NY Times Rejects McCain’s Op-Ed Rebuttal Of Hussein’s Iraq Essay

July 21st, 2008 Posted By Bash.


DRUDGE is reporting this morning that the New York Slimes is rejecting John McCain’s editorial he submitted as a rebuttal to Barack Hussein Obama’s Op-Ed piece on Iraq entitled “My Plan For Iraq.”

This is freaking the most blatant act of media bias I have seen since…since the current Hussein world tour.

Good grief…

Read the Drudge Report account and the editorial that McCain submitted and had rejected here.

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19 Responses

  1. Q_Mech

    This is off-topic, but I can’t pass it up. I see that the fucking AP isn’t done using Dwyer’s passing to push its own disgusting agenda. They’ve found someone associated with the story that is “angry at the Army” and so that’s suddenly worth ANOTHER story.

    We don’t get actual news on successes in Iraq, but instead these assholes harp on a dead hero:


    I am fucking LIVID right now.

  2. A. S. Wise-VA (America, FUCK YEAH!!!)

    The douchebags. This is so typical of the NYT, and MSM as a whole. To hell with all of them.

  3. Bash

    :arrow: Q-Mech…

    And you faithful Readers will know that we covered Dwyer’s passing back when it happened.


    The MSM’s agenda is, dare I call it?


  4. drillanwr (Will Bleed For Domestic Oil Drilling)

    :arrow: Q_Mech

    When that story broke a week or two ago I recall reading the poor guy was “fighting his demons” before he’d even gone into the Army. (according to him Mother, I think it was …)

    On the contrary … seems to me his stretch IN THE ARMY may have been his ’savior’ … giving him focus, and purpose … getting outside his [self-consumption] that ended-up taking him.

    His experiences in Iraq may have caused his mind some added ‘confusion’ and inability to handle life in general … but unfortunately as I understand it the guy had core mental issues that had NOT been addressed all along … before deploying.

    This shit of ‘reaching’ for using the war as the cause for everything wrong in veteran’s lives when they get home is really very much like blaming “Global Warming” and “Climate Change” for anything and everything that happens in the world … right down to fucking sports’ scores …

  5. deathstar

    And the dumb shits in charge at the NYT wonder why the value of their stock has declined by close to 70% in the last five years.

  6. Kurt(the infidel)

    the MSM can blow me. im seriously past the point of ever returning to them. i will never take them seriously, i will always look for their bias and more so, expect it. I cant believe that our news media in this country are allowed to so blatantly be used as a propaganda machine for one political party. it shouldnt even be legal, especially when taken into consideration the way they have fought against our efforts in Afghanistan and even published ‘top secret’ information

  7. Happyone

    NYT told McCain they would accept/look at a piece that had specific timetables for troop withdrawals. Now, they are dictating policies to be supported in their editorial contributions. Hahahaha….1984, meet 2008.

  8. Steve in NC

    We should not be surprised.

    Sometimes the line between sides is clearly drawn.

  9. Lock and Load

    The sooner people accept the fact, the clearer they will see reality :shock:

  10. sully

    Liberal Fascism in the light of day.

  11. momps

    doesn’t that go along the lines of “free” advertising by the media?

  12. Brian H

    Just a wee quibble with McCain: I wish he’d stop pushing the “Mission Accomplished error” BS. That photo was a “framing hoax”. The banner was actually the carrier sailors’ self-congratulation for finishing THEIR mission. The photog had to stretch out on the deck at a weird angle to get it positioned above GWB’s head and make it look like his statement.
    The text of his speech actually specifically warns against getting too triumphant about progress to that point.

    This was one of the most successful MSM scams ever.

  13. Happyone

    Not to mention, after reading the editorial by McCain, that lowlife editor didn’t like it because it was hard hitting, threw punches Obama couldn’t deflect. What gall! That hack is married to Naomi Wolf, another sanctimonious member of the liberal “elite.” The irony of irony is that Sen. McCain’s “editorial” actually contains a mountain of facts that go unreported in the NYT and MSM. Facts I am sure every American would like to know, but are obscured by the press. What a shame.

  14. Dbo

    :arrow: Q-mech

    I read one of those articles about Dwyer. One claimed he had bad dreams and ptsd from roadside bombs. Only one problem, roadside bombs didnt exist in Iraq in the time Dwyer was over there. IEDs didnt become commonplace until well after he left - later on in the summer of 2003. Blaitant fuckin liars in the msm.

  15. Kurt(the infidel)

    replace Afghanistan with Iraq in my comment. my bad

  16. JonnyMordant

    :arrow: Kurt(the infidel)

    Actually I think we can leave Afghanistan in tact in your comment (it’s almost prophetic in my opinion), the left and MSM are already beginning to sell the idea that all hope is lost in Afghanistan as we speak… It’s part of the Obama campaigns game plan… In order for Obama to appear capable of a wartime victory they’ve decided to diminish the progress in Afghanistan while parroting McCain’s game plan for Afghanistan, in the eyes of those who want Obama to be a hero and really don’t care enough about our troops to recognize that they are already winning in Afghanistan the charade makes the inevitable victory by our troops appear to be the result of Obamas ability to turn a losing battle into a major victory…

  17. RememberOurFathers

    I’m certain that Dwyer may have had drug problems before the service, but I have to say, most of us who join the service, aren’t fucking saints. This brave soldier didnt shoot up his apartment because he was trying to kill a fly the hard way, but because he probably legitimately thought Iraqis were coming after him. I’ve seen things like this first hand with my father. My father, a Veteran of two tours of duty in Vietnam, left my wedding early because he swore to me that he was seeing VC in the church. I believe that Dwyer did bring those demons home. Sometimes people resort to drugs to numb certain feelings that they are not comfortable having. PTSD is real, and like his mother said, Joseph never came back from Iraq. Just because some people may use PTSD as a crutch, don’t stereotype every veteran who DIES from an overdose as one of the shirtbirds who are looking for anyway out of Iraq. May you find the Peace in death, that you couldn’t find in life. Rest in peace brother.

  18. Howard

    Like Joseph Goebbels, American main stream media has replaced objectivity, integrity, and free choice with one sided reporting, that reflects their bias for Barack Obama. The American Press used to be the last bastion of truth. When special interests got out of hand, the press came to the rescue and exposed them to the public. Now, the press is the special interest, with their own agenda.

  19. Howard

    Like Joseph Goebbels, American main stream media has replaced objectivity, integrity, and free choice with one sided reporting, that reflects their bias for Barack Obama. The American Press used to be the last bastion of truth. When special interests got out of hand, the press came to the rescue and exposed them to the public. Now, the press is the special interest with their own agenda.

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