Lesbians Beat Lesbians

July 22nd, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


Actually, this is a much nicer picture of Lesbos …


Greeks islanders on Lesbos lose ‘lesbian’ case

An Athens court on Tuesday rejected a complaint by inhabitants of the Greek island of Lesbos who had wanted gay women to stop monopolising the term ‘lesbian’, a justice source said.

The court ruled that the term “lesbian” does not define status and personality and therefore the islanders had no reason to complain that they felt personally slighted by its use.

Three residents of the Aegean Sea island had filed a complaint in April, calling on the Greek Gay and Lesbian Community (OLKE), the country’s main homosexual association, to drop the term.

The verdict is open to appeal.

Often referred to in Greece as Mytilene — the name of Lesbos’ capital — the island was the home of the poet Sappho, who expressed her love of other women in lyric verses written in the early sixth century BC.

Many locals are rankled by the fact that the resort of Eressos is a popular tourist destination for lesbians.


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9 Responses

  1. JJIrons

    See them “treasure trails” going down from their belly buttons? Guh! Armpit hair that Monkey Boy would be jealous of? No War on their gut? No kidding. Who’d fight for you!?! Why is it that the more immoral someone is, the more argumentative they are? Nasty hags. Pelosi’s friends, no doubt.

  2. franchie

    uh, Mikonos = Lesbos, for gay men ; no protestation though, Why ?

    we have an expression here “vas te faire voir chez les Grecs” (go and see yourself by the Greecs men), means that the greec men are also fans of the “bagatelle” (ie Socrate, Plato… disciples)

    I suppose if they complain about the lesbians there, it’s because they can’t fuck them.

    The foreign tourists are their favorite preys

  3. Jessica


  4. dadeo

    That pose; they look like they’re from that movie( w/ Donald Southerland)Legend of the Body Snachers. No pun intended :lol:

    Now that it’s oficial we’ll have to call them something else. We can go back to Butch, or something more contempory like Carpet Muncher.

  5. Logan

    Perhaps the reason that they became lesbians in the first place was due to their unattractiveness?
    What sort of man would want to date something like that?

  6. Kurt(the infidel)

    well looks like the carpet munchers get to keep their name for now. but if the women from the island of Lesbos needs a lotion-boy they know how to get a hold of me :lol:

  7. CBL

    Those arent lesbians, they are dykes. Jesus they have more hair under their arms than I do. I can just imagine what the basement looks like :???:

  8. franchie

    “basement looks like” : curzed grass (gazon maudit)

  9. Kevin

    Ha, the best thing is the meet single lesbians in your area advertisement on the right hand side of the page…

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