Iraqi Team Banned From Beijing Olympics

July 24th, 2008 Posted By Bash.



Athletes from Iraq have been banned from taking part at this summer’s Beijing Games, the International Olympic Committee has announced.

The team was already the subject of an interim ban after the Iraqi government replaced the country’s Olympic committee with its own appointees.

Under the IOC charter, all committees must be free of political influence.

As a result the team of two rowers, two sprinters, one archer, one weightlifter and one judo competitor cannot attend.

“The deadline for taking up places for Beijing for all sports except athletics has now passed,” said IOC spokeswoman Giselle Davies.

“The IOC very sadly has now to acknowledge that it is likely there will be no Iraqi presence at the Beijing Olympic Games, despite our best efforts.”

She added: “Clearly, we’d very much like to have seen Iraq’s athletes in Beijing.

“We are very disappointed that the athletes have been so ill-served by their own government’s actions.”

Hussein al-Amidi, the general secretary of the Iraqi Olympic Committee, said: “This morning we were informed of the final decision of the International Olympic Committee to suspend the membership of the Iraqi Olympic Committee.

“It’s a final decision, there is no way to appeal. This means that Iraq will not take part in the coming Olympic games.

“It is a blow to Iraq and its international reputation, its athletes and its youth.

“I swear those athletes who have been training - they phoned me today and they were crying and were very upset.”

BBC Radio 5 Live sports news correspondent Gordon Farquhar added: “The four Iraqi athletes that qualified could have competed under the Olympic flag but the deadline for confirmation of places has passed.”

The committee which the government dismissed was elected in 2004, in line with the Olympic movement’s regulations.

Its chairman, Ahmad al-Samarra’i, and several other members were abducted by gunmen while attending a meeting in central Baghdad in July 2006.

They have not been seen since.

The Iraqi government said it took the move because the committee was corrupt and had not been functioning properly.


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2 Responses

  1. deathstar

    Screw the Olympics. The the worlds youngest democracy dosnt get a chance to compete but a gulag like China hosts the fucking thing. I bet police states like cuba and venezuala will be there. I wonder how free from politics their olympic committees are?

    I suspect the turds who made the decision are anti war liberals kicking Iraq because they are pissed off that Bushes war has been won by the good guys.

  2. Steve Rogers

    :shock: Let me get this straight, the original committee was kidnapped and is probably dead for the past 2 years. A committee appointed by the democraticly elected government doesn’t isn’t good enough and the IOC took 2 years to tell them. Sounds like the fix was in, right from the giddy-up.

    :arrow: “Under the IOC charter, all committees must be free of political influence.”
    Pure as the driven snow. Like the committees of China, Russia, North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela. I’m sure there’s no political influence in those beacons for freedom and liberty.

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