Bumped: Iraq War Protestor Spits On Iraq War Vet - And More

July 30th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


UPDATE: This spitter has been identified.

Katie O’Malley sent me this just a few minutes ago.

It is a video made by Ross Nolan, who is the President of the UCSB College Republicans, and Iraq War Veteran.

I can’t believe what I see in this video…

Matt at Wolking’s World has more:

A friend of a friend produced this video, one of the best I’ve seen when it comes to documenting the anti-Americanism of the radical left. Complete with an upside down flag, spitting on an Iraq War veteran and calling him a rapist, it’s sure to make your blood boil. Good gosh, can we please rid our country of this kind of human garbage?

You know, the Left would like to turn almost anything now into a hate crime. Do you think we could get the Dems in Congress to include U.S. servicemen and women in their next piece of hate crime legislation?

Imagine if some right-of-center folks had spat all over a LGBT parade.

I’d think we’d see a huge cry of intolerance and bigotry from the Left. Why should it be any different when these maggots verbally and physically attack our troops in our own country, whether they are in uniform or not?

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128 Responses

  1. AmericanJarhead

    Makes me want to kill.

  2. CBL

    Well, heh, as a vet not sure whether to laugh or cry. But, after looking at the people I think the gentleman at about 3:35 summed it up perfectly, “Some of these people are a little bit deluded, perhaps as to the nature of some of the global realities we face”

  3. CBL

    Most of these people look like 60’s era burn-outs or wanna-bes trying to relive their youth.

  4. KC

    It’s nice to see such “open minded/enlightened” people exercising their constitutional rights….fucking moonbats.

  5. American Infidel

    If all they say were true, they would be no more - they would be dead. They are bile scum! :gun:

  6. drillanwr (Will Bleed For Domestic Oil Drilling)

    During my recently deceased 82AB Veteran Uncle’s eulogy I mentioned how during my lifetime my ‘mental’ accomplishments I would prove to him would force the cerebral man to give me more points on my total I.Q.

    Having watched this fucking 8:00 display has ROBBED me of some of those precious [points] I so earnestly achieved …

    G*d damn these lunatic fringe, and fuck them all in Hell …

  7. Wulf

    Anyone with half a brain can find the truth about the Iraq. Yet that mob collectively can’t see past there own propaganda. If it wasn’t so wrong, I could almost smile at the irorny of these subAmericans railing against those who have stepped up to defend thier freedom to remain ignorant.

  8. Happyone

    Gross, I’m going to Santa Barbara in a couple of weeks. I see some of these doofuses, I might react. I was accosted on a corner a few days ago by two fools recruiting for Greanpeace. One of them had a “Kucinich for President” on their backpack. I just acted like I couldn’t speak English, and gave them the thumbs down, all the while trying to suppress hysterical laughter.

  9. USNA1985

    And the Vet did not stomp the living s#@! out of that dike?

  10. Dbo

    “What has the surge accomplished?”

    “An increase in civilian deaths.”

    “have you read a newspaper sir?”


  11. Dbo

    :arrow: drillanwr

    I once told you I wouldn’t want to do political shit as an artist, but this - mocking fringe liberals in their face - looks like so much fun!

  12. AZ Patriot

    all I can say is what a bunch of sicko’s and they better never let me catch them spitting on one of our HERO’S or they will need a proctologist to remove their head from their ass after I got done with them!

    Oh and the Limy can kiss my ass too we kicked your sorry ass’s out of here one and we’ll be happy to do it again! :twisted:

  13. Caligula

    obama ‘08!!!

  14. SOC

    Never have I seen such swill and yet it is a stark reality to know that there are idiots out there who insult the very people who give them the freedom to hold their rally. If a rally like that one was held in Iran, China, Russia, or Burma, for example those people would be arrested and jailed. The one who spit and the one who called the veteran names would be taken to prison and probably never heard from again.

    The radical incarnates of another era, troubled souls returned to create more trouble. They probably will find it too. Some of those people look like they don’t have two nickels to rub together and probably blame all their troubles on everyone else but theirselves.

