Hussein Bitches About People Criticizing His Wife’s Public Political Speeches
That’s what most of the critiques have been about, so once again Hussein wants to have it both ways, for normal rules to apply to everyone but him. He wants his wife to speak as a public person, but be treated by the press as a private one.
WASHINGTON (AP) - What gets under Barack Obama’s skin? Criticism of his wife, Michelle Obama.
In an interview with Glamour magazine, Obama said attacks on his wife are “infuriating.” The likely Democratic presidential nominee blamed the conservative press for going after his wife as if she were the candidate.
“If they have a difference with me on policy, they should debate me. Not her,” Obama told the magazine.
An Associated Press-Yahoo poll suggests Michelle Obama has higher favorable ratings than Cindy McCain, wife of presumptive Republican nominee John McCain. However, Michelle Obama’s unfavorable ratings are also higher.
Michelle Obama came under fire in February when she said she was proud of her country for the first time in her adult life. She later clarified her remark, saying she has always been proud of her country and was particularly proud to see so many people involved in the political process.
Obama said the attacks are ironic because his wife is “the most quintessentially American woman I know.”
Michelle Obama, 44, has worked as a lawyer and hospital executive. The couple has two daughters, Malia, 10, and Sasha, 7.
The Internet has been a double-edged sword for the Obama campaign. While it’s allowed them to organize supporters and raise millions of dollars, Obama said it’s also provided a vehicle for rumors and myths to spread quickly.
“It’s very hard to catch up,” he said.
Glamour’s editor-in-chief also interviewed McCain. Full interviews with both candidates were scheduled to appear in the magazine’s October issue.
Tell your wife to shut up and then no one can criticize her. if she keeps up her anti-American rhetoric then she is more than fair game as far as im concerned
July 17th, 2008 at 12:33 pmWhat else would you expect from a twink victim bitch like Duhbama BUT for him to bitch.
July 17th, 2008 at 12:39 pmLittle fairy fuck.
She definitely has an air of Imaldo Marcos or Elena Ceaucescu about her.
She may well take that as a compliment.. no offense Barry.
July 17th, 2008 at 12:51 pmSpeaking of bitch
July 17th, 2008 at 12:52 pmThe most pompous, arrogant snobs to ever seek high office in my life time. And they both meet every aspect of the charge.
Neither has ever done anything real or useful in their pitiful snob lives.
July 17th, 2008 at 12:58 pmWell Barry, have you considered telling her to shut her pie hole?
It would be a lot easier than trying to silence the rest of America…you fukn twit.
July 17th, 2008 at 1:32 pmThe Honorable James David Manning says Obama is turning America into a communist nation. calls his wife King Cong lol
July 17th, 2008 at 2:03 pmAdd it to obama’s censorship list.
From Rush’s site:
July 17th, 2008 at 2:18 pm
I wonder if she would agree to be quiet if he sat down with her with no pre-conditions.
July 17th, 2008 at 2:27 pmOkay, that link only brings you to Rush’s home page.
(everyone say it together… POD1 sucks)
Here is what I thought was pertinent to this thread:
RUSH: With Obama we started out, we couldn’t talk about his big ears ’cause that made him nervous. We’ve gone from that to this: Not only can we not mention his ears…
We can’t talk about his mother.
We can’t talk about his father.
We can’t talk about his grandmother unless he does, brings her up as a “typical white person.”
We can’t talk about his wife, can’t talk about his preacher, can’t talk about his terrorist friends, can’t talk about his voting record, can’t talk about his religion.
We can’t talk about appeasement.
We can’t talk about color; we can’t talk about lack of color.
We can’t talk about race. We can’t talk about bombers and mobsters who are his friends. We can’t talk about schooling. We can’t talk about his name, “Hussein.”
We can’t talk about his lack of experience. Can’t talk about his income. Can’t talk about his flag pin.
This started out we can’t call him a liberal.
It started out we just couldn’t talk about his ears.
Now we can’t say anything about him.
July 17th, 2008 at 2:50 pmMichelle X is telling young people to not aspire to the middle class. Positioned to either run the country or cash- in like Bill Clinton, she is can go fuck herself. Obi is thinking:”Just give me the fucking keys to the country.” Sure, we’ll do what ever you say…what sully said.
July 17th, 2008 at 3:26 pm“I wonder if she would agree to be quiet if he sat down with her with no pre-conditions.”
That’s probably where he thinks he got ‘diplomatic negotiating’ expertise.
July 17th, 2008 at 4:57 pmHe thinks ‘no way Ahmadickwad can be worse than Michelle so I’ll go kiss his ass for a few minutes and he’ll give up them nukes fer sure’.
He would make a better argument if she would lend him his BALLS back.”Barack honey,there in the jar on top of the fridge”
July 17th, 2008 at 5:28 pmHey now, he’s all for freedom of speech until someone says something he doesn’t like. Now to really understand how nuts this cow is you have to understand even Hillary’s behavior was civil during Bill’s time running for and in office, if a bit condescending.
As for diplomatic negotiating, I’m disturbed by how quickly people forgot the lessons of Reagan. Peace through strength. A treaty or alliance means nothing if you do not have the strength of arms to enforce it. Trust but verify the START treaty is a good example of this, sitting down with a 3rd world dictator with no conditions isn’t.
Then again I get the feeling Obama is of the school of giving signed Michael Jordan basketballs to dictators for photo ops that legitimize the dictators position and weaken ours.
July 17th, 2008 at 10:00 pm