Drudge: Entire Iran Missile Launch Faked. Bogus Video, Ancient Missiles

July 11th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Drudge Report:

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Fri Jul 11 2008 15:18:02 ET

Many of Iran’s claims related to its missile tests appears to be smoke and mirrors, the NEW YORK TIMES is planning to report on Saturday.

The missiles tested did not have 2,000-kilometer range; it was an older missile that was out of production, newsroom srouces tell DRUDGE. A video showed what appeared to be many missiles being fired is actually one missile, filmed from different angles.

NYT’s Bill Broad is planning to quote Pentagon officials and military insiders.


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25 Responses

  1. drillanwr (hembra blanca Not-Hussein típica)

    Wait … so there’s NO gay dinosaurs in Iran?


  2. Laura

    I hope this is true. It means Imadinnerjacket is sweating a little under the weight of all his genocidal bluster.

  3. dadeo

    Baghdad Bob must be working for the Iranians now.

  4. Rob

    Ok. and this guy says that he can defeat us, all the while he has to fake a missile launch because he can’t launch real missiles. :oops: Bet he’s feeling pretty embarrassed right now. Go ahead Israel, bomb them, what are they going to do, shoot photoshoped missiles at you?

  5. CBL

    Makes sense, fake a bunch of missle launches to provoke the Israeli’s into attacking and in turn making them (Iran) look innocent and peaceful and all the Middle East turns on Israel.

  6. A. S. Wise-VA (America, FUCK YEAH!!!)

    Ahmadinejad’s instructions to Revolutionary Guards: “Bakalah, scimitar rattling Shahab, jihad!!! Inshallah, wir mussen toten sie die Juden und Amerikaner! Mahdi durka durka!!!”

    But remember, their greatest weapon is OUR MSM. :mad:

  7. Rob

    Yep…and we get involved…by removing our troops and inserting some warheads.

  8. DC

    Looks like Iran has been taking lessons from the old USSR coldwar fakery!

  9. dad3-7

    our intel community watched in real time the launches, they knew how many were launched and how many duds… they watched t he same crews come the next day and luanch the duds… the missles in fact weren’t as big a deal as the MSM would have us believe.. the bogus pics were known by the intel and just let it go.. the MSM made a big deal about it since they discovered it…we would have smoked the whole lot had it been a treat..

  10. sully

    Didn’t Drudge go over to the Dark Side? Start pushing Hussein?
    I started smelling bad milk and never went back.

  11. Goodbye Natalie

    HEY? :eek: Is that an old Dr. Pepper Bottle I’m seeing that Mahmoud’s using to house the bottle rockets before launch?

    Ahmadinejad, you frickin’ garden gnome! There’s a bunch of Jewish pilots that are going to smoke your little hairy kabobs for the critters and quite possibly soon.

  12. drillanwr (hembra blanca Not-Hussein típica)

    There are ANY number of highly intelligent people to be found gathered at [this] same place that can help Amydidherdad boost his missile/rocket program to success:


  13. NickD

    HAHAHAHAHAHAAHA :lol: :lol:

  14. Tom in CO


  15. SOC

    I wish somebody would cap that little shit…

  16. T-Bagg (AKA T-Badd)

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :gun: :beer:

  17. Mike Mose

    It looks like Imadinnajacket is going to get Iran bombed by none other than Israel. LOL This is to good for words.

  18. 83delta

    You were not supposed to look behind the curtain and the “wizard” is pissed!

  19. Kentucky Jim

    Saddam made folks believe he was more of an external threat than he really was. I guess Ahmmadidderrod thought that worked so well for Saddam that he would try it himself. Here’s hoping he gets the same results.

    I would think Iran would go down much faster than Iraq since there would not be another Iran funding and supplying the terrorists into the fray.

  20. Q_Mech

    Works out well for Hussein’s efforts to strip down the military if Drudge turns out to be right. Obama’s drones will soon start their mindless, self-serving chest-puffery about how the Iranian threat is all smoke and mirrors, and EVIL BOOSH is just “fear-mongering”.

    Count with me: 5…4…3…

  21. Kentucky Jim

    :arrow: Q-Mech:
    Well, it is a small, tiny, itty-bitty warhead.

  22. goose

    I was hoping they were real, if they are completly fake we’ve just taken a step back. Those milliles could have been a good reason for an israeli strike, we need a knew one if there fake.

  23. Dan (The Infidel)

    No doubt the intel community is not only watching the Iraniac missile launches in real time but have infiltrated Al Quds. Yeah that’s no shit. There’s a story over at FrontPage on an Iranian who infiltrated the Revolutionary Gurads and brought back good info to the CIA.

    I think the intel on the Iranians is going to get better, since there are so many Iranians who are fed up with the apostates in Tehran and are willing to give us good intel
    in the hopes that we might help bring down the evil regime in Tehran.

  24. Kearny432

    Anyone else notice the timing of this little bit of photo shop theater? Oil prices started retreating back into low 130’s, then this bit of saber rattling and, voila, oil back pushing record highs. I would be interested in the put/call volume in oil futures, transaction records, overseas account activity etc. Makes you wonder if the Iranians aren’t booking a little coin on the side gigging the market…

  25. Drudge: Entire Iran Missile Launch Faked. Bogus Video, Ancient Missiles « Thoughts Of A Conservative Christian

    […] Iran Missile Launch Faked. Bogus Video, Ancient Missiles July 12, 2008 — budsimmons https://pat-dollard.com/2008/07/drudge-entire-iran-missile-launch-faked-bogus-video-ancient-missiles/ Posted in Ahmadinejad, Iran, Iran revolt, Iran threat, Iran’s Mullahs, Iranian Nukes, Iranian […]

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