  15. Rob

    We need to extend freedom of speech only to those with an IQ above 50. We do that, and all these damn protest ors will go away. :lol: I mean these are the dumbest people in the world without a doubt. :roll:

  16. Kurt(the infidel)

    after watching this 8 minute long pukefest i just have one question.

    when does the revolution start??

    im tired of co-existing with this gang of mental patients. Im tired of them trying and in some cases succeeding to bring this country down.

    if anyone needs me ill be cleaning my gun

  17. sean

    this makes my agent orange act up and i get the urge to KILL!! to quote the great major payne!! :gun:

  18. Ross

    This is Ross Nolan, the guy who made the film. Thanks for the comments. I just wanted to show what really goes on at these anti-war protests. I have been to many of them, and this is not unique at all. I encourage everyone of you guys to go to any of these leftists protests in your area, bring a camera, and just let them talk. I have a lot more material than this!!

    Oh, and as to why I didn’t do more when that smelly hippy spit on me: I was actually completely shocked when she spit on me. At the time I was just like, “Keep going idiot, I have a freaking camera in your face.” I think my buddy Ryan McNicholas was more angry than I was. Oh, it was his idea by the way to go to this protest, so props to him.

  19. momps

    Imagine if some right-of-center folks had spat all over a LGBT parade.


    he should have spit back. but then it would have been a hatecrime.

    so do tranny’s count in the don’t ask don’t tell?!?

  20. momps

    cause it would be funny if he/she were drafted ^_^

  21. cclezel

    I have been to similar protest in DC. Because of my affiliation with two groups I must refrain myself from acting out on my anger. TO be honest, if it were not for these two groups I am affiliated with I believe I would have already stuck my size 9 steel toe boots up a few asses. These people are simply disgusting.

    I had one allege vet who told me to rejoin the military and go to Iraq. I told him I can’t since I am retired and why don’t we talk as brothers in regards to this. He kept right on walking after which I caled him a fking coward. They are some of the most stupid people walking the face of planet earth.

  22. Kurt(the infidel)


    thanks for your service. and for joining us at the dollard nation.

    those people you videotaped are whackos. and those punk rockers are the poster children for the left. the fact she knew she was spitting on a vet is what pissed me off the most when watching that video.

  23. Mark in WA

    My tolerance level has worn dangerously thin as a result of these constant anti-American protests by walking excrement. The day’s a’comin.

  24. drillanwr (Will Bleed For Domestic Oil Drilling)

    :arrow: Ross

    Great job! :gun: :beer:

  25. A. S. Wise-VA (America, FUCK YEAH!!!)

    Well, they’re not on America’s side that’s for sure. They’re self-important freaks, who don’t make this country run.

    Now Ross Nolan is an upstanding American, here’s to him! :beer:

  26. mart (just another infidel)

    As I watched this video I could smell the stink of patchouli oil trying to cover up the body odor of people that don’t bath and are not smart enough to wipe their asses after defecating. :gun: :gun: :gun:

  27. Mark in WA


    :beer: :beer:

    Cheers to your efforts.

  28. mindy abraham

    :mad: grrrr how dare they?

  29. TerribleTroy

    I have come to the conclusion that civil war is inevitable due to our form of government. I believe that over the course of time the two parties will diverge naturally to the point where conflict cannot be avoided, requiring a “reset”

    The difference between the sides will make the next civil war a fairly short affair. The leftists never stand thier ground as individuals, they must have the support of the “collective”. In any battle the majority will collapse at first contact. They are truly sheep only capable of the most rudimentary defensive skills. They dont have a strong enough foundation for thier “convictions”. They are all wrapped in the idealism, no substance to thier thought process.

    When we’ve finally had enough, when we’ve finally exhausted every reasonable attempt to re-intergate them, when they finally speak what they have in their hearts, and lable themselves what they truly are (communists) and overtly attempt to change from a democracy, then we will defeat them. And we will accept the survivors back into our society. And probably begin the process anew as that is the nature (and the wisdom) of our form of government. Long live the United States of America!

  30. Old Sailor

    They’re lucky I’m not king, because I’d tar and feather every one of them and march them at gunpoint over the border into Mexico where they belong. See how they enjoy living in a country that implements their ideology. :mad:

  31. JonnyMordant

    I don’t want to go to hell… I couldn’t handle eternity with those fucking idiots…

  32. brovato

    :shock: wish i were there and had a sword! Ross your the MAN!!!! :beer: when does the revolution start?

  33. Poe

    Those kind are not worth killing, or stomping a mudhole in. They will not learn anything from it and they fight so poorly there is little sense of reward from it.

  34. 007

    :beer: :arrow: Ross

    :arrow: Old Sailer :beer:

    There are 300 Million people in the United States. I am sure we out number these Libtards 2 to 1 with :gun:

  35. Goodbye Natalie


    Oh, and as to why I didn’t do more when that smelly hippy spit on me: I was actually completely shocked when she spit on me. At the time I was just like, “Keep going idiot, I have a freaking camera in your face.”

