McCain Finally Throws A Punch

July 22nd, 2008 Posted By Bash.


McCain leveled one to the jaw today when Hussein dropped his guard and said he would have still been against the surge if he knew then what he knows now…and it was very satisfying to see McCain take that shot.

I really think that America “Gets it” now Senator McCain. You are an honorable man who fights fair.

Nobody will ever question that. Nobody will ever question your morality relative to Hussein’s.

So, for crying out loud, take off the gloves, and start beating the crap out of this lying, empty suit, no count, inexperienced, megalomaniacal, narcissistic, corrputed, bullshit artist already.

Sheesh…go for the KO, man!

Check this out. It’s a new spin on an old quote of his:

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17 Responses

  1. Mike in VA

    Keep it up, Mac. :beer:

  2. AZ Patriot

    Ouch that’s going to leave a mark :mrgreen:

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    Obama will be so easy to attack. the guy is not a real American. all of his faults will earn big points for McCain if he keeps pointing them out. stay on the offense

  4. jimmy(the bullet)

    just keep tellin’ it like it is,john.not all of us are under the magic negro’s spell :beer:

  5. American Infidel

    That’s one punch. I want a knock out.

  6. exDemocrat

    Let’s roll Juan!

    woot woot!

  7. mike3481



  8. 31Mike

    Keep punching till he’s pissing blood for three days.

  9. Mike Mose

    The truth will kill Obama and the Democrats.

  10. Happyone

    I heard Howard Wolfson say today “McCain has no message,” that’s why there’s no coverage. And Mary Matalin couldn’t respond. Wolfson said all people have to do is see McCain and know he will be the Bush third term. Matalin should have said “Obama is Carter’s second term.” Every time they say that about Bush, they should respond with Carter. Because it’s true. Obama is picking up where Carter left off.

  11. Tom in CO

    I guess he’s just too old to put up his dukes anymore ;)

  12. Steve in NC

    McCain’s campaign is meandering because he is more worried about his popularity inside the beltway and on MSM than he is about being a ’straight talker’. He has been in the beltway so long he is detached from reality. That is what happened to Bush in the second term.

    McCain is willing to lose an election and possibly this country because he wants to get along. obama and his minions would just as well cut off McCains balls and feed them to him in response.

    Trying to get along with the democrats is futile. They will stab you in the back and twist it.

  13. Kim

    :arrow: Steve in NC

    Well said. McCain is investing too much in being the “nice guy” instead of the “right guy”.

  14. just posting

    reinforce that every single day Mccain

  15. James Hooker "The Anti-Diddy"

    Still, in my most profound wisdom :roll:, JM might be saving his ammo for after the democrats convention in order to know just who his target really is, cause, Hillary ain´t dead yet and the democrats, at the convention, are going to fly apart like a Yugo at Taladega.

    I think! :shock:

  16. Steve in NC

    I think Hillary is still in play. If the birth certificate issue is real that would make it a clean break. We have time for some real shit to hit. Drop it just days before the convention, enough time to reach the delegates and not enough time for spin to save him. Superdelegates are not committed to represent the voters. They are to do what is best for the politburo, er I mean the democrat party.

  17. Cooper

    This is the kind of talk that we would have been getting on a regular basis, if Hussein had agreed to the townhall meetings with McCain. Hussein knows that one on one, he will go down every time against McCain, so he is dodging the debates for as long as he can.

    Remember a year ago…they were doing those fuckin youtube debates? It seemed like there was a debate every other week for the damn primaries. Why aren’t we seeing this for the much more important general? Fuckin Hussein is a pussy girl, that’s why, and it makes me want to puke.

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