Hussein Blows Jewish Vote, Contradicts Himself About Iran In Sderot - With Video
Bash here: Hussein stands in Sderot in front of all the missile fragments and gives a press conference and I sat and watched the whole thing and I will tell you with absolute certainty, that after watching that press conference, he will not get the Jewish vote.
He is a freakin’ idiot. He has no idea what the hell he is talking about, and anybody that knows anything about Israel besides what its flag looks like will be able to see right through this guy if they watch this press conference.
He gets the question…the question, tossed at him…you know, the one about meeting Iran without preconditions.
This is the biggest issue to Jews all around the world right now.
I’m telling you, this guy without a teleprompter is an empty head, at least when it comes to Middle East politics and American Foreign Policy.
Now check out Hussein the Lying Idiot:
He says he would meet with any leader as long as it was in the United States’ interest. Well, who would determine what is in the U.S.’s best interest, him? I don’t believe he has the judgement. Not only that but he is in Israel, he is supposed to be calming Israeli fears about an Iranian nuclear holocaust, and any good U.S. President or Presidential wannabe would include “Israel’s best interest, as well” when addressing this particular question in this particular setting because there is no closer U.S. ally in the entire Middle East than Israel.
But he didn’t do that.
He talks about dealing with Iran by offering incentive packages, he even uses the term “Carrot & Stick” approach and then spews out a bunch more United Nations hamstrung, castrated, worthless garbage that we have been trying with Iran for years, to no avail, as if its some sort of “new idea” that he has.
Then he launches into his “Well, there’s a difference between precondition and preparation”…
No shit? Nice dodge.
Then comes the big contradiction, and I just wonder if any of the 500 mainstream media groupies that have been his entourage for the whirlwind Obamamania Tour will even catch it:
He talks about the whole not talking to Iran without preconditions thing. He says the Bush administration policy is one that tells Iran (and here he either lies, or is just plain stupid, or he is a clever manipulator) to “stop their pursuit of nuclear weapons before we talk”…which is not the case. The Bush administration’s precondition to talks with Iran is that they first halt uranium enrichment. Now, one could argue that they are enriching uranium for weapons, so he is correct and it is simply a matter of semantics, but in politics, as in life, one has to pay very close attention to wordage.
Because although he could go back and say “That’s not what I meant, blah blah blah…” he is sending a clear subliminal message out there when he makes that statement, differentiating between “the pursuit of nuclear weapons” and “uranium enrichment”…
He does this on purpose, you have to give him that, he is lost without a teleprompter with the exception of being a good bullshit artist.
He said “…pursuit of nuclear weapons”…
That phrase strikes fear and causes a negative thought pattern upon the listener, and he used it in conjunction and associated it with the Bush administration’s foreign policy. This is very clever, and if one pays close attention, one can actually see Hussein doing this kind of thing all the time.
He is clearly a master manipulator, and master at deception. A master illusionist.
A master at sleight of word.
But back to the contradiction. So he goes on about how it’s not right to “bully” Iran by saying we won’t talk to them unless they stop their pursuit of nuclear weapons…but that would be the main thing we would want to be talking to them about in the first place, and then he goes on to say that we would never permit a nuclear arms race in the Middle East.
Hello? You awake here? Seems like half the freaking world is so blinded by (fill in the blank) when it comes to this guy, that they can’t see him for what he truly is.
Just a master bullshitting politician who will do and say anything to get elected.
This news conference in Sderot today, however, was a major screw up with the Jewish vote, in my opinion.
I’m so happy about that.
And don’t forget what McCain said yesterday when addressing Israel and Jews everywhere:
“I have to look you in the eye and tell you that the United States of America can never allow a second Holocaust.” That’s what you say when standing in Sderot amidst rocket fragments to a frightened people.
… what the hell did he say in that video?
July 23rd, 2008 at 8:35 amcarrots and sticks and its all bush’s fault
I wonder what is in that bush that he keeps running around. It must be pretty interesting a very elusive.
July 23rd, 2008 at 8:36 amHuh? Whaa….? I didn’t understand what he said at all. Must be hiding something.
July 23rd, 2008 at 8:36 amHe also sounds like just another bureaucrat in a mid level position at a chemical plant, refinery, meat packing plant, or government trying to sound intelligent at a generic staff meeting by the use of buzz words.
