Diane Sawyer Grills Joe Horn - Stick To Yer Guns, Joe!

July 7th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

Fukn bitch…

You remember Joe Horn, the guy who blasted those two illegal aliens robbers as they tried to flee…

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11 Responses

  1. Bob P

    You said it Bash. love the new video. :beer: :beer:

  2. dadeo

    Yeah, and if you break-in to his neighbor’s house he’ll shoot your ass too, bitch!

    Good for you Joe!

  3. SOC

    Fuck Diane Sawyer. She is getting old and trying to justify her job. Worthless liberal bitch…

  4. Lock and Load

    Who the hell is she to try to drag his ass through the ringer anyways? She is a self-righteous idiot who understands nothing about the right to private property and the protection thereof. :gun: :gun:

  5. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Watch it Diane baby, sweetie-pie; he may kill you, he’s a KILLER and a protector of property and rights.
    Watch out you far-left looney tune media whore. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :beer:

  6. mike3481

    :arrow: Diane Sawyer

    Last I checked, a 9-1-1 operator was in no shape, way or form, a Law enforcement officer or official!

    I listened to the audio tape of the call and the 9-1-1 operator sounded to me like a bleeding heart Liberal who wouldn’t defend himself in any situation…even a deadly one…he would just lay down and die.

    You may think I’m wrong…but I doubt I am!

    So Diane, ask yourself the question… who would you want as a neighbor, Joe Horn or the pussy-9-1-1 operator heard on the audio tape?

    I’m serious…answer the bleeping question!

  7. Mike Mose

    The open borders policy of Clinton and Bush has started a war within the US. Mexican Gangs and criminals believe that killing and robbing Americans and raping our children is there right because that what they do in Mexico.
    Thank God for people like Joe Horn, more importantly thank God for people in the jury.

    Mexico whats to take our country, that is war.

    The Muslims what to take our country, that is war.

    I just wish Diane Sawyer could have been in the home those two illegal drug dealers broke into. Then it would have been Joe Horn Hero.

    The sad thing is John McCain was in Mexico Kissing Ass over the July 4th. He is a FOOL, He still doesn’t get IT.

  8. deathstar

    Nice shooting Joe.


  9. NickD

    I’d be thrilled to have him as my neighbor. Unfortunately our laws in this state don’t allow us to take care of business quite so easily.

  10. CBL

    Good on ya Joe, you have nobody to answer to in the MSM or anywhere else for that matter. You did the right thing.

  11. AmericanJarhead

    Blow ‘em away Joe!

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