    Smart man and keep up the good work. I am glad you didn’t react negatively as it would be used against the entire military.

    Permit us that haven’t served the glory of knocking her fat ass into next week. I’ll worry about the ramifications of shattering her jaw later. I figure I owe you guys that much. :beer:

  36. Sponge71


  37. Sponge71


    Sorry for the first post…….but I’m just :shock:

  38. lasertex

    After watching the vid I am welling up just thinking about the young men and women of the USA who have fought and died for this country so pukes like this can march and protest to stop what those men and women are fighting for. Ross, you are a better man (thank you) than I am. Blood would have been spilled as soon as the she dog puckered her lips to spit. :beer:

  39. 31Mike

    ROSS….Thank you for your service.

    You are an amazingly self-disciplined individual to not PUNCH THIS FUCKING DYKES TEETH OUT after what happened.

    I really don’t think i could have stopped myself from PUNCHING THAT FUCKING DYKES TEETH OUT!!!! after getting spit on.

  40. Bruce

    Can I question their patriotism now?

  41. Avaia

    Sickening! Absolutely disgusting!

  42. Freedom Defender

    While it is indeed disturbing to watch, these left wing lunatics should and must be exposed. I went to a very big anti war demonstration March 2003 shortly before the Iraq invasion, it was held in Hollywood on the day of the academy awards, and I have never come across so many down right stupid people in my entire life. Just less than two years after 9/11 and having experienced the jihadi attack in Bali just six months prior I was very curious to find out for myself what war demonstrators really thought, what made them so passionate. I took the time to speak to many war demonstrators that day in March 2003, I asked them many thoughtful questions about national security, and I was “not so” surprised to find that they all had the same empty, “blame America first” rhetoric. They had tribal drums, megaphones, large homemade signs, body paint, but it was obvious the one thing the demonstrators didn’t have was, intelligence, though I do remember they did have really bad B.O. now the same people I spoke to are supporting BO.

  43. Dave

    What the fuck is that Limey doing here, deport the Bastard!

  44. sean

    That brittish homo has enough problems on the otherside of the pond. hopefully he will be the first one hanging from the crane in the town square when the hajis take over his country. I served with a lot of great Britts, and my guess is the reason he is here is because he would have got’n his ass handed to him by the proud brit marines i served with!!!

  45. mindy abraham

    thanks ross for serving :mrgreen:

  46. Will

    these people are beyond obama 08.

    i think theyre more along the lines of kucinich, dean, or fucking khrushchev.

  47. Laura

    Most of them seem to range from ignorant and naive to downright deluded… but I’m wondering if any of you are old enough to compare this to the antiwar protests in the late 60s and 70s? About the same? My sense is that they are not casting as broad a net, or as big in numbers, but I was very young then and don’t trust my recall.

  48. 007

    All Limey’s are not Bad. I am married to one. 20 Years and She has more Morals and Decency than 2/3rd’s of the Assholes I have met In this World!!

  49. AZ Patriot

    Thank you Ross for your service :!: you were right not to wipe the pukes all over the street, you were obviously being a gentlemen and leaving them for the common citizen to tar and feather!

  50. Stryder

    West coast, East coast, they’re all every bit as ignorant and they smell equally as badly.

  51. Support your local Jihadi Killer

    What really makes me sick is that we have people in our government (The Democrats) that encourage and feed people like this. Liberalism is the terminal cancer on America. :gun:

  52. sean

    i agree 007, this guy just happens to be one that tends to fuck it up for the rest!!

  53. fmder

    Hey, off topic a bit but thought you dollardites would appreciate this one…


  54. Avaia

    Exactly stryder and they have infested every country!

  55. jimbo PAO

    Haven’t been to Iraq, but have 2 Afghanistan tours under my belt & that so called briton (I respect true citizens of the U.K, not pompous wankers) was screeching our G.I.s were raping women with impunity, I wanted to puke. :evil:
    We never so much as brush up against the local women let alone look at them twice due to the culture ramifications when we’d see them on patrols, etc.
    There have been a few crimes, but the Army punishes the sobs that disgrace the uniform, it doesn’t condone their misdeeds.

  56. rightside

    Being a veteran of the viet nam war, you two kept if cool under fire.

  57. Daisy

    First, let me thank you and all our allied armed forces who have - and continue - to protect and defend all that’s worth protecting. You are in my prayers.

