Hussein “Blows Off” Wounded Troops In Germany

July 24th, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.


Kudos to BradW (the Infidel)

I find it necessary to link this story to one from earlier this afternoon below.

G.I. In Afghanistan - “We Got More Thanks From The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders” Than From Hussein

BERLIN (AP) - Sen. Barack Obama scrapped plans to visit wounded members of the armed forces in Germany as part of his overseas trip, a decision his spokesman said was made because the Democratic presidential candidate thought it would be inappropriate on a campaign-funded journey.

The spokesman, Robert Gibbs, said Thursday that Obama made his decision out of respect for the servicemen and women, but Sen. John McCain’s presidential campaign immediately criticized the move.

“Barack Obama is wrong. It is never inappropriate to visit our men and women in the military,” said Brian Rogers, a spokesman for the Republican contender.

Obama’s decision raised a number of questions because the visit, which had been scheduled for Friday, never appeared on the schedule of events distributed to reporters who are accompanying him on his travels.

The first word from the campaign about its existence was Gibbs’ statement.

Obama had been planning to go to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany before a flight to Paris. Gibbs said the stop was canceled because Obama decided “it would be inappropriate to make a stop to visit troops at a U.S. military facility as part of a trip funded by the campaign.”

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16 Responses

  1. Q_Mech

    Hell, he blew off the whole Mideast trip when he announced his “updated” plan for withdrawal before he even left, and before he even talked to Petreaus.

    It’s all just a photo op. I’m glad to see that his approval rating is actually dropping during this trip; maybe the public isn’t so damn dumb after all.

  2. Molly

    “it would be inappropriate to make a stop to visit troops at a U.S. military facility as part of a trip funded by the campaign.”

    WTF!? :evil:

  3. dvldok

    Now I’m confused :?: :?:

    At what point did this trip go from Senatorial (tax payer funded) to campaign funded?

    Since this part of the trip is campaign funded doesn’t that by default mean that these speeches are part of the Campaign? But Obama said he isn’t campaigning in Europe since they don’t vote in US Elections?

    Still really confused :?: :?:

    What a jackazz!!!

  4. Jarhead68

    THE LOGAN ACT!!! He has committed a federal crime. Arrest him and charge him. Hold the trial at Giants Stadium in September and October so we can get this douchebag out of the way.


    that guy is sutch a disgusting (POS)!! :mad:

  6. Mike W

    According to what I read the Iraq and Afghanistan parts of “The Tour DeFarce”are on the taxpayers back and the rest on his campaign. The money quote”thought it would be inappropriate on a campaign-funded journey”,speaks directly to the anti-war crowd that are funding him.They would do a Jesse Jackson and really castrate him if he visited the wounded and also if he was to really talk with the troops or in anyway “acted” if he cared about them.

  7. Steve in NC

    Fucking piece of shit.
    I am sure the MSM will mention this as soon as they finish their fellation of the chosen one.
    I was hoping his trip would have been ‘interrupted’ somewhere in the ’stan…

  8. Caligula

    “it would be inappropriate to make a stop to visit troops at a U.S. military facility as part of a trip funded by the campaign.”


  9. Brent Brentzel

    “it would be inappropriate to make a stop to visit troops at a U.S. military facility as part of a trip funded by the campaign.”

    So, what soldiers don’t vote. Wouldn’t the Dem party love that

  10. Kim

    Inappropriate use of campaign funds?

    You really want us to believe that?

    I think the reason is more in line with the fact you know you lack the strength of character to look in the eyes of a wounded soldier who gave up so much.

    I think the reason is the guilt you feel for having sold them out.

    I think the reason is that Jesse Jackson’s threat to cut off your balls is a mute point - you don’t have any!!!

  11. indomitus

    when I was in high school, I dated a german exchange student. its surprising, after reading an earlier post (yesterday, i think) about anti-americanism in germany. this girl loved America, and so did her parents that helped get her here (GOD bless them). After my Junior year in (June 2001) i joined the Marine Corps. I graduated early and went to bootcamp two months after 9/11. I left, and so did she, going back to germany. While I was in Iraq, i had this sick and lovely desire to get wounded, so that I could be sent to germany and she could come visit me. I never was wounded, but my best friend was. I called her up on our sat phone and had her go visit him while he was healing up a bit at the hospital in germany. She was more than happy to, and was thankful that there are Americans in this world to keep her safe (even in germany). I think back to all the “damn! that was close!” moments I had in Iraq. I just knew that I would eventually get hurt, and get to that hospital…but, it never happened. I much would rather have seen her, than that hollow snake Obama. I think he is too scared to look in the eyes of a 19 year old Lance Corporal whose legs are gone. Too afraid to enter the ICU, wherein lies a Sgtmaj. who after 27 years of service, might not make it home. Too cowardly to look at my friend whose body has suffered third degree burns on 90% of his body.I hate him for that. I’ve shot better men than he

  12. Knottie

    Barrack is afraid to face the truth. If he acknowledges the facts and looks into the eyes of these men and women, the heroes who wear the US uniforms, he will not be able to lie convincingly anymore.

    Had the privilege of hugging a few soldiers coming home on leave today. (Kudos to DFW for the amazing homecomings they give these men and women.) It is great to look into their eyes and see what is there. It is a hope and strength you rarely see these days. Maybe it is seeing what he lacks that Obama fears.

  13. mindy abraham

    Since when is it EVER wrong to visit our troops?!?! :mad: If i lived near a military hospital I would be making weekly visits and bring them the occasional brownie

  14. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    WTF? The Magic-Demi can meet with all sorts of yahoos but can’t go visit the wounded American military men that protect his sorry sad-sack ass.
    How incredble!
    How pathetic.
    Do not vote for this man under any circumstance. He is a charlatan.
    I need a freaking beer. :beer: :beer: :sad:

  15. Kim

    :arrow: indomitus

    Well said. :beer: :beer: :beer:

  16. Lee

    The ‘real’ story is that Obama could have visited the wounded soldiers, but the Pentagon said not with the huge entourage and media circus … however, Obama supporters are now trying to mislead the American people by enabling Obama to now blame the Pentagon for HIS bad decision. This is a typical form of damage control that the Obama and his people have used throughout his campaign. If Obama does something right, they shower credit upon him … if he does something wrong, they blame it on someone else, or they tell us we misinterpreted what happened.

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