This idiot will buy any pitch from any half assed salesman for anything whether it is policy or a frying pan.
I bet he spends tons of money on purchases from infomercials from Ronco.
July 23rd, 2008 at 8:40 amthis guy is a good speaker? thats what i always hear from people but hes not even articulate. he just runs around in circles with a bunch of ummm ummms.
and Bash is right on. you reassure the people of Sderot that you are going to defend them and the nation of Israel from a second Holocaust. these people know fear, they know what its like to be surrounded by enemies and you do not tell them that you are going to negotiate with the fuckers who are causing this destruction. screw you Obama, you are not a serious contender to be CiNC of our military. this country needs to wake up and realize that this isnt an election for their favorite or thoughts of Utopia, its an election of basically life or death.
July 23rd, 2008 at 8:42 amHe sounds like a european..
July 23rd, 2008 at 8:50 am“to exhaust every possible avenue” Sometimes ya just gotta shut up and draw…strength is the only lanugage some people understand…
the more you listen to him speak extamperaneously the more it is clear he is just an idiot who has no clue about the real world, diplomacy, or military affairs.
July 23rd, 2008 at 8:54 amHey Hussein!!Don’t write checks with your mouth that your ass can’t cash! This fool has no idea what he is saying, doing or how to go about saying or doing anything–he’s like a big brown balloon!
July 23rd, 2008 at 9:07 amI wouldn’t trust Obama to advance any cause, period.
He’s correct in saying he’s not naïve, however, the fcker lacks the common sense God gave to billy-goats.
July 23rd, 2008 at 9:16 amHe needs to get out of Israel before somebody mistakes him for a muslim….wait a minute
July 23rd, 2008 at 9:19 amNERVOUS MUCH HUSSEIN?
July 23rd, 2008 at 9:21 amCBL
He needs to get out of Israel before somebody mistakes him for a muslim….wait a minute
That’s priceless. Way to go, CBL…ROFL F’ing MAO
July 23rd, 2008 at 9:56 amBash, I want to thank you so very much for the commentary. My PC has no audio, and I lose alot of meaning in vids. Obombus MUST be kept as far away from the WH as possible. How can the left and dhimmicrats NOT SEE how idiotic this fck is?
July 23rd, 2008 at 10:06 amPrediction: His “handlers” in the Chicago Democratic machine know that Obama could really blow a live debate with McCain, so they will try to limit the number or tightly control the format - they may even do the Iranian “negotiating” thing and we’ll end up with *no* presidential debates this time around (and they’ll blame the failure on the McCain camp). What we have here is a corrupt oligarchy trying to obtain national power using Obama like a Trojan horse.
July 23rd, 2008 at 10:58 amIt’s all ‘doublespeak for dummies’… what’s left to negotiate?
IRAN has been offered enriched uranium for use in power generation. They have been asked in return to stand down from developing enrichment capability *beyond* what is necessary for electric power and have refused. Clearly then it is their intention to have the capability to develop nuclear weapons.
July 23rd, 2008 at 10:59 amNot hard for anyone to understand and *judge* as reality other than Dhimmicrats and their Dear Leader Barry Hussein Obama.
Ooops! Da Obamessiah has no TelePrompTer nor a list of prepared answers for softball questions!
No Fairsies! How is he ever expected to be our savior?
See now I am confused as to why the MSM calls Bush an idiot and this fallace with ears a genius.
July 23rd, 2008 at 12:46 pmThe Democrats best, you have to be kidding.
July 23rd, 2008 at 12:53 pmSomeone should ask how he’ll persuade the tough guys to soften up; he’ll surely answer, “I’ll make their legs tingle like I do Chris Matthews’!” Or SLT.
July 23rd, 2008 at 1:17 pm[…] Pat […]
July 23rd, 2008 at 2:45 pmoh my,did someone ask a tough question that hit a nerve. How narcicistic to tell the first questioner to “tell your buddy to speak up”. This dude’s head is as empty as his suit when he doesn’t have his prepared speeches;he’s as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Johnny will tear him apart in public debate. What’s wrong Obamanation? skeered? geez,schmuck.
July 23rd, 2008 at 6:09 pm