    Seriously hideous is the fact that this sort of vile gathering is the Left’s version of a mating ritual. Severe environmentalism is how they worship. They instill a grievous sense of entitlement and simultaneous despair in their offspring. Obama as POTUS makes real sense to them. He’s one of them.

    In their version of reality, ugly is beautiful; war is peace; lies are true; all that’s indecent is admirable. Hence, the deliberately ugly man hater jealously spitting at a hero in the name of ‘peace’. The rest of the concordant clowns march along getting high on the hate. It’s disgusting.

  58. Gary in Midwest

    Notice the pack mentality of this nub headed dike. The second he starts confronting her for spitting on him she looks to her equally dimwitted nancy-boy friends for approval. She then steps back behind the big geek for protection (as if he’d be a threat). The other foreign sounding butthead couldn’t stand more than a couple questions before falling back into the pidgeon holing and namecalling mode. Shows extraordinary shallow mindedness. If you added all the brain cells on that side of the rally I doubt they could keep from crapping their drawers.
    I don’t think I could keep my fists to myself in this crowd.

  59. Tom in CO

    liberal tolerance on parade

  60. Bryan J

    Ross, thanks for your service, good job on the video.

  61. Zeke Eagle

    “I don’t think I could keep my fists to myself in this crowd.”

    Sure you can but later when the crowd is thinnned and the cops have gone you can teach these pukes to spit teeth. I favor the parking area near a Starpucks, Monday after the protest.

  62. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    I know, 20-20 hind-sight, but Roos should have found the first cop and had dyke arrested.
    Oh man, dyke sliva. :gun:

  63. Typical White Texas Mom

    Frightening :???:

  64. Kim

    Thank you Ross and Ryan for documenting the vile anti-American creatons for all to see. Ross, thank you for your service to our nation. Ryan, I met you at the victor Davis Hansen seminar a couple of months ago and thought you had leadership all over you - and see, you do!

    Didn’t even know that Santa Barbara was holding this demo. Probably good thing. After protesting the anti-s in Wash DC and Berkely, I have found that I have gotten increasingly angry and have increasingly been less able to exercise self-control. Which is exactly what the media would love to happen and portray the patriots as the evil ones.

    When I see an American flag displayed upside down, I go beserk. In Berkely, there was a hippy puke who had a flag tied to what I thought was a string around his neck. In fury, I grapped at the flag and pulled hard to rip it from him. Alas, the string turned out to be rather thick cord. So instead of ripping the flag, I about took his head off. He took a swing at me (a woman) which I ducked. In less than 3 seconds, there were several vets kicking the shit out of him. At that moment, I realized how easily an explosive situation can be created in an emotionally charged environment. These vets were exercising self-control, but because they are true men, they felt the need to defend me and finish my fight(I think they were more than happy for the excuse but that’s not the point). The point is for me, that my anger and hatred for these pukes is so visceral, it’s better for me to stay away.

  65. Mark

    Hey at least they don’t pretend to support the troops. Great job of documenting how the left wing in this country really feel.. boycott the NYT for not publishing McCain’s counter to Obama’s editorial

  66. rightangle

    I’d like thank all the Vets at this site for protecting one of the First Freedoms so carelessly displayed in that video. Sorry to see s–t like that go down anywhere in the U.S, let alone one of the more beautiful cities on California’s coast- got two WWII era grandparents buried there. Last time I visited there was, by coincidence, when Ronald Reagan’s memorial took place in nearby Simi Valley in June, 2004.

    :arrow: Ross, if those toddlers events ever get more ugly hope I get the chance to be of some assistance.

  67. TJ (Honorary Lesbian)

    the one guy kept saying “your country”
    bastards like this who are protesting our country within our country should be the first to get bitch slapped. As a foreiner in South korea i refuse to participate in protests or counter protests since I am not a citizen . This is respect and is sure not to raise peoples ire. this dick head better be prepared to get his ass whipped! :gun:

  68. Happyone

    Look, at least 98% of these people have brains addled by years of drug abuse. The rest, are just not too bright.

  69. Q_Mech

    I’m not even going to watch, as 1) I already know how these sub-human fucktards like to represent themselves, and 2) fury just shortens my lifespan. :???:

    Kudos to Ross for your work here; thank you for your service both in and out of uniform! :beer:

  70. John Goodrow

    Some people just need killin’.

  71. Word-Drum

    Ross :beer:

    We don’t spit on soldiers here.

    Thank you for your service and God Bless.

