McCain Vows To Protect Israel From Another Holocaust

July 21st, 2008 Posted By Bash.


“…I have to look you in the eye and tell you that the United States of America can never allow a second Holocaust.”

JERUSALEM - U.S. presidential candidate John McCain told an Israeli TV station that stiffer sanctions might stop Iran’s threats against Israel. In an interview broadcast Monday, the Republican candidate said that in any event, the U.S. would not allow Iran to try to destroy Israel.

McCain’s interview with Israel’s Channel 2 TV aired just before Democratic candidate Barack Obama is due to arrive in Israel.

Asked about Israel feeling the need to attack Iran, McCain replied, “I would hope that would never happen, I would hope that Israel would not feel that threatened, ” saying the U.S. and Europe could impose “significant, very painful sanctions on Iran which I think could modify their behaviour.”

He added, “But I have to look you in the eye and tell you that the United States of America can never allow a second Holocaust.”

Israel considers Iran a strategic threat, discounting reports that Iran has dropped efforts to build nuclear weapons. Iran is developing long-range rockets and has called often for Israel’s destruction.

Asked about possible military actions against Iran, McCain said, “I think we have a lot of options to explored before we seriously explore the military option, and I don’t think we have exercised those enough.”

McCain said he favours low-level contacts with Iranian officials, but not a meeting of presidents without preconditions.


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6 Responses

  1. SOC

    Thank you John Mc Cain. That’s the message. We stand behind God’s chosen people. Now you got God on your side!!!

  2. JonnyMordant

    Tommorow mornings headlines will read “Obama buys Yamika and promises he’ll convert to Judaism if goddamned American Jews in all 50 some odd states will vote for him”…

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    i could see that happening Jonny. that pandering bastard Obama.

    i think its our moral obligation to protect Israel against any threat they face. Glad McCain said what he did although i disagree with him that more sanctions will do anything.

  4. Laura

    How, if Iran is allowed to acquire nuclear weapons technology? Time is running out.

  5. Kurt(the infidel)

    :arrow: Laura


  6. mike3481

    :arrow: article -McCain said, “But I have to look you in the eye and tell you that the United States of America can never allow a second Holocaust.”

    Yeah, but Obama might let it happen.

    :arrow: Laura,

    How to stop a nuclear Iran?

    It will be the nastiest piece of work since WW2!

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