Magician Criss Angel Survives Imploding Hotel Stunt

July 30th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.

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8 Responses

  1. mike3481

    15 or 20 years ago I read a novel, (can’t remember the name of it), about this high-rise steel worker who survives a several hundred foot fall on to the street below and then a short time later survived another fatal accident without a scratch.

    People started whispering that he was the second coming of Christ, so much so that he was invited to meet the Pope.

    So he goes, gets there and is ushered into the room to meet the Pope and a Vatican Official walks up to him, pulls out a 1911 .45 and puts a round into his chest to see whether or not the guy is the second coming of Christ.

    My point is, visa vie the Chris Angel Video…He better be careful before some people get the wrong idea about him.


  2. RememberOurFathers

    Criss Angel is a fake ass bitch.

  3. mindy abraham

    It’s all slight of hand He just happens to be good at it

  4. tedders

    Have you ever tried to watch one of his shows? Complete bullshit. It’s for second graders and mental midgets. They’ll show close up of his ratty feet an inch above the ground then a close up of his rat like eyes squinting like that’s proof he levitating. Watch one show of his and you never want to see another. Just watch the end of this video and note his lame ass “oh I’m hurt” walk, it’s all for the cameras.

  5. Chuck

    I know a guy that worked with him on some of the TV productions and I was told he is a complete fraud. Not hard to figure out on your own though.

  6. Indy

    Actually, he’s not a fraud at all. He never claims to have any supernatural or otherwise magical powers. He says he’s an illusionist, and that’s it. It’s the same with guys like Penn & Teller, or Houdini. They’re talented tricksters, but that’s all they are, and they say/said as much. They spend their free time debunking frauds like Carle Mae & Joy Star that essentially prey on people.

  7. Kevin

    Yeah, that’s pretty lame to say that an illustionist is a fraud. It’s an illusion, and if he pulls it off, then how is that fradulant?

  8. Look Ma I'm Flying!

    :wink: How to levitate

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