  72. dadeo

    Domestic enimies :gun: :gun: :gun:

    Where’s an A-10 when you need one? BRRRRRRRRRRRR

  73. gary

    OK, yeah, the smell was coming right through my screen.
    Next time I’m up in S.B. and see one of those pieces of shit panhandling I’m going to hock a major one right on him/her/it.
    Mine will be have substance, though, Not the pathetic spittle that “chick” let loose.

  74. billie

    Maybe the “limey” is an illegal immigrant.

  75. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)

    :arrow: Ross:

    You have far more restraint than I. Keep up the good work, and get the word out about what we are dealing with. These creatures are what the ‘Against all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC’ part of the Oath refers to.

    They obviously want a civil war. Who are we to deny them? :gun:


    There’s supposed to be a big rally to protest the POSSIBILITY of war with Iran August 2nd in Times Square. I almost hope they pull shit like this. NYPD does NOT tolerate this shit. The only reason these freaks get away with this is that far too often, they are protected by the very laws they break without repercussion. Gotta love the old double standard.

    You should’ve seen the look on the face of a cop I told about one of the Berkeley vids I saw: A group of cops in riot gear walking by a bunch of freaks, and one was hit from behind by one of the hygienically challenged.


    Try that with a New York cop, and you’ll be lucky if you can ever walk again.

  76. billie

    Radical lefties are all the same, and they all want a revolution for revolution’s sake. Get a load of these quotes by radical activist attorney, Lynne Stewart, who was convicted of conspiracy to defraud the U.S. government, providing and concealing material support, and making false statements. Her response: “You can’t lock up the lawyers.”

    However, Stewart believes in jailing other people. “I don’t have any problems with Mao or Stalin or the Vietnamese leaders or certainly Fidel locking up people they see as dangerous. Because so often, dissidence has been used by the greater powers to undermine a peoples revolution.”

    Huh? In other words, she only believes in free speech for anarchists.

    Stewart felt secure enough while being questioned in court to say that America “will not be changed without violence,” and she was “longing for a popular revolution.”

    “The New York City Board of Education could be one [location] to attack.”

    Stewart, convicted in 2005, is appealing her sentence and is still free.

    Stewart is a feminist. If you want to read her position on Sharia law, see the link below. Make sure you’re sitting down.


  77. gmoney

    i guess someone didn’t get enough attention from their parents when they were a kid….there is only one solution… :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun:

  78. JCP


    Never have I seen such a disgusting bunch of
    hate America and our troops types. I do not get near these ingrates as I would be in jail.

  79. Jessica

    Wow. :roll: I think my favorite part was when the hippie with the conga played.

    :???: What is wrong with these people?! :???: I love when people are preaching about peace while lashing out violently. Makes perfect sense, doesn’t it? Walking fucking contradictions.

  80. DaMan

    i hope that fat dike burns in hell and her punk faggot lacky too.

  81. warrior1

    Yep. And that’s precisely why the Left can’t get anywhere’s in the world, because the have no sense of decency or respect. If they had it their way, that punk chick would be wearing a burka inside of a year getting smacked around by her husband for showing a bare arm.

    The whole world has gone mad.

  82. Fishbait

    And these are the so called “tolerant” people. In one breath they say they support the troops and they want them to come home. In the next breath they call them rapists and murderers and then spit on them. What a bunch of crazies.

  83. POD1

    That Limey puke had one thing right.

    We DO have facists in this country, they’re called democrats.

    :arrow: Ross Nolan
    :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

    :arrow: Ryan McNicholas
    :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

  84. American Infidel

    :arrow: This video is gonna be shown on Hannity and Combs tonight.

  85. Soapbox

    Why does this surprise any of us? It shouldn’t! My young friends please know this: tomorrow, when you get up, it will be worse! Make no mistake, there are terrible times ahead. Might I suggest stocking up on ammo and drinking water. And always remember; “When you are surrounded by wolves, it is best to act like a wolf.” :gun:

  86. AZ Patriot

    Soapbox: Might I suggest stocking up on ammo and drinking water

    Done & Done for some time now + off the grid plus much more, would also suggest getting to know your neighbors so you know who’s with you and who’s not.

  87. AmericanJarhead

    The entire problem with these freak leftist losers started when the supreme court ruled that free speech can be something other than “speech”. What the hell is that all about. Speech is speech, action is action. We need to reverse that somehow.

