Report: Russia To “Neutralize” U.S. Missile Defense System

July 14th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Agencie France Presse:

Russia’s military is ready to “neutralise” any threat to its nuclear deterrent from US missile defence sites in Europe, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Kislyak said Monday, according to Interfax news agency.

“If we see the development of systems that could reduce our deterrent potential, our military will have to take steps to neutralise the threat,” Kislyak was quoted as saying at a briefing in Moscow.

He did not specify the steps that would be taken, saying “this will be decided by military specialists.”

“We would prefer not to have to do this,” he added.

Kislyak said US proposals to ease Russian concerns about the missile shield, which Washington claims is aimed at countering possible threats from states such as Iran, remained in doubt.

US Defence Secretary Robert Gates and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice visited Moscow in March and offered Russia the opportunity to monitor the sites, which they plan to install in the Czech Republic and Poland, but Czech and Polish officials later cast doubt on that offer.

“There are misunderstandings between what the US foreign and defence ministers said here (in Moscow) and what their Czech and Polish partners say. So this still remains in question,” Kislyak said.

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12 Responses

  1. Earlg

    Well good. That’s just great!

    Now Medvedev and Putin–rotten bastards that they are–needn’t worry about US putting our systems in Poland and the Czech Republic.

    Hell…all of Eurabia.

    See…everything works-out for the best. :cool: :twisted:

  2. TBinSTL (just typical)

    First question is, “How?” and then “so what”….

  3. SOC

    People who make veiled threats are scared. This is sabre rattling. They want the Iranians to have the bomb….

  4. KC

    Such a big fuss for a missle defense system the Democrats say doesn’t work.

  5. BoomBoom

    Putin can’t pump oil fast enough for export.
    Bush lifts the moratorium on offshore drilling and to help drive down the price of oil.
    Putin tries to take the price of oil north again.

    SHOCKER!! Putin is a pussy that is getting greased like history has never seen. All about money.

  6. drillanwr (Will Bleed For Domestic Oil Drilling)

    Hey, didn’t Amydidherdad use Vlad’s Photoshop to make those missile launch pictures? :roll:

  7. mike3481

    :arrow: Former Commie Ruskies said, “If we see the development of systems that could reduce our deterrent potential, our military will have to take steps to neutralise the threat,”

    Wake-up Morons, that’s the attitude that caused you idiots to LOSE the cold war!

    We’ll bankrupt you all over again…for no other reason than…it was so much fun to watch the first time! :mrgreen: :beer: :gun:

  8. Q_Mech

    The Russians just plain need to grow up.

  9. Brian H

    Since it isn’t directed at them, that leaves approximately nothing to neutralize, which should make it easy. :roll: :lol:

  10. sierrahome

    Maybe they plan to use that new secret weapon…


  11. Dan (The Infidel)

    And how many generations of technology are the Ruskies behind us now? Two or three? We beat your asses in the last Cold War. Get over it. The Islamo-facists are both of our enemies. Wise up Kremlin buttheads. Get the gremlins out of the Kremlin.

  12. StimpsonJCat


    Putin can’t pump oil fast enough for export.
    Bush lifts the moratorium on offshore drilling and to help drive down the price of oil.
    Putin tries to take the price of oil north again.

    SHOCKER!! Putin is a pussy that is getting greased like history has never seen. All about money.

    You are correct!!!!

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