they are grouped with machine guns.”

    wait… if it uses exploding gases its a machine gun?

    that makes a cow a machine gun!!

    have they outlawed cows in DC yet? :lol:

  13. Chuck

    “Besides obtaining paperwork to buy new handguns, residents also can register firearms they’ve had illegally under a 180-day amnesty period.”

    I don’t think I would trust this little future bait and switch technique.

  14. AmericanJarhead

    Makes you wanna shoot somebody!

  15. Kim

    :arrow: Chuck

    That was the first thing I thought when I read that. The DC bueracrats are so transparent who would place their trust or their guns in that?

    Has anyone heard anything more about the NRA suing Chicago, San Francisco, etc.?

  16. BlueOval8950

    What good is an unloaded weapon other than being a really expensive bludgeon. It pisses me off that they legislate what you can and can’t do within your own residence. What is next, you can have a TV but only watch MSNBC and it can never be turned off?

    I sometimes think a little radiation treatment on that place might be a good thing.

  17. Kim

    I just answered my own questions about the NRA’s lawsuit. Here is the NRA’s link regarding their lawsuit:


    The San Francisco lawsuit challenges a local ordinance and lease provisions that prohibit possession of guns by residents of public housing in San Francisco. NRA is joined in that suit by the California Rifle and Pistol Association and the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

    The Chicago case challenges a handgun ban nearly identical to the law struck down yesterday in Washington, D.C. The other Illinois suits challenge handgun bans in the suburban towns of Evanston, Morton Grove and Oak Park.

  18. Kim

    And on another front:

    Representative Mark Souder (R-Ind.) introduced H. Res. 1331, a rule to govern House consideration of a modified version of H.R. 1399

    It would provide for speedy consideration of legislation to enforce the Supreme Court’s decision in District of Columbia v. Heller by repealing the provisions of the D.C. Code that were at issue in that case, and by preventing the District from enacting new and burdensome restrictions on its residents’ Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

    Among other things, H. Res. 1331 includes:
    -repeal D.C.’s ban on many semi-automatic firearms,
    -repeal the District’s firearm registration system,
    -reduce the District’s burdensome restrictions on ammunition,
    -repeal the District’s law that allows manufacturers of certain types of guns to “be held strictly liable in tort, without regard to fault or proof of defect,” for injuries caused with those guns.

    Please be sure to contact your U.S. Representative at (202) 225-3121, and urge him or her to press Congressional leadership to bring H.R. 1399 to the House floor.

  19. Erik Marsh

    Here’s the D.C. Law:
    (10) “Machine gun” means any firearm which shoots, is designed to shoot, or can be readily converted or restored to shoot:

    (A) Automatically, more than 1 shot by a single function of the trigger;

    (B) Semiautomatically, more than 12 shots without manual reloading.

    So what I get is as long as the manufacturer of the semi-auto you own does NOT manufacture a magazine that holds 12 or more rounds, they can’t stop you. In other words any sub-compact semi-auto MUST be allowed to be registered!

  20. sully

    Support of the Second Amendment…. Duhbama style.

  21. momps

    Saw off a shotgun to be little more than pistol length ^_^

  22. CBL

    “A spokesman for the DC Police says the gun was a bottom-loading weapon, and according to their interpretation, all bottom-loading guns are outlawed because they are grouped with machine guns.”

    OMFG :???: Typical liberal anti-second ammendment bullshit. Misery loves company.

  23. dadeo

    I wonder how many hip hop gang bangers showed up to register their stolen gats?

  24. Bill Smith

    These idiots rejected the application of the very Plaintiff in whose favor The Supreme Court RULED?!

    No bottom loading guns, because they’re “machine guns”?? That means my Winchester Model 12 pump shotgun I got when I as 12 is a machine gun.

    :shock: Who knew?

    These people are idiots.

  25. Will

    of course they can trample all over the 2nd amendment, but when it comes the 1st amendment, flag burning and treasonous retoric is a-ok.

  26. Medic Mike

    Here is a link to the brochure. If you notice they are spreading misinformation about guns.

  27. sully

    That’s really some cocky ‘in your face SCOTUS’ shit.
    They must be convinced they’ve got cavalry coming in the form of an Oreobama POTUS to help them take guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens.
    Just like lib assholes to waste all their time and effort on ‘We the People’ who obey laws instead of the assholes that break laws.

  28. Sully0811

    Well the DC police chief does dress and behave like a 3rd world military ruler. “No rights for the peons, now excuse me while I make up more awards to give myself so I can compete with a generals fruit salad.”

    Really I’m just hoping for a Republican congress next season so we can threaten the city of DC with dissolving the mayors office and making them obey all the federal laws. DC isn’t a state it doesn’t get to make its own laws.

    Still waiting to receive that call that the reserves have been activated to liberate DC and enforce democracy.

  29. Dan (The Infidel)

    DC is truely a third-world dictatorship. There will be more lawsuits, in the meantime, if I lived in DC I’d go buy a gun for my house, and if necessary use it…then take the DC government to court where they’d promptly lose a lausuit.

    Only a third-world brain-dead politico like the ones that rule DC would defy the Constitution as these DC untermensch continue to do.

  30. CBL

    Typical I lost so I am going to put a finger in your eye dem bullshit. Wow seems the only thing dems are good as is crying like a 5 year old with a skinned knee.

  31. mess

    Smells like communism to me. Laws don’t mean anything to these people. They think they are above the law.

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