    Also, because a good American patriot can’t always get a big green ball of spit together in an instant to respond to the spitting liberals, maybe a squirt bottle of stale urine should be handy for retaliation… (Just a thought)

  88. chaps

    I served as a Navy Seabee in Vietnam and then as a Navy chaplain for 24 years after finishing school. I observed Vietnam protests as a vet and a college student. I, like many others, was told not to wear my uniform on leave after returning from my second tour at the end of 1968. Demonstrations were much larger in those days. I reckon the number of hard-core leftists was about the same but the large numbers came from college students worried about the draft. When the draft lottery was instituted and most college students knew they would not be drafted, numbers at demonstrations dropped like a stone.

    This video reflects a perfect strategy: publish the actual comments that these people make; video tape them so Americans can see who is against our country and our warriors. Being calm, polite, and rational when among these moonbats just makes them act worse…. all the better for video.

    One question: isn’t advocating hanging the President a Federal offense? If I called the White House and said that, the Secret Service would be at my door within the hour.

  89. This ain’t Hell, but you can see it from here » Blog Archive » Behind the pictures

    […] base and that base has been busy bashing the troops. Pat Dollard documented a spitting incident here and here for posterity.  The military is undermining their efforts to defeat Republicans by […]

  90. Steady

    Does anyone have the bitches name and address??????

  91. SFC Cheryl McElroy US ARMY (RET)

    I would have knocked that bitch’s teeth out.
    It takes a special sort of ingrate to disrespect people who risk their lives defending them. To the moonbat who spit on the Vet: Don’t think the war is right? Take it out on the Muslim fucksticks who started it.

  92. Anti-war Idiot Spits on Iraq War Vet « The Foxhole

    […] Link to video: https://pat-dollard.com/2008/07/iraq-war-protestor-spits-on-iraq-war-vet-and-more/ […]

  93. Wendy

    :arrow: Ross and Ryan I can not put into words what I felt upon seeing your video. Rage pure Rage is about as close as I can get to it. You are true heroes with class. I appreciate everything you have done and are doing.

    If I ever seen anyone spitting on the soldiers I work so hard to take care of, I will fucking beat the shit out of them, healthcare provider or not. No American should be fucking with our brave men and women defending our country.

  94. Steady

    How about a name and address for that bitch? I’m sure she’d love the attention, eh?

  95. Harry in Minnesota

    Why don’t these Protesters just leave and start their Own Country. Oh that’s right, without a Military and Police and working people, they would just perish in a short period of time.
    They would all come crying back to the good old USA!!!!!!!!

  96. Chris Breeze

    How can there be soo many morons in one short video? Some did mot seem to be from America so their opinions are dirt. The rest are dirt and need to visit Sadam in his place-hell!

  97. Steve Hermeyer

    LIke Yogi Berra said, It’s deja-vu all over again. I was in the USAF during the Viet Nam era, and was stationed at Vandenberg AFB, about an hour north of Santa Barbara. Although I was never spat upon, I got lots of looks, insults, and taunts because back then in and around Santa Barbara and Isla Vista. If you had short hair, it was obvious that you were a GI. The insult which got to me was “Baby Killer”, and of course, the war was about oil….where have we heard this one before? And, don’t forget, Richard Nixon was President, and he was blamed, not JKF or Johnson, for the war. This is old news. Did anyone else notice the foreign accent on the protester with the sign who spat first? That freedom of speech thing, it only applies to them, not us, because we disagree. Where do we send our contributions to get all these idiots a one way ticket to Islamo-Fascist Land?

  98. Brock

    “Imagine if some right-of-center folks had spat all over a LGBT parade.”

    Many do. Every year. Every Pride parade. In every city. Even in SF. (Not all gays are left-of-center, mind you.)

    That said, I agree with you 100%. Thanks for the thought-provoking post.

  99. Tommy_G

    My apologies and thanks go out to that service man, and all service men everywhere. He showed an incredible amount of restraint. That’s a real man. Will these silly people ever realize where there freedoms come from? And does anyone other than themselves take them seriously? Really, how could they. Last comment on this: “That was a woman”.

    Liked the second video. We should show compassion for all the people at GITMO, especially the ones that write poetry. These people are so lucky that they don’t actually have to actually listen to themselves. All those mind altering drugs hippies then and now take, did alter there minds. Not really a good thing, but it does explain there idiotic ideas and actions. So sad.

  100. Police State

    If liberty and equality, as is thought by some, are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in government to the utmost.AristotleAristotle

  101. Al Czervic

    These brain-damaged protestors are obviously disabled veterans of the Psychedelic Revolution.

