Happy Birthday, Sir! … And Thank You!

July 6th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.



And they say that a hero can save us.

I’m not gonna stand here and wait.



I’ll hold onto the wings of the eagles.

Watch as we all fly away.



God Bless, Pres. George W. Bush.


My Tribute To Pres. George W. Bush

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41 Responses

  1. American Infidel

    Here, Here…God Bless President George W. Bush.

  2. Kurt(the infidel)

    One of the best Presidents we have ever had and history will be kind to him.

    Happy Birthday President Bush :beer: :beer:


    God Bless, Pres. George W. Bush. :beer:

  4. 0311inOHio(typical white person)

    :arrow: drill

    :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

    Somethings this president has done really pisses me off but the one and primary one that I admire him and thank him for is taking the fight to the enemy, never wavering and saying fuck you to the libtards with-out actually saying it. Steady as she goes. History, you can’t change history and it will say; What the fuck would have happened if America had not taken the lead once again.. I thank him for my grand kids but I worry to death about the fuck head Nobama being elected to replace him. God help us.

  5. Chuck

    Happy Birthday Mr. President. :beer:

  6. Birdddog

    :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Keep up the good fight! :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun:

  7. A. S. Wise-VA (America, FUCK YEAH!!!)

    God bless President Bush! I’ll always remember as a young 9th grader, him standing at Ground Zero, vowing revenge on the terrorists. I’ll also remember how so few (if any) substantive scandals there were in his administration, despite the MSM narrative.

    Mr. President, one of the highlights of my life was being able to cast my first presidential ballot for you in 2004. I wish you many healthy years in retirement!

    :beer: GO GET ‘EM, DUBYA!!! :beer:

  8. Zeke Eagle

    We will stand to fight with you Sir. Let’s roll!

  9. Mike Mose

    Happy Birthday Pres. Bush
    May you be blessed and protected all the days of your life.

  10. littlefox

    Happy Birthday Pres. George W. Bush.

    We thank you and we love you…don’t ever forget: THEY HATED Jesus. See you in paradise brother!

  11. Pete

    Happy bithday W lets have a :beer: after you retire

  12. Old Sailor

    Happy Birthday, President Bush!!

    I disagree with your foolish attempts to impose the North American Union upon the United States by executive fiat and not consulting Congress and the American people, and your stupid policy on trying to give citizenship to illegal immigrants. Your government spent WAY too much money and grew too big, and never confronted Pork-barrel spending in Congress in the way it should have.

    But I congratulate you on your HISTORIC victories in Iraq over Al-Qaeda, in Libya, in North Korea, in Colombia and domestically by bringing Nuclear power back to the US agenda, strengthening our military forces with historic budgets, and a host of other things that the demorats will never give you credit for.

    You also accomplished a historic feat by appointing two of the most conservative Supreme Court Judges to the bench ever, Sam Alito and John Roberts. That is something even Ronald Reagan couldn’t do.

    You have been a great President with a few bad ideas; something shared by all great Presidents. I think history will look back with awe at the impact for good you have had on the Middle East, and especially Iraq.

    I give you a B+ for a job mostly well done. I wish I could give an A, but it just doesn’t fit.

  13. Knottie

    Happy Birthday Mr. President and thank you for caring about this country as much as I do.

  14. Aaron

    Thank you Mr. President!You were elected at the right time in our history and you have served us well! Happy Birthday!

  15. Cridhe Saorsa

    Thank you Mr. President for all you have done for America.

    You did not seek this war as others claim. It came to you and you have acquitted yourself skillfully as our leader. You kept us safe by taking the fight to the enemy on their own ground.

    Like our first President, George Washington, you did not waiver in the face of insurmountable odds and the defeatist yammering of an ineffective Congress. You did not flinch in the face of escalating tyrannical violence while others cowered behind their fears, the cost of the fight and their own self-hatred. When they would douse the light of Freedom in Iraq, you put more good Americans into the fight. And today, through their sacrifice of blood and sweat and family and the spirit of determination that is All-American, a new democracy, free of tyranny and full of hope of a new day, shines brilliantly on the horizon in the east.

    The name of George W. Bush will always be honored in the heart and word of this American as an example of courage, leadership, and the American Spirit until the day I cross over into the arms of my Lord.

    May God’s peace be with you all of your days here and ever after.

  16. rightangle

    1-202-456-1414 will connect you to the White House. I called and got through to wish Prez a happy birthday. They wouldn’t tell me where he was obviously, but like his Father, I suspect he is celebrating today in like fashion and under the pseudonym “Paul McGowan” :beer: :beer: :gun:


  17. Corey Wayne

    Happy B-Day Mr. President!

