Hussein Surrogate Jim Webb Lobs One At McCain Regarding Military Service - With Video

July 1st, 2008 Posted By Bash.


(Evoke nasally tone) “Let’s leave military service out of this election politics…”

Why, Jimbo? Because your candidate has none? 10:1 if Hussein had a military record he’d never say it.

More proof that these pukey liberal Democrats will be stooping lower and lower to gain the White House. Seriously, if you have been paying attention, all the offensive negative bullshit that has been slung since the Hildebeast was sent to the dugout has been initiated by either Barack Hussein Obama or one of his many cocksucker/groupie surrogates towards McCain.

Naturally he chose Rolie Polie Olby, ESPN reject Olbermann’s show to spew his vomit…

Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.) waded into the debate over John McCain’s military service Monday to say that the Republican should avoid using military service in politics.

Webb, a Barack Obama supporter, was on MSNBC’s “Countdown” to talk about his G.I. Bill to increase education benefits for returning veterans which is now law. Webb criticized both McCain and President Bush for not supporting the bill. Then, unprompted, Webb weighed in on the debate over retired Gen. Wesley Clark’s remark that “riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down” isn’t “a qualification to be president.”

“I think what we really need to work on over the next four, five months, and it goes back to the speech that Sen. Obama gave [Tuesday] and this little fight that I’ve been watching and that is, we need to make sure that we take politics out of service,” Webb said. “People don’t serve their country for political issues.”

He continued: “And John McCain’s my long-time friend, if that is one area that I would ask him to calm down on, it`s that, don’t be standing up and uttering your political views and implying that all the people in the military support them because they don’t, any more than when the Democrats have political issues during the Vietnam War. Let’s get the politics out of the military, take care of our military people, or have our political arguments in other areas.”

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12 Responses

  1. momps

    McCain really asked for that one though. If the cost was the only issue then he should have thought about how to make it work. I’m definitely not a dem by far, but I don’t really have much of a problem if they tax the upper 10% to pay for the educations of vets.

    even though the economy has been shit, the people that own the businesses that export are in the money right now. There are some that profit from the lives of you marines, army, navy, air force etc.

    I do wish Webb didn’t support Hussein. It’s a shame to have an old Reagen cabinet member rally around the liar.

  2. Rob

    If you try to tax the Top 10% you’ll end up taxing the middle and poor too. Simple reality of life.

  3. sully

    “McCain really asked for that one though. If the cost was the only issue then he should have thought about how to make it work.”

    How did Mac “ask for that one”?
    The primary objection was that the bill hurt retention.
    Make no mistake, Webb has been searching for ways to fight retention as one way to reduce the size of the military.
    Webb’s motives were NOT altruistic. He fought Reagan about the size of the Navy. Why do you think he came out of the closet and embraced the Dhimmis?

  4. Boo Boo

    :arrow: OK, momps: tax the upper 10%. 10% of what? The top10% of all tax filers pay 70% of the taxes now. The bottom 50% pay 3% of all the taxes. Incomes over $250k? Those filers are also small businesses, S Corps, LLC’s, who create 70% of all jobs in this country. Why should the government own your money if you make over a certain amount? Why can’t you decide where you want your money to go? Any tax increase on the highest marginal tax bracket only serves as a damper on economic growth, job creation and for individuals, incentive to work. Why work hard and make more money if the government is going to step in and take it and give it to someone else? Might as well kick back, take it easy, maybe try to get on the dole, too.

  5. Boo Boo

    Oh, and the Bush tax cuts? Turns out the “rich” really didn’t get the better deal. Read it and weep:

  6. sully

    I might be able to get behind a windfall profits tax though on the evil corporations that control access to information like google and its subsidiary youtube, Microsoft, etc…
    Doing waaay better than those evil oil companies… and not contributing nearly enough to the ‘greater good’(TM)
    hmmm…. nah, the Dhimmis would never go for it. No political capital to acquire by focusing on them.

  7. momps

    it might hurt retention, but it might increase recruitment.

    “Why work hard and make more money if the government is going to step in and take it and give it to someone else?”

    Because if we don’t have a strong military then they don’t have the freedom to make more money. Not everyone is a career military officer.

    same argument about the fucktard libs that say shit about our military

  8. A. S. Wise- VA (America, FUCK YEAH!)

    Don’t blame me, I voted for Allen. Webb sold his soul to the far left, when he was elected in the Demon party of present.

  9. jasjfarrell

    With friends like these McCain doesn’t need any enemies.

    This is just the beginning. McCain is going to have to get into Wartime mode.

  10. jambrowski

    i am in agree with boo boo, it is fuc%ing bull$hit, unfair, and un-american to say that just because you are successful or lucky enough to have been born into money (which i am neither) that you should bear the burden for everyone else. i mean really how many of those in the top 5% use any of the services that they are paying for? the reason we have a friggin deficit is that we only friggin tax the top 5% (who if they have a brain use every deduction or loophole that they can to get out of paying $hit) why the fu%k don’t we tax everyone the exact same percent? no loop-holes and fu%k this lefttard (communist) wealth re-distribution $hit to hell. Robin Hood is DEAD!!
    as for webb, we ain’t seen anything yet, mccain better be ready, cause these slime balls are playing nasty, notice how obama lightly disagrees and has his surrogates talk nasty about the man, why cause their guy ain’t got any experience period. it has only begun… god help mccain…

  11. Boo Boo

    momps: Webb and McCain/Graham have competing bills. They differ in detail on length of service for attaining benefits, transfering benefits to family members (McCain’s bill allows, Webb’s bill does not). Webb is trying to embarass and usurp McCain with his bill, make dems look like they support the military. You can’t accuse most repub’s of not supporting a strong military and strong vet benefits. Feel the pain, Momps: you would be ticked off to have Obama think he owns your paycheck. It’s a glass ceiling: why try to attain if someone’s just going to take it from you? Puts a damper on the efforts. And, there aren’t too many loopholes left. Unless you want to break the law, and go offshore, which isn’t feasible for honest citizens. Oh, and when I get to decide where my money goes, I spread it around–gives others who are trying to work their way up some incentive to keep working hard.

  12. Nick1970

    I may as well say it — Jim Webb is one UGLY mother fucker! :shock:

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