    I suggest they could be useful clearing minefields in Bosnia if they want to really help humanity, as they claim.

  102. NYCnative

    Just heard Dennis Miller interviewing the Iraq war Vet who filmed this. He has the link directing people to the video posted here up on his website.. This is who the war protesters are. It is one thing to protest, it is another thing to assault someone.. It is one thing to protest a person coming to your college campus to speak, it is another thing to rush the stage and shout down the person so they don’t have the opportunity to speak.

    This is what happens on College Campuses across the country. That is not protesting, those are fascist tactics and you could classify it as anarchy. Most of the people who go to these protests or shout people down to shut people up fit the anarchist mold rather than just patriotic dissenters.

  103. DaveTTHouston

    Can you imagine these fools in charge of a country?? OMG God help us all! What a band of misfits these rallies attract. The one Hippie bangin on her drum slurring her speach pretty much sums up the the IQ of this group. I honestly feel sorry for them. I beat half of them get in line every month to collect their welfare check from this great country.

    side note: these are probably the most likely candidates who in the name of “anti-war” would be the first to strap on a suicide vest to blow up those who oppose their distorted views. Not as though I even know what these losers stand for! And I’m pretty sure they dont know either.

    Well done Ross! Keep up the good fight. These are the building blocks for what is inevidantly coming down the pipeline for us.

    CHEERS! :beer: :beer:

  104. Debbie

    Breakes My Heart how sad these people are and how little they think of our country!

  105. Hope

    I was directed hear from hearing your interview on Dennis Miller’s radio program (rebroadcast, not live) tonight.

    From the mother of a Marine who has twice been to Iraq (and come back whole), I laud your work, thank you for your service and humbly offer the most succinct piece of advice ever toward like-minded protesters; “If you don’t stand behind our troops, feel free to stand in front of them”.

  106. Hope

    ‘I was directed hear’ was to have been ‘here’. I was thinking of having heard the program. Fix if you will, please,

  107. Bekster

    Bravo, gentlemen! Nice work. The protestors kept reminding me of Night of the Living Dead only most of the protestors were older and less attractive than the zombies. They want to eat your brains but they’re too slow and dim-witted. Maybe there is an upside to heavy marijuana use and acid flashbacks. Oops, did I say that out loud? Seriously, I heard you guys on Dennis Miller tonight and you were right. These are not mental giants. Most of them did seem to be 60’s burnouts with a glimmer of hope of reliving their heyday. Well, we must pray for them. And I pray for you and for our glorious, brave soldiers in the field fighting protect what is good and right in the world. God bless you boys always.

  108. OlneyMike

    :cool: You should have punched that dike right in her mouth. If anyone were to question you, merely let them know that you were treating him the same way you would treat any other man who did the same thing. If you want to act like a man, you get treated like one. Keep videos like this coming Ross, expose this people for the mentally disabled chimps that they really are. :wink:

  109. John(The Marine)

    I’m glad someone like me wasn’t around there. That guy have his middle finger broken off and shoved up his ass.

  110. LA25

    This is infuriating. How ignorant and ironic these people are, how disrespectful and despicable. These people should be proud to be American, they should be thankful – they are free to walk down the street in protest (1st amendment) – a right that so many do not have. These acts (and these words) in several countries would cost them their lives and perhaps even the lives of their family. ‘Worse than Saddam’?!?! You ignorant swine! Saddam would have that woman killed on the spot – no trial, no jury, no justice (“indivisible with liberty and justice for all”). People should stand up for what they believe in yet they should know where they stand. Know the facts and be respectful of others.

    Most importantly, support your troops who keep you free and safe. Whether you support the war or not… whether you support our government or not… support YOUR troops. They fight for you, your loved ones and for this country. They die for you, your loved ones and for this country. They fight for those who cannot defend themselves. No veteran should ever be spat on. It’s heartbreaking. Where has decency and respect gone? These are the very people that make America sad, ugly and foolish. These people have no idea, no class, no respect, no intelligence, no ground… yet these people selfishly are protected by the same men and woman they spit on.

    It’s true, if a conservative were to spit on an individual at a GLBT Pride parade or a Pro-Choice rally, the media would have a field day – painting the right as the villain for yet another day while giving the left another Newsweek cover and the headline, “A call for change”.

  111. just posting

    Burn in hell bitches

  112. just posting

    ^^ anti war assholes not the vet

  113. Jerry"PopPop"Zimmermann

    Thank you for your service my Friend!
    As some have stated, I’m glad that I was not there to witness this Douche-bag spitting on you! I more then likely would have been arrested for accidentally bumping this miscreant into the ground!!