  18. 31Mike

    Happy Birthday President Bush……I wish you many, many more.

    God Bless our Troops and God Bless these United States.

  19. Dr. Jerry


    Happy Birthday! And may the God of heaven grant you many, many more. Unfortunately, He will not be able to grant you any more years in the White House as President. During this time of a global war against radical Islamic fundamentalisic terrorism, I am not certain that anyone else will do the job. Hats off to you “W.”

  20. Word-Drum

    God Bless our President. He has been outstanding and turned-out to be a great leader after 9/11. To have this Texan in the White House was, in my opinion, perfect. To the elitist in the media, who set out to destroy him and his administration, a big FUCK YOU!

  21. Word-Drum

    God Bless our President. He has been outstanding and turned-out to be a great leader after 9/11. To have this Texan in the White House was, in my opinion, perfect. To the elitist in the media, who set out to destroy him and his administration, a big FUCK YOU!

  22. roger c

    Happy Birthday, President Bush :grin:

  23. okiemarine81

    If only he could have a third term. Thank you sir. This Marine is proud to have you as my Commander-in-Chief.

  24. AFITgrad86

    Happy Birthday Mr. President

    This retired AF guy sends his best wishes to one of the greatest presidents since Lincoln. In many ways your presidency reminds me of Lincoln’s … especially the way the press has attacked you. But like Lincoln, history will look favorably on you.

    Thank God we have a president who has a moral compass to steer by and can ignore the focus groups and opinion polls. Doing what is right is never easy! It’s a thankless job and I for one appreciate your efforts … Now lets drill some oil wells, open a couple of mega refineries, and build a 100 nuclear power plants! Then we can tell the rest of the world to Piss Off!!

    God Bless you sir and God Bless America!

  25. danielle

    Happy birthday President Bush! You are the coolest and greatest president ever! God bless you and your beautiful family. :)

  26. nodhimmi

    Happy Birthday Mr. President,
    As a human being of course you have made mistakes, which, because of your position, are amplified for the world to see. I believe you to be an honest man who has publicly professed to be a follower of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. That, in and of itself, is enough to rouse the hatred of the world. Yet, it is also more than sufficient to provide you the courage to have no fear of any man. On more than one occasion you have asked for our prayers for your guidance, and I hope mine have had some small beneficial impact. God Bless you, and thank you for a job well done.

  27. sierrahome

    Happy Birthday Mr. President :beer:

  28. Sandy

    God bless you President Bush! Happy Birthday!

    You know the nature of our enemies. We have seen them before. You did not back down. You did not care about the popularity polls and did what had to be done.

  29. Jon

    Winston Churchill was extremely unpopular at the end of WWII, much the same as President Bush is today. Screw the dimwitted people in the world, I’m grateful you’ve been there for us these last eight years, Happy Birthday, sir.

  30. Flag Gazer

    Thank You, Mr. President.
    God Bless.

  31. Will

    To hell and back, Mr. President. :beer: :beer:

  32. Tom in CO

    God Bless you, sir, Happy Birthday! W ‘08, W Forever!! :gun: :gun: :gun:

  33. Julie

    You have have shown in many ways your love and respect for the men and women in our Miltary. You and they have kept our nation safe for the last 7 years. Happy Birthday Mr President and may God Bless you and grant you many happy years with Laura on your beloved ranch in Crawford and may God Bless America

  34. Julie

    I have not always agreed with you especially on illegal immigration but you have kept us safe and always, always you showed love and respect for the miltary. You and they have kept us safe and brought freedom to the Iraqi’s. Happy Birthday Mr.President. May you God grant you many, many more with Laura at your beloved Crawford ranch. God Bless you and God Bless America.

  35. NickD

    Happy Birthday, Mr. President….history will remember you fondly. Vivat, crescat, floreat!

  36. Nick1970

    Happy birthday, Mr. President. You have given your all to defend this country from its enemies, even when you were hated for it. History will show you were right all along. :beer:

  37. Pauline D. Moreau

    You are a good man Mr. President, I admire you for the stand you have taken even when your enemies have fought you so hard. You have MANY friends that stand with you. We still LOVE the good old USA and the constitution. Continue to stand tall and let the LORD guide your life. Keep the FAITH, history will reward you!! America is so priviliged to have such an honorable man as our leader. GOD BLESS YOU!

    Happy BIRTHDAY.

  38. azbastard

    Happy birthday President Bush..Thank you

  39. Terry Gain

    GWB: The most maligned and positively transformative President since Lincoln.

  40. Brian H

    I was born on exactly the same day — July 6, 1946.

    I’m honoured.

    Canadian pro-American.

  41. dadeo

    Happy Birthday Mr. President! Thanks for keeping us safe.

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