Real Or Fake? Helicopter Fishing…WTF?

July 16th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

They must have similar fish there in Aussieland because all the fish he named Mahi-Mahi (dorado), Wahoo (Ono), Yellowfin Tuna (Ahi), and Striped Marlin is what I fished for with a couple of other guys during my summers in high school. We’d take out a 24 ft Radon and troll all day anywhere from 2-10 miles out and come in with decent catches, I would make (in 1978-1980 dollars) about $500/wk off my cut, and we caught a lot of these fish.

But I find it extremely hard to believe that he actually grabbed that fukn marlin like that. The bird piles is what you look for, and you can even see the “boil”…these are splashes of bigger fish underwater coming up and feeding on the smaller fishies, the same thing the birds are feeding on, thats how you “hunt” out there, look for bird piles on the horizon, especially when the birds are dive bombing and the water is boiling. Looks like snow falling in the distance…

But I just don’t know about this…


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13 Responses

  1. Mike Swann

    Fish are slimy. That one was probably 200lbs+ and goes 60mph. Nawwwww.

  2. One Shot

    That fish would have gone instantly ballistic and overpowered that guy in a heartbeat. Something is not right.

  3. alex

    it is probably real because birds do catch fish in a similar fashion and catching 220lb boars with a couple of dogs and a knife is quite common in australia and new zealand and new zealand is known for extreme things so i dont doubt somebody would have the balls to give this a shot :lol: heres their site

  4. alex!!!! yep definitely real :shock: crazy bastard is the only word for that guy :lol:

  5. mike3481

    :arrow: Mike Swann
    :arrow: One Shot

    :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer:

  6. GBU43

    Notice how the camera man in the water was in the perfect position to film it?

    They caught that fish previously, wore it out and held it in place until the guy jumped in.

  7. infidel

    I question how the video was taken of him from the vantage of someone already in the water as he jumped on the fish. The first person in the water, which was the cameraman, would have spooked the big fish before he had a chance to jump on it. This could have taken place in an aquarium somewhere.

  8. Bash

    :arrow: GBU43

    That’s what I think happened…

  9. Mike Swann

    Bash, GBU43: x3

  10. rightangle

    He jumps wearing a pair of sunglasses and then I never saw them again while he was wrestling the marlin.

  11. mike3481

    :arrow: GBU43

    Exactly… :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer: :wink:

  12. James Hooker "The Anti-Diddy"

    That´s the way General Patton and I used to fish, only we would run them down with a speeding PT boat to tire them out first. No, it wasn´t a government issue PT boat. It was a used one we purchased from Imelda Marcos that she got in her divorce settlement from Henry Fonda.

  13. Jarhead68

    :arrow: James Hooker

    It’s a bit early to be hittin’ the sauce, bro. But then again, it’s 5 PM SOMEWHERE. LOL.

    Can anyone say “Drugged Marlin”?

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