Report: Schoolboys Get Detention For Refusing To Pray To Allah

July 5th, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.


Saturday, July 05, 2008

Fox News

Two boys were punished this week for refusing to kneel on prayer mats and worship Allah during a class demonstration on Islam, the Daily Mail reported.

Irate parents said a religious education teacher at the Alsager High School in England told students to wear Muslim headgear during a lesson on Tuesday. “But if Muslims were asked to go to church on Sunday and take Holy Communion, there would be war,” the grandfather of one of the students said.

The two boys belong to a class that includes 11- to 12-year-olds, and after their refusal to participate they were given detention, the story says.

Another parent, Karen Williams, told the Mail: “Not only was it forced upon them, my daughter was told off for not doing it right. They’d never done it before and they were supposed to do it in another language.”

Deputy Headmaster Keith Plant said the teacher has given her version of the incident but he declined to elaborate.

According to a statement from the Cheshire County Council on behalf of the school: “Educating children in the beliefs of different faith is part of the diversity curriculum on the basis that knowledge is essential to understanding.

“We accept that such teaching is to be conducted with some sense of sensitivity.”

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11 Responses

  1. John D

    can’t the brits see what’s happening to their country?

    when will the democrats try this in america?

  2. T-Bagg

    :evil: That’s bull shit, straight up.
    I’ll support underage drinking on this, :beer: :beer: to the boys for standing up for the right things. Those are the kind of future leaders that might turn that country around.

  3. GF

    :roll: So, when do they sacrifice a fair maiden - sorry classmate we hardly knew ye - to the gods. What about the wiccan fertility festival; I’m sure the boys would be on board for that one.

  4. 0311inOHio(typical white person)

    :evil: :gun: :twisted: :gun:

  5. CPLViper

    WTF are they thinking about … this is classic “Islam inch-by-inch” methods. Like a cancer, Islam is eating that society away and all that will be left is a shell. Then a sudden collapse.

    Goodbye Britain (used to be Great Britain but since the infestation, the Great has kind of fallen by the way-side).

  6. Vehement

    How many Red Coats would’ve thrown down their arms, and surrendered to us during the Revolution, if they knew how much worse it would get?

  7. dad3-7

    i am watching “destination tokyo” fm 1943… cary grant just said when talking about a shipmate killed by a “jap” that the japaneses give their 5yr olds a dagger and when they are 12 they can take a machine gun apart blindfolded..and trained to kill and their destiny is to kill until death..that ‘we’ can’t rest til the world is rid of such factions of hate.. seems like we still have to fight such terrorist ideals 65yrs later.

  8. Goose

    “when will the democrats try this in america?”

    We hav’nt got any prayer towers yet…

  9. sully

    WTF? “diversity curriculum”?

    IRAQ today is less ’sharia friendly’ than Europe.

  10. Mike Mose

    “Liberal leadership straight to the alter of Allah”

    Praise to Allah and the Liberals. May they enjoy all the benefits of Islam together.

  11. TJ (The Kafir)

    are they also teaching hinduism, bahaism, zorastrianism, buddhism, and satanism as part of the diversity curriculum? sounds like brainwashing to me. :mad:

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