Sarkozy Adamant About The French Fighting To Destroy The Taliban - With Video

July 25th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Listen to this guy. Listen to this guy. Listen to this guy…we can only hope French leadership in the future continues like this. Remember the days of Chirac? What a difference.

French President Sarkozy gave a passionate response regarding France’s committment to destroying the Taliban and fighting Jihadis in that region.

This clip is from the news conference he held with the Magic Popolo, who gave empty answers and really proved, once again, how inept he is…but I won’t put up one second of anything he said at that news conference.

There was an earlier exchange when Christianne Amanpourre (don’t get me started) tried to stir shit up by reminding Sarkozy that he had called black people scum during the riots in 2005 and how did he feel about standing next to Hussein, being a black man, implying Sarkozy was a racist…he freaking–I have no other word–PWND her ass, and I will be putting that clip up in videos later on.

But it was pretty cool seeing Sarkozy get fired up about the French committment to NATO’s mission in Afghanistan.

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16 Responses

  1. doubleglock

    This is great Bash.

    Maybe there’s hope for the free world even if the mutt gets into the POTUS position :?:

  2. Wendy

    I really like this guy. I was just listening to Rush and he had some of the speech Sarkozy did when he came here after getting elected. Brought tears to my eyes that a foreign politician could speak that way about our country and then we have a sitting senator and presidential candidate give a speech in Germany no less at a favorite statue of Hitler’s and say negative things about the country in which he wants to lead. Scary. I would love to know what Sarkozy really thinks of Hussein.

  3. CBL

    This Frenchman has more bawls than Hussein….say it aint so.

  4. Wendy

    Here is that speech. I thought it was brilliant and more of our own politicians need to remember what America is all about. Hard work and nothing is handed to you. You are free to make what you will of your life.

  5. alexjensentx

    Never thought I’d consider moving to France if Obama got elected :???:

  6. jam

    I’m surprised Hussein’s handlers let him share a stage with a French cowboy. Makes Hussein look light in the loafers.

  7. JJIrons

    The French Sylvestre Stalone. Looks like him somewhat. Has the same fighter’s spirit, too. Now I think I will visit France.

  8. Caligula

    :shock: ha! he made the magic popolo look like a pansy-assed fool!!

  9. Dan (The Infidel)

    I like the Sark-man. Duhbama is no match for the Sark-meister. Duhbama is “baba” next to Sarko.

  10. Steve in NC

    left v right, liberal v conservative, none of that matters if you are on your knees in submission before your muslim overlords. At least our new friend Sarkozy understands that.

  11. franchie

    I don’t want to become the “rabat-joie” in that sympathetic ovation, thought you must keep in mind that the whole thing is not gratuitous :

    About Obama, prestation, that’s what his communication advisers told him : not to be grandiloquent in France, that could cost him the office, as it did for Kerry, thas was (also) too much connoted “french”

    yeah, we are the antithesis obsession even for the Dems !!!! LMAO

  12. drillanwr (Will Bleed For Domestic Oil Drilling)

    :arrow: franchie

    We’ll trade you Hussein for Sarko …

  13. franchie

    Drill, no ways, I don’t want to loose Carla, she is his best pass :mrgreen:

  14. z4hos

    He should turn the French Foreign Legion loose in Afghanistan and let them do what they used to do best, kill the bastards!

  15. drillanwr (Will Bleed For Domestic Oil Drilling)

    :arrow: franchie

    Drill, no ways, I don’t want to loose Carla, she is his best pass

    What?!? You DON’T want Michelle??? :roll:

  16. Mark

    “Vive la mort, vive la guerre, vive le sacre mercenaire.”

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