Hussein Might ‘Refine’ Iraq Timeline

July 3rd, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


This guy REALLY should be on the US Olympic Diving Team, and not running for POTUS, with all the back-flips he’s doing …


By Jeff Zeleny (NYTimes)

FARGO, N.D. – Senator Barack Obama said Thursday the United States cannot sustain a long-term military presence in Iraq, but added that he would be open to “refine my policies” about a timeline for withdrawing troops after meeting with American military commanders during a trip to Iraq later this month.

Mr. Obama, whose popularity in the Democratic primary was built upon a sharp opposition to the war and an often-touted 16-month gradual timetable for removing combat troops, dismissed suggestions that he was changing positions in the wake of reductions in violence in Iraq and a general election fight with Senator John McCain.

“I’ve always said that the pace of withdrawal would be dictated by the safety and security of our troops and the need to maintain stability. That assessment has not changed,” he said. “And when I go to Iraq and have a chance to talk to some of the commanders on the ground, I’m sure I’ll have more information and will continue to refine my policies.”

As he arrived for a campaign stop in North Dakota, Mr. Obama told reporters on Thursday that he intended to conduct “a thorough assessment” of his Iraq policy during a forthcoming trip to the country. He stressed that he has long called for a careful and responsible withdrawal of American forces, but he declined to offer a fresh endorsement of his plan to remove one to two combat brigades a month.

“My 16-month timeline, if you examine everything that I’ve said, was always premised on making sure that our troops were safe,” he said. “I said that based on the information that we had received from our commanders that one to two brigades a month could be pulled out safely, from a logistical perspective. My guiding approach continues to be that we’ve got to make sure that our troops are safe and that Iraq is stable.”

He added, “I’m going to continue to gather information to find out whether those conditions still hold.”

It’s been more than two years since Mr. Obama has visited Iraq, which Republicans have used as a point of criticism. After dismissing an invitation from Mr. McCain to visit Iraq together this summer as a “political stunt,” Mr. Obama began making preparations for his own trip to Iraq.
Dates of his visit have not been disclosed for security reasons, aides said, but his trip will be part of a Congressional delegation in his capacity as a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

“My job is to make sure that the strategic issues that we face, not just in Iraq, but in Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan,” Mr. Obama said, “that those are all taken into account and dealt with in a way that enhances America’s national security interests over the long term.”

It’s like a triple-back-flip-jack-knife-with-a-twist … thingy … dude …

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10 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    well the scary thing is that he will be able to “backflip” all he wants and there is no one who is currently supporting B.O that will listen to the criticism. they are voting for him for other reasons, not because he would be a great president.

  2. momps

    this after meeting with the fascist pigs in code pinko?

  3. CPLViper

    Obama is a fucking joke … he continues to move towards (not getting to) but towards the correct decisions. Just goes to show that this guy’s entire campaign has been a bunch of bullshit that the left eats up. His supporters really need to re-evaluate their support and try to come to grips with the fact that BHO is as full of shit as his opponents (including me) all know he is.

  4. momps

    also, anyone else it’s a flip flop, Hussein it’s a “modification of strategy”

    what a joke.

    CNN can eat a dick

  5. A. S. Wise- VA (America, FUCK YEAH!)

    Hussein can do no wrong in the electorate of Obamination (that’s what we’ll call the blue states this year).

  6. T-Bagg

    How fun do you think it would be to try and shoot something jumping and flipping around as much as Hussein? :lol: :gun: Or to just shoot Hussein… AHHHHH! :shock: MSM/Liberal SpecOps are storming my barracks. They’re armed with tasty rainbows and unicorn horns. RUN, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!

  7. dad3-7

    “commanders on the ground”…since the commanders are appointed by the prez doesn’t that mean that clark will be making the decisions odumba is to naive to do????

  8. Zeke Eagle

    I’m goin’ out to blow up the Hussein doll I’ve been punchin’ with pins. I’ll say it’s a late term, post partum abortion. Surely the liberal a’hole up the road will understand. If not, fuck him too!

  9. CJW

    Before the campaign, he was deeply involved with legislation in the Senate to not have a surge in Iraq and to have all troops home by March of 2008.

    Then in Unity, NH with Hillary in tow, he told America there is no problem that this country can’t solve.

    Which is it Hussein?

  10. sully

    This is all about winning The Revolection.
    His own arrogance and some internal polling of his base probably shows he can do or say whatever he has to do or say in order to win, so he will.
    If he wins it won’t be because ‘his’ base stays home and pouts over principles, it’ll be because Repubs do it.

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