Michigan Imam Demands Candidates Submit To CAIR: McCain & Hussein Must Condemn “Islamophobia”

July 8th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


This fukn puke piglet…you can see him with the little white beanie cap just behind the speaker in that inset left picture at a “No Borders” anti-illegal immigration rally in 2006. This snake is the exact type of person who is masquerading as an American with a pro-Jihadi-turn-USA-into-caliphate agenda.

Guys like him need to get the hell out of America…yesterday-like.

You can read this idiotic article written by Dawud Walid, an imam and executive director of the Michigan chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

He issued aveiled threat:

Strong statements that Muslims are legitimate Americans with the right to full expression and that Islamophobia is counterproductive to our national interests have been sorely missing from the political landscape.

If the presidential nominees fail to speak out strongly against bigotry, they should take responsibility for the fact that being soft on bias against Muslims will harm our nation’s commitment to civil rights and could promote increased anti-Americanism in the Muslim world.

Hey! How about shut the fuck up and get the hell out of America? How does that sound?

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11 Responses

  1. Cooper

    :arrow: Bash
    “Hey! How about shut the fuck up and get the hell out of America?”

    Couldn’t have said it better myself. These fuckers will learn their lesson one of these days, when Americans wake up and realize what we already know to be true: Islam is a death cult filled with pedophiles who make it their mission to convert, kill, and impose sharia law. America does not have room for their “in-the-closet” hatred of all things non-muslim.

  2. Kurt(the infidel)

    wow these people have more nerve than a fucking burglar! the “un-indicted co-conspirators” think they are in a position to make demands? oink oink! this is just too much and im sick of this ’soft jihad’ going on in our country and the western world for that matter. also annoys the hell out of me that hardly no one seems to realize its going on

  3. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    This Islamic asshole needs to leave the nation right now.
    Get the fu*k out piglet, you towel-headed bed-sheeter.
    Guess what piglet?
    Islam sucks.
    Mohammed was a pedaphile. :gun: :twisted:

  4. Steve in NC

    islamaphobia….hmm…I wonder, did the passengers of these flights had islamaphobia?

    American Airlines Flight 11
    United Airlines Flight 175
    American Airlines Flight 77
    United Airlines Flight 93

  5. dadeo

    Since Hussein = Sleeper Cell he will likely continue to ignore the likes of Wally. Unless he is elected POTUS.

    Then real change will occur, we’ll become Islamic States of America.

    McCain’s response should be something along the lines of “My friends, I will be humbled and honored to show all the goat fucking islamic pigs to the door of our great nation, just as soon as I’m elected.”

    In any event Wally, it’s not islamophobia; it’s natural instinct of survival, and you and your ilk have to go.

    So, fuck you Wally :gun:

  6. dadeo

    Since Hussein = Sleeper Cell he will likely continue to ignore the likes of Wally. Unless he is elected POTUS.

    Then real change will occur, we’ll become Islamic States of America.

    McCain’s response should be something along the lines of “My friends, I will be humbled and honored to show all goat fucking islamic pig-dogs to the door of our great nation, just as soon as I’m elected.”

    In any event Wally, it’s not islamophobia; it’s natural instinct of survival and you and your scummy ilk have to go!

    So fuck you Wally :gun:

  7. SOC

    The muslims are our enemies. All internal muslim groups including should be closed and their leaders arrested for aiding terrorists and sedition. These people want to take over and establish sharia law.They use taqiyya as a way to hide their real intent. Most are previously unemployed and are on our welfare roles for food, medical, housing, unemployment
    income. Most paroles, who became muslims in prison, are trained by these internal muslim groups on how to take advantage of our welfare systems after they leave prison.
    So basically many members of these muslim groups are excons.

    They have no right to be making demands from anyone. They need to be deported.

  8. BradW (the Infidel)

    Communists tried to do this to an extent during the 50’s and 60’s. They were jailed and deported. Precedent set, ship the bastards out

  9. John Goodrow

    My home state is fucked, they have taken over EVERY corner store/gas station in the southern half of Michigan. I think muslims start rioting in America it will start in Detroit.

  10. Lock and Load

    Islamophobia is the only thing likely to save American national interests at this point, as many who are charged with protecting those interests are being lulled to sleep with sensitivity training or battered with CAIR lawsuits.

    Hey Dawud, maybe if your Muslim brothers stopped tearing up the planet with holy war there would be a lot less bias against you. Until then, shut up or find more friendly shores elsewhere.

  11. TJ (Honorary Lesbian)

    all black muslims are pawns of arabic imperialism. face mecca, go on a pilgrimnage to saudi arabia speak only arabic. In sudan Black=slave and it is often uttered in that way. Black muslims are tools. :cry:

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