    !st Sgt US Army Retired
    Southern CA.

  114. TS from SB

    I am from Santa Barbara and used to love going back. Things like this make me sick. The entire down town is covered with this slime. Even on non protest days. The one thing that was not caught was the vet protestor. He stated that he was a Viet Nam era veteran. Which is code for he was not stationed in Viet Nam. He was just in the Military when the war was going on.

    Keep up the good work Ross.

  115. Dbobarracus

    Why do you always see so many crusty, pony-tailed limeys and other Eurotrash at these protests? My guess is they’re just trying to get some of that young,scummy, hairy-arm-pitted leftwing American tail because none of the women in their own country will touch them.
    They’re clueless, every last one of them.

    Mr. Nolan, thank you for your service and putting it on the line for our freedom. Those scumbags couldn’t even acknowledge the sacrifice you and others have given which allows them to spout off about their cockamamy ideas in the first place. But then they have so much bong resin in their brains its doubtful they can acknowledge much of anything other than the bullet points the leftwing machine drills into them.

  116. Dbobarracus

    What is it with these crusty limeys and other eurotrash at these protests? I’m guessing it’s cuz they’re trying to get some of that young, greasy, scummy, hairy-arm-pitted Amercian lefty tail cuz the women in their own country won’t touch them.
    They’re clueless, every last one of them.

    Mr. Nolan thank you for your service and putting it on the line for our freedom. These dolts should be thanking you for the sacrifices you and other men and women have made which allows them to express their moronic beliefs in the first place.

  117. Dbobarracus

    Sorry, I’m so pissed off I’m repeating myself!

  118. Sarah B.

    Hey she smokes and drinks, we can only hope she gets drunk stumbles on a curb while smoking a cigarette, gets run over by a car, stabs herself in the eye with the embers of her cigarette, and hardly survives the incident, only to never be able to aim spit at another veteran ever again! YAY!!!! :lol:

  119. Sarah B.

    of course not being able to aim because the poor thing lost eye sight in one eye and now has no depth perception! :roll:

  120. sierrahome

    Nothing there an aluminum ball bat wouldn’t fix…my patience is very very thin.

  121. Vehement

    Fuckin’ bull dyke, cunt. :roll:
    I wish we could round these people up and send them to the communist countries they love so much.

  122. James Hooker "The Anti-Diddy"


  123. Timothy Canfield

    Same idiots I remember from the 60’s. John Kerry would be proud!! But you must remember these mutants are the “Exception” not the rule. You have to respect the courage and control of Ryan and his camera man. They are true American Hero’s.

  124. allahlovesporkchops

    I have put off watching this vid, because I knew my blood pressure would go through the roof. Sure as shit! Filthy fckng cunt.

  125. Storm 0311

    These Humps!

    They see themselves as citizens of the world not Americans so I say kick them out into the world.

    What a mob!

    Storm 0311

  126. Wild Bill

    As a Vietnam veteran and one who experienced the hatred of an unforgiving country it really makes ones heart wonder if any of these individuals understand that they have the right to protest due to the sacrifices of our soldiers. I am a proud American and will be a patriot till death. How can anyone who professes to be an American do this to our soldiers? Ignorance. Combat soldiers take great pride in protecting innocent people from being caught up in firefights, yet the enemy in Iraq, most of the Iragi citizens, do not care how many innocent they kill in their suicide bombings, or car bombs set off in neighborhoods. Where is the protest of that? Do these people only find their jollies in attempts to discredit American soldiers. Maybe they ought to go to Iraq and Afghanistan and be front line supporter for these insurgents and terrorists. They would soon see by the numbers of them killed by the very ones they support that they are puppets of the enemy and they would be crying for American soldiers to protect them. And do you know what, Our soldiers would just because they are fellow Americans in need of protection. It is no different even though these traitors and terrorists are thousands of miles away. :gun: :mad:

  127. carla

    This is an amazing film, I have seen this type of thing while demonstrating with the Minutemen in LA against illegal immigration, but these people are Americans and it is really beyond me how they can think and say this stuff, where does it come from. I would cry, if it didn’t piss me off so much. I really wish there was a country they could go to, and take Obuma (yes this is how I spell Obama) with them

  128. carla

    Hard to believe these are Americans. I have demonstrated with the Minutemen in LA and seen this with illegals, but these people are complete idiots, where do they get these ideas. Just one of the many reasons I moved to Idaho

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