Kerry: U.S. In Danger Of Losing In Afghanistan

July 31st, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


What is it about this guy and “re-education” tactics?


Talk Radio News Service

Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) delivered a speech on a new approach to fighting terrorism. Kerry cited a memo authored by Donald Rumsfeld in 2003 that asked if the United States was dissuading more people from becoming terrorists than radical clerics were deploying. Kerry said the United States still is not deterring terrorists, noting al-Qaeda’s strength along the Afghan-Pakistani border, the Taliban’s resurgence, Hamas’s grip in the Gaza Strip, and Hezbollah’s influence in Lebanon.

Kerry said the United States should engage in a strategic reorientation already enacted by Saudi Arabia. He stated that the Saudi government has been able to gain the upper-hand in the fight against terrorism by using counter-indoctrination. According to Kerry, the Saudi government has imams explain Islam’s opposition to extremist ideologies to detainees and sponsors messages at soccer matches featuring former terrorists who urge against radical jihad. Kerry said the United States was most successful in the fight against extremism when it provided post-earthquake aid to Pakistan and assisted tsunami relief in Indonesia. Kerry called the Administration’s policy of torture and indefinite intention “self-defeating.”

To win the global war on terror, Kerry advocated helping Pakistan fight al-Qaeda along the Afghan border and increasing American aid to the Pakistani people, a move he suggested would cause the population to grow tired of extremists’ presence. Kerry said “We’re in real danger of losing in Afghanistan” and said fixing problems in Pakistan is the only way to prevent a loss from occurring.

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13 Responses

  1. Anderson S. Wise- VA (America, FUCK YEAH!!!)

    Total douchebag.

  2. Kurt(the infidel)

    yeah this guy is an ass. he hooked his wagon to the wrong horse in Iraq and now hes trying to do the same thing with Afghanistan.

    John Kerry says, “Crow. its whats for dinner”

  3. sully

    Like to knock those teeth out of lurch’s bitch traitors viet ass-licking mouth.

  4. Terry S(the kufr)

    This SOS (sack of s**t) has been doing thisfor 40 years and still hasnt got the message that the US will not “LOSE” militarily only when the sheep give up. This is what the islamists are bending over to their shaitan in the hope of. When whining traitors like this speak up they hearten the enemy, within and without.Who prints or devolves this crap from him? :twisted:

  5. Mike in CA

    This guy is a real P.O.S. He’s one of those that would love to see us lose in the middle east. Then he’d run around saying “See, I told you so, see?” I hope we go in and blast the crap out of those assholes (pun intended) and show Kerry, Kennedy, the Breck Girl (another P.O.S.), Pelosi, Boxer, and the rest of them that we are a world power and they shouldn’t FUCK with us! :gun: :beer:

  6. billie

    “He stated that the Saudi government has been able to gain the upper-hand in the fight against terrorism by using counter-indoctrination.”

    No, they kill terrorists in Saudi Arabia. That’s why the government has the “upper-hand.” This is why clerics convicted in the U.K. aren’t normally deported back to their home countries — because they’re wanted for trying to overthrow those governments also and they face torture and a possible death sentence if they return.

  7. 0311YutYut

    “We’re in real danger of losing in Afghanistan

    He’s only saying that cuz we won in Iraq.

  8. Dan (The Infidel)

    The guy on the left of Lurch Kerry in the pic was one of those so-called winter soldiers who claimed that he saw US troops massacre civilians. Only his claim was that he was a pilot doing that. Turns out the punk was stationed in Greenland and never once set foot in VN. Nor was he a pilot.
    Kerry lied and people died. His winter soldiers also lied and never saw shit in VN, cause most were never there or if they were were REMF’s.

    Liars all.

    “He stated that the Saudi government has been able to gain the upper-hand in the fight against terrorism by using counter-indoctrination.”

    Correction Johnny-boy, the only thing the Salifists in Saudi are doing different is teaching jihadis to kill infidels not fellow Muslims. That’s the only thing they and Eqypt are doing. So fuck you dipshit.

  9. Mike Mose

    All of the Dems are trying to lose a war somewhere in the world to validate there existence. They’ve been wrong at every turn and every policy.

    If we listened to fools like Obama and Kerry,we would be fight Muslims in America today.

  10. Happyone

    This is the new dem talking point: stir up hysteria that we are “losing” in Afghanistan. Since they can’t crow about Iraq anymore, and can’t admit victory, then they’ve got to find another front they want to lose. Last time I heard him talking on “Meet the Press” about a month ago, he was explaining about the surge had not worked, and we had not won in Iraq, because Bush didn’t understand the complicated history of the region, and the current decrease in violence had to do with that. Yeah, right. Jerk.

  11. Zeke Eagle

    Heads up Ichabod, you are about to lose your cushy seat at the Senate and then yore sugar momma will dump yore boney ass for some other sitting Senator. With no protection you will be facing us to be trated more poorly than we were in the seventies.

    I promise to contribute to your soggy grave, traitor!

  12. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Kerry: U.S. In Danger Of Losing In Afghanistan

    You are a lying sack of crap Kerry. You continue to disgrace the nation. :evil:

  13. just posting


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