Hussein’s Latest Position On Iraq So Muddled He Has To Explain It To Reporters Twice - With Video
What a dumb ass..
Stupid in North Dakota:
FARGO, North Dakota (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama waded into controversy on Thursday over his plans to withdraw U.S. combat troops from Iraq, first saying he might “refine” his views but later declaring his stance had remained unchanged for more than a year.
Obama was forced to call reporters back for a second news conference in Fargo, North Dakota, after he initially left open the possibility of revising his 16-month timetable for pulling U.S. combat forces from Iraq
“Let me be as clear as I can be. I intend to end this war. My first day in office I will bring the joint chiefs of staff in and I will give them a new mission and that is to end this war,” Obama told reporters in his second news conference
But he added: “I would be a poor commander in chief if I didn’t take facts on the ground into account.”
Obama’s in a tough, tough spot with Iraq. On one hand he has a long history of beating up political opponents like Hillary Clinton over their support, past or present, of the war in Iraq. From day one he’s been an “end the war now” candidate, and distancing himself means distancing himself from all the leftist fanatics he’s attracted to his campaign with all that empty-but-nice-sounding stuff about “hope” and “audacity” and “change.”
On the other hand, even liberal rags like The New Yorker are noting that the situation in Iraq is trending more and more toward success and that Obama needs to change his outdated stance on the war
If Obama continues to placate the far-left liberals - and he can hardly afford not to with big time movers-and-shakers like Markos Moulitsas already threatening to withhold money because of his previous policy flip-flops - he’ll look like an obstinate child with his fingers in his ears going “nah nah nah nah” lest he have to admit that his political opponents were right and he was wrong on Iraq
Obama is an attractive candidate and a fantastic public speaker, but being good-looking and having a knack for delivering inspirational (if rather empty of meaning) speeches doesn’t cover for you being woefully, publicly wrong about one of the biggest issues of this campaign
This guy is a hairpole. when standing in front of people without his precious teleprompter or hell even with it sometimes he just screws up big. if someone believes firmly in a position or is speaking from knowledge then you wouldnt make such enormous errors. it just shows me how the fake the guy is and how he lets the political winds blow him all over the place.
July 4th, 2008 at 6:12 amhow fake the guy is*
July 4th, 2008 at 6:12 amI all my years, of adult awareness, 39, I do not remember
July 4th, 2008 at 6:25 ama candidate like. Hussein. This guy has lied so much, he can’t remember what he has said and to whom. This man is simply not qualified to be President and we , to remain strong, do not have the time to allow him any on the job training. I am sure he has some good qualities. Being president is not on the list.
He is own too many payrolls and is being controlled by very wealthy lefttard thinkers. If what we are seeing now is an example of how he handles pressure, think what will happen we he gets in front of Putin, Imadickwad, Kim Jong Il. These world villians are endorsing him because yhey know, if elected, they will be able to push him around. This “Kid” should not be given the keys to the whitehouse.
Its all about change and hope. Change his political position and hope no one notices.
July 4th, 2008 at 6:25 amA country that would be fool enough to elect such an idiot doesn’t have much of a future. Don’t be afraid to try and educate his followers. Remember Jim Jones? David Koresh? Rev. Moon? P.T. Barnum?
July 4th, 2008 at 7:09 am““Let me be as clear as I can be. I intend to end this war.”
Fuck you toad.
July 4th, 2008 at 7:20 amIRAQ is pwned.
[…] Muddled He Has To Explain It To Reporters Twice - With Video July 4, 2008 — budsimmons… Posted in B Hussein Obama, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Hussein Obama, […]
July 4th, 2008 at 1:23 pm