Hussein Voted 4 Times For Criminal Charges On People Who Defend Their Person & Home With A Gun

July 14th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Found this interesting piece while checking out LGF, QandO, and Red State blogs:

Barack Obama specifically voted four times in the Illinois Legislature to allow criminal charges against a homeowner who used a firearm in self-defense of their person and home — specifically what the Supreme Court says is a constitutional right. Obama may say he supports it, but his record says exactly the opposite.

In 2004, the Illinois Senate considered S.B. 2165 (IL 2004), sponsored by Senator Ed Petka (R-Plainfield). The bill came about because of an arrest in Wilmette, IL in late December of 2003. A 54-year-old businessman shot and wounded a man who had broken into his home for the second time in 24 hours. Cook County prosecutors found the shooting justified, but the businessman, Mr. DeMar, faced a fine and possible destruction of two guns under a 1989 village ordinance prohibiting handgun possession.

S.B. 2165 would allow residents to use self-defense as a basis for seeking dismissal of criminal charges stemming from local gun ordinances if they used the banned weapon in an act of self-defense in their home, business or property.

Obama voted no on third reading March 25, 2004, and voted no on concurrence to a House amendment on May 25, 2004. In fact, Obama voted no four times: in the Judiciary Committee, on Third Reading, in the Judiciary Committee’s vote on concurrence with the House, and on the final concurrence.

Luckily for the people of Illinois, the legislation passed despite Obama’s opposition. Had he had his way, people in Illinois could still be prosecuted for defending themselves against crimes.

Also at these times…

In 1999, Obama voted in favor of S.B. 177 (IL 1999). The legislation required guns to be secured by trigger locks, placed in a lock box, or placed in a location that a reasonable person would believe to be secure from a minor. Likewise, in 2003, Obama voted for H.B. 2579 (IL 2003) for a law that restricted the rights of Illinois’s citizens so that they could only buy one gun a month. The law created the offense of “unlawful acquisition of handguns.”

In 2001, Obama voted against S.B. 604 (IL 2001), which would have allowed individuals who have valid orders of protection against other individuals to carry concealed weapons for their protection. The bill would have created an affirmative defense against a charge of violating Illinois’s concealed carry law if the person had a lawfully issued protection order against someone seeking to do harm to the person.

In 2002, Obama voted against S.B. 397 (IL 2002), which amended the Firearms Owners Indentification Card Act. The legislation was specifically crafted for sporting events and allowed a non-resident participating in a sanctioned competitive shooting event in Illinois to purchase a shotgun or shotgun ammunition in Illinois, but only at the site where the event is being held, for the purpose of participating in the event.


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6 Responses

  1. Sandy

    He can pack that up his dumb ass! :evil:
    :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun:

  2. 31Mike

    Well, i gotta hand it to him. He’s proving every day that he’s living up to his motto ” We need a Change in America”

    Yeah !!! He wants to change the entire Bill of Rights and every other freakin thing he possibly can!!!!!!

    Piss on this Muslim puke!!!

  3. 0311inOHio (typical white person)

    :gun: :twisted:

  4. Will

    Case in point why he isn’t going to get elected.

    The “battle-ground states” of Ohio, Iowa, and Florida are never going to elect some asshole who says no guns.


    And I could really give a shit what Jack Cafferty and Chris Matthews have to say. IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN.

  5. Will

    Case in point why he isn’t going to get elected.

    The “battle-ground states” of Ohio, Iowa, and Florida are never going to elect some asshole who says no guns.


    And I could really give a shit what Jack Cafferty and Chris Matthews have to say. IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN.

  6. Vehement

    :gun: Fuck you, Hussein!

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